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Wind SW.
Overcast. Breezy.9·5c.
11.2c cloudy & windy from SW
SW Gusts to 28 km/h. No Rain. 9.8c. Humidity 84%rh.
Dull, damp and rather on the windy side. 10.2 C.A bit of a come down on this time yesterday.
Dry, cloudy and breezy.
Temp 11.1C
Bright, windy, fairly mild, 12c.
Grey. Damp. Windy. 10.6c.
Feels chillier that the 11c it is
11.0c. Wind Chill 9.5c.
grey damp dreary occasional drizzle strong wind 10 but feeling chilly
Some high cloud, mild, 12c.
Overcast . No rain yet. 10.1c.
1017mb; 10.7C The Doppler effect of cars splashing up the wet road audible through the glass.
10.7c. Breezy and Raining.
11.4c cloudy, breezy.