Unusual weather - after wintry showers (Mostly of light rain and hail followed by ice pellet's) on and off all day in Braunton including the Braunton burrows! I drove back to Exeter around 11pm with showery outbreaks of light rain (hail in heavier bursts) but steady with temps of around +3c in a stiff northerly breeze. Some of the hail had settled in hedges and grass etc). - I drove to Barnstaple the rain had stopped and hit the A361 LINK road skies got clear from south Molten to Tiverton and temperatures fell to -3c and then arrived Exeter whilst temperatures began to rise to +1c and now falling to 0c. - What a big variation in the weather from coastal North Devon (Frequent showers of rain hail and ice in strong winds), to clear, calm and dry (sub-zero with frost) at in Central Devon and East Devon.
Oh btw there are my car readings - not thermometer!
Edited by user
02 February 2015 01:14:50
Reason: Not specified
Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon