The current forecast (19:36 on 23 April 2015) -- Unsettled, precipitation later
Temperature: 17.0°C
Temperature change in the last hour: -1.0°C
Humidity: 31%
Dew point: 0.0°C
Rain today: 0.0mm
Pressure: 1013.0mb - Falling slowly
Wind speed: 0.0mph
Wind direction: ---
Today's highs and lows:
Today's high temperature: 20.6°C at 15:26
Today's low temperature: 2.7°C at 06:01
Highest dew point today: 9.0°C at 09:37
Lowest dew point today: 0.0°C at 05:08
Highest humidity today: 89% at 09:02
Lowest humidity today: 31% at 16:40
Today's highest rain per hour: 0.0mm at 00:00
Today's maximum rain rate: 0.0mm/h at 00:00
Time of the last recorded rain: 2015-04-19 20:24
NW Sheffield,
South Yorkshire (
In the Peninne rain shadow)
My Weather Website - Data provided by a Davis Vantage Pro 2 (Wireless)