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Light rain.
Wind S.
Dry, overcast.
Temp 7C
Pressure 1003.4hPa
Moist and damp. 10.9 C and there seems to be little wind to speak of. 5 mm of rain had been recorded since it started raining at 8 pm last night. Not exactly dramatic recording breaking stuff but should keep the lawn ticking over.
Cloudy, getting brighter... 8.5c. Humidity 99%rh. F1 Light Air 7 km/h ESE.
Cloudy, chilly, 8c.
Quite an overcast and moisture-laden looking sky with showers at times, although brief sunny spells in between at times. The most recent shower was bordering on torrential for a couple of minutes. 8C
Overcast Light rain. 11.0c. Humidity 83%rh. Pressure 1002.5 hpa Falling Slowly.
999.5mb falling
Dull and moist with persistent drizzle/light rain, but it had tried to brighten up a couple of hours ago. It also became a little breezy for a time but it's now fallen flat calm and thus the current 11.5 C does feel quite muggy for it.
6.4C with light rain on and off.
Wet, chilly, 9c.
Cloudy. Dry 10.4c,
A cloudy day with drizzle earlier but its clearing up now and plenty sunny.
Temp 13.8c
Dew 6c
RH 58%
983.87 hPa
Rainfall 11.18mm since midnight
Non stop heavy rain since noon
very grim
Down to 3C now and odd snowflakes appearing in the rain.
10C overcast, drizzle in the wind, miserable; after 3 days of 17C, the guttering candle has been snuffed out again.