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  • Dougie
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
30 March 2014 01:37:44





Ha'way the lads
30 March 2014 06:33:39

Cloudy, 6.9c



30 March 2014 07:23:05
9c cloudy.
Observations from around GUILDFORD in SURREY and now Nottingham
30 March 2014 08:12:26
Dull 6.9c
30 March 2014 08:16:04

Hazy sunshine.

It was 12.5 C at 2.30 am last night, which does explain me waking up at about that time sweating like a stuck nun and opening windows to let some fresh air in. It eventually reached it's minimum of 10.0 C at 6.30 am.

Folkestone Harbour. 
30 March 2014 08:34:57
Different day same SEly rubbish. Currently grey, murky and 6.6°C and will probably stay that way for about another 4 days and nights.
30 March 2014 08:51:04
Overcast but dry

Wind SE breeze

Temp 6.6C

Pressure 1013.6mb
Veteran of winter of 62/63
By Scapa Flow, Orkney
30 March 2014 09:00:47

Minimum of 7.8c at 07:12      partly cloudy.  12.4c   in the shade 9.4c.

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
30 March 2014 09:01:01

Different day same SEly rubbish. Currently grey, murky and 6.6°C and will probably stay that way for about another 4 days and nights.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

Yes Michael - patchy light drizzle just adding to the excitement here this morning...


East Neuk of Fife

30 March 2014 09:02:11
Very foggy, 6.6°C. Can't see much improvement for most of the day.
[email protected]
30 March 2014 10:41:12

Hazy, milky sunshine, mild but breezy, 12c.

Loughborough, EM.

Knowledge is power, ignorance is weakness.

30 March 2014 12:15:13

Ouch, Doc, feel for you. Reminded me of that "Newfoundland" effect this time last year where it just would NOT warm up at this end due to below average SSTs, even well into June I couldn't sit in the garden without getting covered with goosepimples.
  This time round, it has been more than decent enough this morning to spend hours tending to my garden in just a T shirt and jogging bottoms.
  However, the sun is now being blotted out by cirrostratus spilling in from France but it's stilll quite warm at 17.9 C with 48% humidity under light winds.

Update at 1.45 pm: Now 19.4 C with 42% humidity, even though the sensor is in a shaded east-facing back yard and the sun is completely obscured by high cloud cover. Seems that the continental airflow is having the desired effect.

*Ding!*. It's just touched 20.0 C. Also very dry with a desert-like 38% humidity.

Folkestone Harbour. 
  • POD
  • Advanced Member
30 March 2014 13:56:49


temp 17.6c
rh 41% pressure 1013.0mb falling
wind 5mph sse

Pat, Crawley Down, West Sussex.
30 March 2014 14:15:55
Sun not really breaking through, 12.7c
Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
30 March 2014 14:30:51

Now quite overcast with extensive cirrostratus and temperatures dribbling down to 16.6 C at this end. The saving grace is not having to use the heating as winds are very light.
Looking more like a DVD type afternoon rather than rushing out to "make the most of the nice weather". That'll do me fine.

Folkestone Harbour. 
30 March 2014 15:30:18

Cloudy & shyt, like yesterday. 12.3C and misty.

We need a good SW wind to blow this muck away.

Whitkirk, Leeds - 85m ASL.
30 March 2014 16:01:20
19c sunny
Observations from around GUILDFORD in SURREY and now Nottingham
30 March 2014 16:03:14
6.8C. Today's max so far. Low cloud and haar. Wind ESE.
P+ve Giant
30 March 2014 16:35:23

Recent slight shower shortly after someone lit a BBQ A max of 21C in the back garden earlier from plenty of hazy sunshine and mostly light easterlies. Pressure steady @ 1012mb.

Currently 15.8C

Medlock Vale Weather
30 March 2014 16:35:27

Current Air Temp: 14.1C, max 15.5C
Dew Point: 7.8C
Wind speed/direction: 18mph/East
Conditions: Dull overcast, quite poor visibility, probably the pollution from the continent?

Alan in Medlock Valley - Oldham's frost hollow. 103 metres above sea level.
What is a frost hollow? 
Crepuscular Ray
30 March 2014 17:43:56
Horrendous day...cold foggy and so gloomy, only 7 C!
Edinburgh, in the frost hollow below Blackford Hill
30 March 2014 18:42:41
Dank, dreary, foggy all day. 7.6°C max. Current: 6.2°C
[email protected]
30 March 2014 18:58:46
Maxed out at 15.3c here with hazy sunshine but felt lovely when it was out. Had a picnic on the garden with the kids as well! That'll do thanks!
Home - near Penrith 150m ASL
Work - North/Central Cumbria
30 March 2014 19:41:12
13c fair.
Observations from around GUILDFORD in SURREY and now Nottingham

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