Personally - unless we get a couple of very hard frosts - i cant see freezing rain on the cards.
It hasnt really been THAT cold recently. i mean - yes it is very cold. 0-2*C isnt tropical. But its too marginal for the rain to raise the temperature of. The ground around these parts - although is cold, is too warm. Infact its still damp outside now, despite a temp of 1*c
Saying that - I have seen freezing rain today in Wales. There was snow on the floor- a good 6" of it. But there was light rain in the air. Meaning everything looke like:
Infact the roads looked like they had glass on them from where it had fallen from the trees.
HOWEVER... this was at around 400m ASL it was 0 to -1*c today. This is not uncommon in that part of the world.
Back home or in normal lowland britain it was 1.2*c for the majority of the day - and very damp. We had a slight frost the other day prior to the warm front running down the irish sea. It stayed at 1.2C all day - and it didnt freeze.
I cant see these conditions changing between now and the end of the cold spell. Cold - but not cold enough.