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08 June 2014 23:25:46

This was a early morning Thunderstorm which started about 7 am on saturday 7-6-2014 .the video starts from the slow movement as it moves straight over my location,with faint rumbles in the back ground 10 minutes into the video just below the houses and tree line first flashes can be minutes into the video rain and hail begins to fall with flashes of lightning & Thunder getting louder it lasted just over a hour this storm hope you enjoy it.

ps skip to the 12 minute mark if you don't want to watch the very first stages enjoy

Link is below

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A link to all my other Thunderstorm videos

09 June 2014 18:27:44
Best to listen with a pair of headphones or large speakers.
Lots of Rolls Rumbles Of Thunder
Shelf Cloud starts to come Over
Another Thunderstorm i had at just before 10am Monday morning the video starts off with first rumbles in the distance somewhere between Wolverhampton and Essington caught some flashes with about 3 cgs.but houses are in the way to see too much but a good storm plenty of sferics on radio.

11 June 2014 10:02:58

Thunderstorm i had just before 4pm Tuesday afternoon with lightning at 0:16 a lightning flicker at 1:25 a sferic on radio followed by thunder from another storm at 3:40,a nice cg at 6:45. a nice storm the 3rd one in since the early Saturday morning one.

07 July 2014 23:44:41
Observations from around GUILDFORD in SURREY and now Nottingham
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