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  • RobR
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
20 January 2016 23:36:01

Not sure if video belongs here, but I'm a fairly new owner of a dashcam which came in handy to record some of the snow on the Peak District on Sunday just gone.

Not as much snow as last January but a good coating either way.

Winter 23/24 in Nantwich
Days Snow Falling: 4
Days Snow Lying: 1
Deepest Snowfall: 3rd December 23 (2cm)

Winter 22/23 in Nantwich

Days Snow Falling: 4
Days Snow Lying: 2
Deepest Snowfall: 10th March (3cm)
Latest Snowfall: 10th March

Winter 21/22 in Nantwich

Days Snow Falling: 3
Days Snow Lying: 1
Deepest Snowfall: 28th November (3cm)
Latest Snowfall: 31st March

Winter 20/21 in Solihull

Days Snow Falling: 21
Days Snow Lying: 8
Deepest Snowfall: 24th January (9cm)
Latest Snowfall: 12th April

Winter 19/20 in Stoke

Days Snow Falling: 5
Days Snow Lying: 2
Deepest Snowfall: 10th Feb (5cm)

Winter 18/19 in Stoke

Days Snow Falling: 6
Days Snow Lying: 6
Deepest Snowfall: 29th Jan (3cm)

Winter 17/18 in Stoke

Days Snow Falling: 27
Days Snow Lying: 24
Deepest Snowfall: 18th March 2018 (10cm)
21 January 2016 10:06:19
Great footage - thanks for sharing. The Peaks look stunning in the snow!
Location: Egerton, Kent - 33m ASL
Thunder 2016: 12 (Apr 3,13; May 21; Jun 8,11,17,22,23,25, Jul 2,12, Aug 26)
Winter 2015/6: Snowfalls: 10 | Snowcover: 2 (Jan 17 (0.5cm)) | Air frosts: 39
Winter 2016/7: Snowfalls: 4 (Jan 12-3, Feb 10-11) | Snowcover: 2 (Jan 13, 2cm, Feb 11, 3-5mm) | Air frosts: 57 (2 in Oct, 10 in Nov, 13 in Dec, 19 in Jan, 6 in Feb, 3 in Mar, 4 in Apr)
"The heavens tell of the glory of God. The skies display his marvellous craftsmanship." (Psalm 19:1)
21 January 2016 15:19:45

 Good snow cam..... 

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
  • four
  • Advanced Member
21 January 2016 23:51:43

I was surprised by all those cars lining the road.
While other cars could pass safely there was not much space left for larger HGVs etc on what is a very busy road.

At another similar spot they all got ticketed!
- Don't agree with that but it does look inconsiderate to some extent.
I think they forget other people are still working including weekends.

The desire to rush up a hill if it snows seems to be a relatively recent trend, probably caused entirely by the model thread on TWO.

  • RobR
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
22 January 2016 04:22:48

Yes it is irresponsible parking, they wouldn't do it when conditions are clear, but of course in the snow people think they can dump cars anywhere! That said what are the rules on parking, as there isn't strictly speaking yellow lines? It would have been narrow for HGV traffic and lots of lorries do use this route whatever the weather.

Not sure why everyone was sledging in one place when there are much better hills but I guess people are lazy and flock like wasps to one hill.

Winter 23/24 in Nantwich
Days Snow Falling: 4
Days Snow Lying: 1
Deepest Snowfall: 3rd December 23 (2cm)

Winter 22/23 in Nantwich

Days Snow Falling: 4
Days Snow Lying: 2
Deepest Snowfall: 10th March (3cm)
Latest Snowfall: 10th March

Winter 21/22 in Nantwich

Days Snow Falling: 3
Days Snow Lying: 1
Deepest Snowfall: 28th November (3cm)
Latest Snowfall: 31st March

Winter 20/21 in Solihull

Days Snow Falling: 21
Days Snow Lying: 8
Deepest Snowfall: 24th January (9cm)
Latest Snowfall: 12th April

Winter 19/20 in Stoke

Days Snow Falling: 5
Days Snow Lying: 2
Deepest Snowfall: 10th Feb (5cm)

Winter 18/19 in Stoke

Days Snow Falling: 6
Days Snow Lying: 6
Deepest Snowfall: 29th Jan (3cm)

Winter 17/18 in Stoke

Days Snow Falling: 27
Days Snow Lying: 24
Deepest Snowfall: 18th March 2018 (10cm)
22 January 2016 09:47:11

Great video, thanks for posting. Back in the 60s I used to do that run regularly on my 500cc Norton 88SS, usually late at night after boozing in Buxton. I`m surprised I`m still alive.

Eric. Cheadle Hulme, Stockport.
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
22 January 2016 14:19:36

Great video, thanks for posting. Back in the 60s I used to do that run regularly on my 500cc Norton 88SS, usually late at night after boozing in Buxton. I`m surprised I`m still alive.

Originally Posted by: bradders 

No vulture speed cameras in those days!


I really enjoyed that video. Roadside parking there, for sledging, has been a problem for many years. Sometime about 1970 I was parked just there with sledge and daughter, and got moved on by the local police. They weren't issuing tickets, fortunately, but said that it was illegal to park where there was a double white line on the road, even if you were on the side where it was dashed, not continuous. I decided that an argument was probably a bad idea.

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
  • RobR
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
23 January 2016 02:38:38

Another video for you heading from the Cat and Fiddle towards Gradbach:

Winter 23/24 in Nantwich
Days Snow Falling: 4
Days Snow Lying: 1
Deepest Snowfall: 3rd December 23 (2cm)

Winter 22/23 in Nantwich

Days Snow Falling: 4
Days Snow Lying: 2
Deepest Snowfall: 10th March (3cm)
Latest Snowfall: 10th March

Winter 21/22 in Nantwich

Days Snow Falling: 3
Days Snow Lying: 1
Deepest Snowfall: 28th November (3cm)
Latest Snowfall: 31st March

Winter 20/21 in Solihull

Days Snow Falling: 21
Days Snow Lying: 8
Deepest Snowfall: 24th January (9cm)
Latest Snowfall: 12th April

Winter 19/20 in Stoke

Days Snow Falling: 5
Days Snow Lying: 2
Deepest Snowfall: 10th Feb (5cm)

Winter 18/19 in Stoke

Days Snow Falling: 6
Days Snow Lying: 6
Deepest Snowfall: 29th Jan (3cm)

Winter 17/18 in Stoke

Days Snow Falling: 27
Days Snow Lying: 24
Deepest Snowfall: 18th March 2018 (10cm)
Saint Snow
26 January 2016 13:06:40

LOL! I quickly realised it was a road I've travelled several times (mostly on a 'snow safari')

For sledging, I tend to go near Kettleshulme - there's a big pull-in near Bakestonedale Road to park in so not obstructing the road.


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
26 January 2016 14:07:19

I`m too old for sledging but in earlier days when I lived in Macclesfield ( on the eastern outskirts) it was a 10 minute uphill walk to our  favourite sledging field. I stlll have my sledge though, a proper Swiss `Davos` one, it must be about 60 years old now. 

It`s languishing in the attic, patiently waiting for another "proper" winter.

Eric. Cheadle Hulme, Stockport.
  • four
  • Advanced Member
19 February 2016 08:16:04
19 February 2016 10:30:28

Very pleasant sat back here'''''....... 

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
19 February 2016 16:39:37

I`m too old for sledging but in earlier days when I lived in Macclesfield ( on the eastern outskirts) it was a 10 minute uphill walk to our  favourite sledging field. I stlll have my sledge though, a proper Swiss `Davos` one, it must be about 60 years old now. 

It`s languishing in the attic, patiently waiting for another "proper" winter.

Originally Posted by: bradders 

Nonsense bradders. My father still takes a dinner tray down the W.Dorset coastal slopes if it snows- silly old fool- and he's 73.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
Retire while you can still press the 'retire now' button.
19 February 2016 17:36:37


Nonsense bradders. My father still takes a dinner tray down the W.Dorset coastal slopes if it snows- silly old fool- and he's 73.

Originally Posted by: Bertwhistle 

You`re right Bert, thinking I`m too old is all in the mind. I`d love to go sledging again on that field in Macc, if we ever get enough snow again!

Re- my earlier post, I never did the Macc-Buxton-Macc run on the Norton in snowy or icy weather, that would have been tempting fate!

It was usually a summer thing to see the 60s pop groups playing at Buxton Pavilion Gardens Ballroom.

(Although I did fall off the Norton twice in Macc, on my way to work on icy roads. No injuries apart from one or two scratches on the bike.)

Eric. Cheadle Hulme, Stockport.
19 February 2016 17:47:01


You`re right Bert, thinking I`m too old is all in the mind. I`d love to go sledging again on that field in Macc, if we ever get enough snow again!

Re- my earlier post, I never did the Macc-Buxton-Macc run on the Norton in snowy or icy weather, that would have been tempting fate!

It was usually a summer thing to see the 60s pop groups playing at Buxton Pavilion Gardens Ballroom.

(Although I did fall off the Norton twice in Macc, on my way to work on icy roads. No injuries apart from one or two scratches on the bike.)

Originally Posted by: bradders 

Heh heh! That sounds just like Pops- although his bike was a triumph!

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
Retire while you can still press the 'retire now' button.
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