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  • NickR
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
01 January 2017 17:14:21 

[email protected]
01 January 2017 17:26:35

Brief but fab, watching those white flakes belt towards the camera. KevBrads would be proud.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
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  • NickR
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
01 January 2017 17:38:48

Brief but fab, watching those white flakes belt towards the camera. KevBrads would be proud.

Originally Posted by: Bertwhistle 

I'll be honest. I told the wife I was going for a quick walk, checked the radar, saw showers were coming, worked out where they might fall as snow, and drove the 15 mins to that spot. She thinks I just popped down the park.

[email protected]
01 January 2017 17:41:25

Brief but there..... 

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
01 January 2017 17:47:34


I'll be honest. I told the wife I was going for a quick walk, checked the radar, saw showers were coming, worked out where they might fall as snow, and drove the 15 mins to that spot. She thinks I just popped down the park.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

That sounds like the tornado chasers!

I suppose that's our version of the said.

I always drive to Cheesefoot Head when it's 2-3C and raining here- all but once I've been rewarded!

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
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