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  • RobR
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
30 September 2016 01:16:25

I've got some dashcam footage of the back end of the storm in early September. There is mainly flooding especially from fields but also some lightning especially good at 11:10:



Winter 23/24 in Nantwich
Days Snow Falling: 4
Days Snow Lying: 1
Deepest Snowfall: 3rd December 23 (2cm)

Winter 22/23 in Nantwich

Days Snow Falling: 4
Days Snow Lying: 2
Deepest Snowfall: 10th March (3cm)
Latest Snowfall: 10th March

Winter 21/22 in Nantwich

Days Snow Falling: 3
Days Snow Lying: 1
Deepest Snowfall: 28th November (3cm)
Latest Snowfall: 31st March

Winter 20/21 in Solihull

Days Snow Falling: 21
Days Snow Lying: 8
Deepest Snowfall: 24th January (9cm)
Latest Snowfall: 12th April

Winter 19/20 in Stoke

Days Snow Falling: 5
Days Snow Lying: 2
Deepest Snowfall: 10th Feb (5cm)

Winter 18/19 in Stoke

Days Snow Falling: 6
Days Snow Lying: 6
Deepest Snowfall: 29th Jan (3cm)

Winter 17/18 in Stoke

Days Snow Falling: 27
Days Snow Lying: 24
Deepest Snowfall: 18th March 2018 (10cm)
  • four
  • Advanced Member
30 September 2016 08:01:28

This is probably the video link
That area seems to really catch the storms being pretty high up but not so far from the hot spots

  • RobR
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
30 September 2016 23:52:20

Thanks for the link correction 

Its actually being a bit storm starved this year but we are usually in a fairly good position to get the storms from the south and east (lets face it, we rarely get anything from storm starved Shropshire haha). 

This was the best storm in years though, it actually looks lighter in that video footage than it was in person. Some great lightning bolts when the storm came through.

I've got more footage from inside the house when the storm was over the top which I'll post in due course.

Winter 23/24 in Nantwich
Days Snow Falling: 4
Days Snow Lying: 1
Deepest Snowfall: 3rd December 23 (2cm)

Winter 22/23 in Nantwich

Days Snow Falling: 4
Days Snow Lying: 2
Deepest Snowfall: 10th March (3cm)
Latest Snowfall: 10th March

Winter 21/22 in Nantwich

Days Snow Falling: 3
Days Snow Lying: 1
Deepest Snowfall: 28th November (3cm)
Latest Snowfall: 31st March

Winter 20/21 in Solihull

Days Snow Falling: 21
Days Snow Lying: 8
Deepest Snowfall: 24th January (9cm)
Latest Snowfall: 12th April

Winter 19/20 in Stoke

Days Snow Falling: 5
Days Snow Lying: 2
Deepest Snowfall: 10th Feb (5cm)

Winter 18/19 in Stoke

Days Snow Falling: 6
Days Snow Lying: 6
Deepest Snowfall: 29th Jan (3cm)

Winter 17/18 in Stoke

Days Snow Falling: 27
Days Snow Lying: 24
Deepest Snowfall: 18th March 2018 (10cm)
Gary L
01 October 2016 11:07:32

Thanks for the link correction 

Its actually being a bit storm starved this year but we are usually in a fairly good position to get the storms from the south and east (lets face it, we rarely get anything from storm starved Shropshire haha). 

This was the best storm in years though, it actually looks lighter in that video footage than it was in person. Some great lightning bolts when the storm came through.

I've got more footage from inside the house when the storm was over the top which I'll post in due course.

Originally Posted by: RobR 

I live up in Saddleworth and the area of storms that hit us was spectacular. There was a lot of damage around here, cars written off and people made homeless due to flooding! My friends are still living in holiday homes around here while they get back on their feet. 

It was probably the most intense storm I've seen. We are only a stones throw from Manchester here, what often happens is the heat gives things a kick and then the storms really get a boost from the elevation around these parts! 

David M Porter
01 October 2016 16:23:32

I've got some dashcam footage of the back end of the storm in early September. There is mainly flooding especially from fields but also some lightning especially good at 11:10:



Originally Posted by: RobR 

Great video!

I think this was probably part of the same area of storms that hit Manchester that evening and caused Man City's Champions League game that evening to be postponed.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
  • RobR
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
02 October 2016 22:15:58
It was indeed the same storm which seemed to intensify even more I think as it hit the elevated parts. I just wish i'd have had time to do a proper chase but the flooding on the tops and time constraints meant I couldn't.
Winter 23/24 in Nantwich
Days Snow Falling: 4
Days Snow Lying: 1
Deepest Snowfall: 3rd December 23 (2cm)

Winter 22/23 in Nantwich

Days Snow Falling: 4
Days Snow Lying: 2
Deepest Snowfall: 10th March (3cm)
Latest Snowfall: 10th March

Winter 21/22 in Nantwich

Days Snow Falling: 3
Days Snow Lying: 1
Deepest Snowfall: 28th November (3cm)
Latest Snowfall: 31st March

Winter 20/21 in Solihull

Days Snow Falling: 21
Days Snow Lying: 8
Deepest Snowfall: 24th January (9cm)
Latest Snowfall: 12th April

Winter 19/20 in Stoke

Days Snow Falling: 5
Days Snow Lying: 2
Deepest Snowfall: 10th Feb (5cm)

Winter 18/19 in Stoke

Days Snow Falling: 6
Days Snow Lying: 6
Deepest Snowfall: 29th Jan (3cm)

Winter 17/18 in Stoke

Days Snow Falling: 27
Days Snow Lying: 24
Deepest Snowfall: 18th March 2018 (10cm)
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