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  • bradders
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04 October 2014 15:24:14




Eric. Cheadle Hulme, Stockport.
  • four
  • Advanced Member
05 October 2014 08:29:02

The digital version
"Start of Autumn"

05 October 2014 10:32:38
What a great piece of kit!
Location: Egerton, Kent - 33m ASL
Thunder 2016: 12 (Apr 3,13; May 21; Jun 8,11,17,22,23,25, Jul 2,12, Aug 26)
Winter 2015/6: Snowfalls: 10 | Snowcover: 2 (Jan 17 (0.5cm)) | Air frosts: 39
Winter 2016/7: Snowfalls: 4 (Jan 12-3, Feb 10-11) | Snowcover: 2 (Jan 13, 2cm, Feb 11, 3-5mm) | Air frosts: 57 (2 in Oct, 10 in Nov, 13 in Dec, 19 in Jan, 6 in Feb, 3 in Mar, 4 in Apr)
"The heavens tell of the glory of God. The skies display his marvellous craftsmanship." (Psalm 19:1)
  • bradders
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
05 October 2014 10:50:20

What a great piece of kit!

Originally Posted by: Twister 

Do you mean my barograph, the digital version, or both ?

Eric. Cheadle Hulme, Stockport.
  • four
  • Advanced Member
05 October 2014 15:55:17

Yours I'm sure.
Do you run it all the time or just when a likely interesting event is due?
There was something similar in the Physics Lab at school but not in regular use, I think it was demonstrated one day though.
The school had an impressive weather station including a solar globe thing that burnt onto cards- and supplied records to the paper weekly in the 1970s.
In those days it was all manual recording and resetting at 9am stuff

  • bradders
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
05 October 2014 21:44:41

I run my barograph all the time, it`s a Norfolk barograph from Russell Scientific Instruments. I`ve had it for around 13 years so I`ve got charts going back that far. I was feeling a bit flush when I bought it for around £800 but todays price is around £1500.

If I had been aware of digital barographs back then I would probably have bought one instead. Mine only records air pressure while your digital one seems to do much more.

It`s a fine looking instrument though, all mahogany, brass, and bevelled glass (it should be for the price) and takes pride of place on top of the piano.

Eric. Cheadle Hulme, Stockport.
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