I think we will see quite a significant downward adjustment again this month. My rough calculations suggest the CET stands at 10.74C up to and including today which is some 0.3C below the provisional Hadley figure.
No real change expected in the final few days. I calculate the CET will finish at 10.77C which is 0.54C below the 1971-2000 mean and 0.89C below the 1981-2010 mean.
So it has been quite a cool month really. It is the maximum temperatures which are dragging us down. Minimums have been close to average this month. This is the reverse position from last month when the maximums were well above average whereas the minimums were slightly below average. So I think that is the reason why many people are saying this month has been poor. Daytime highs have been disappointing really whereas in April daytime temperatures were really rather good.
To put this into perspective the highest temperature recorded anywhere in the UK this month is just 22.7C at St James Park on the 11th. The next highest day is 21.5C. Down here in the south I have recorded a maximum of just 20.1C this month which is really poor. I managed 3 days over 20C last month with a high of 24.2C.
Looking back through my records the instances of maximum temperatures over 20C this May are the worst I have recorded since moving to my current location in late 2005. The lowest maximum before this year that I recorded in May was 22.7C in 2013. So to only manage 20.1C this year is distinctly poor. The overall mean maximum temperature for this May is not as low as 2013 but there has not been a single day I would describe as very warm.