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16 June 2015 15:30:30

I had a pleasant walk this morning through wild flower meadows in the Meon valley (north of Fareham) and saw these:


It's been a slow start to the season with a cold May holding things back. I count flower species as I go, and although this isn't systematic (walks in different places on different dates) I normally record the first sighting of 60+ species in flower by mid-May, some years even in late April. This year the first 60+ was on the 6th June; today I saw 72.

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
16 June 2015 16:03:28

Nice images. Especially the orchids...

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
18 July 2015 22:59:59

On the sussex downs today and spotted some of this..


Henbane, this intriguing plant is one of my favourite wild flowers.


This looks likes some kind of mint, possibly a nepeta. 



23 July 2015 05:46:06
Nice photos 👍
Observations from around GUILDFORD in SURREY and now Nottingham
29 July 2015 21:46:39

Nice photos 👍

Originally Posted by: schmee 


thanks 😊

30 July 2015 18:08:48

On the sussex downs today and spotted some of this..


Henbane, this intriguing plant is one of my favourite wild flowers.


This looks likes some kind of mint, possibly a nepeta. 



Originally Posted by: picturesareme 

Nice captures there

"Life with the Lions"

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30 July 2015 20:29:01

Rampion and clustered bellflower, a couple of the more unusaul flowers to be found at Coulters Dean reserve (Just off the S Downs Way on the Sussex/Hampshire border; earlier in the season there are lots of different orchids)

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
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