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17 January 2016 19:12:03

Point and click from my phone camera I'm afraid, but I went on a quick trip to Snowdonia and the Denbigh Moors yesterday to get my snow fix, as I (correctly) feared Wirral wasn't going to be clad in white later that day. 

First part of the day was going about half way up the Snowdon Ranger path. I haven't been on this one before and I'll probably go again (and to the top) as I liked the different scenery and the relative lack of crowds on the paths. Snow got quite deep before we turned round, about 6 or 7 inches on the track and drifts in places a good foot deep. Some nice icicles on any verges too. Lower down it was incredibly icy both on the paths and snow cover, suggesting the showers on Friday fell as rain up to about 450m:


We then moved on to Capel Curig via Beddgelert. The weather had closed in and there was a light drizzle, but as there was no wind there were still strong inversions in the valleys. In Beddgelert just two chimneys belching out smoke had created a layer of soot and smoke that had spread right across the valley (didn't stop to get a pic unfortunately but it was quite impressive). It made me think of how easily these 'pea-soupers' must have formed back in the 50's. Anyway these are from closer to Capel Curig:

Then we went back towards Wirral via the Denbigh Moors. For easy access to snow this is probably the place to be during a cold spell in the North Wales/Merseyside area, and there was plenty around. Lots of families with kids around the edges of the moor sledging on the hills:


17 January 2016 19:23:12

What a lovely drive- when I get desperate here in the valleys (with a small 'v') I drive to Cheesefoot Head on the Petersfield to Winchester road. Cold rain or sleety drizzle and a temp from 1-3C here and I have on all but one occasion been able to make snowballs there. That one occasion was this morning (boo hoo). After 24 winters of doing that!

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
Retire while you can still press the 'retire now' button.
17 January 2016 19:52:32

What a lovely drive- when I get desperate here in the valleys (with a small 'v') I drive to Cheesefoot Head on the Petersfield to Winchester road. Cold rain or sleety drizzle and a temp from 1-3C here and I have on all but one occasion been able to make snowballs there. That one occasion was this morning (boo hoo). After 24 winters of doing that!

Originally Posted by: Bertwhistle 


It is amazing how little altitude is needed to get above the snowline sometimes - I remember occasions as a kid leaving my house with heavy snow and arriving at school to rain, a difference in altitude of about 70 metres! On the whole though most people in this area have to make the pilgrimage to Wales in order to get to any decent wintry scenes. 

17 January 2016 20:57:02



It is amazing how little altitude is needed to get above the snowline sometimes - I remember occasions as a kid leaving my house with heavy snow and arriving at school to rain, a difference in altitude of about 70 metres! On the whole though most people in this area have to make the pilgrimage to Wales in order to get to any decent wintry scenes. 

Originally Posted by: Patrick01 

Great pics!

Our snow from Thursday morning was a case in point regarding what you are saying here. Where I am is at 100m - we had significant snow for a couple of hours, with a good 4-5cms, if not more. I walked the kids to school in a winter wonderland. I then walked the mile into Durham (downhill) and there was basically bugger all lying snow... depressing... although walking back home to find my house covered and still surrounded was a lovely scene to come back to 🙂 .

[email protected]
17 January 2016 22:40:28

Stunning pics what a lovely area

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

17 January 2016 23:28:25

Great Images.....

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
22 January 2016 14:27:47

Brings back memories - have walked up the Snowdon Ranger path from the Youth Hostel there

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Chichester 12m asl
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