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Andy Woodcock
30 March 2014 14:38:34

After 4 reliable years I am considering replacing my Nexus Weather station. The instruments still work very well but the signal is sometimes lost and the software is far from ideal. To calculate monthly average maximum and minimum I have to note each days high and low then do the maths, its a pain and takes ages!!

I am considering purchasing the Vantage Vue but am a little confused by the software I will need.

I want it to calculate average monthly maximum and minimum for me and if possible be able to link it to my computer although this isnt essential.

Davis seems to charge a lot for the Weatherlink package, could I use cheaper software available on the internet?

Any advice welcome as I will be spending over £250 and want to get it right first time!



Andy Woodcock

Altitude 535 feet

"Why are the British so worried about climate change? Any change to their climate can only be an improvement" John Daley 2001
  • four
  • Advanced Member
31 March 2014 20:55:37

You pretty much have to buy Weatherlink to get the Data logger connector.
To be fair this isn't just a bit of wire and connector- it can store (up to) several weeks of data which can be downloaded at intervals should you not want to keep it connected to a computer permanently.

I found Weatherlink capable but decidedly clunky and old fashioned, the main contemders for alternative software which can do all the logging and at least some of your sums are Weather-Display and Cumulus.
Both have their good and bad points. Cumulus seems generally easier to set up but WD has an immense amount of customisation options you can tinker with later.

Bear in mind that you can only easily run one software dealing with the data at a time, so a decision needs to be made quite early on which one works best.
You could use weatherlink initially, and import the logfiles to most other software at a later date if desired.
If you buy weatherlink just for the data logger, there's no pressing need to install the actual software at all, but you do need drivers so the computer can communicate withe logger and console - either from the supplied disc or download from the Davis site.

The radio link is rock solid with the Vue, it is practically the same system as used with the VP2, in fact the consoles are interchangeable.

Andy Woodcock
31 March 2014 21:36:38

You pretty much have to buy Weatherlink to get the Data logger connector.
To be fair this isn't just a bit of wire and connector- it can store (up to) several weeks of data which can be downloaded at intervals should you not want to keep it connected to a computer permanently.

I found Weatherlink capable but decidedly clunky and old fashioned, the main contemders for alternative software which can do all the logging and at least some of your sums are Weather-Display and Cumulus.
Both have their good and bad points. Cumulus seems generally easier to set up but WD has an immense amount of customisation options you can tinker with later.

Bear in mind that you can only easily run one software dealing with the data at a time, so a decision needs to be made quite early on which one works best.
You could use weatherlink initially, and import the logfiles to most other software at a later date if desired.
If you buy weatherlink just for the data logger, there's no pressing need to install the actual software at all, but you do need drivers so the computer can communicate withe logger and console - either from the supplied disc or download from the Davis site.

The radio link is rock solid with the Vue, it is practically the same system as used with the VP2, in fact the consoles are interchangeable.

Originally Posted by: four 

Thanks four,

You seem to have become my weather station consultant having previously recommended the Nexus!

O.K. so i have to buy the Weatherlink regardless which is fine, what software do you use Cumulus or Weather Display?

I tried to use Weather-Display with the Nexus but it didnt work.

The Davis gear seems expensive compared to other Weather Stations including the Nexus but if its accurate and user friendly then it will be worth it.

Fingers crossed and I havent told the wife how much it will cost yet


Andy Woodcock

Altitude 535 feet

"Why are the British so worried about climate change? Any change to their climate can only be an improvement" John Daley 2001
  • four
  • Advanced Member
01 April 2014 07:01:57

I'm using Weather-Display but as I hinted it can be a bit overwhelming at first.
But you can soon have it connected and downloading data with the free trial.
If you aren't wanting a web page online you might be perfectly happy with the Weatherlink software just producing and storing logfiles which you can view through the software or import into Excel for processing.
It does have the option to send to Wunderground, which gives you a sort of webpage.

Frost Hollow
01 April 2014 08:45:41

I use Cumulus with my Davis, just install the virtual serial port first from the disc that comes with the logger and make sure you buy the usb logger or cumulus will not work.

I did have a Vue and now upgraded to a VP2 both very good bits of kit, the advantage with theVP2 is that you can mount the wind sensor in a better position than the temp and rainfall sensors.

A vue is ok if you live in an exposed position where you can have all sensors together, if you are more enclosed i wiould tend to steer away from it.

I still log my data down daily on a spreadhseet also, and have done for years now, excel took over from my old hand written records which i have kept since 1988. I have various formulas inplace within excel to work out the averages and totals as the month wears on, i am more than happy to send you a copy of a blank one to use if you pm me your email details.


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