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  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
10 August 2017 05:42:16

Morning Dougie!  

Yes it is a very difficult subject to talk about and one that most people shy away from.  People just don't know what to say because it isn't understood and it makes them uncomfortable, so they say nothing.  That's what makes cancer such a lonely illness for the one who has it.  We need to change that.  Some posts on here are short but nonetheless meaningful and heartfelt, which I know Dougie understands.

I've always been able to voice the unmentionable biological things, body parts, sex etc, often with a wide eyed response from the listener.  That's probably due to my biology background and because I believe we should all understand our bodies a lot better than we do because it's the most natural thing.  Embarrassment in that respect missed me out, so it's a good job I wasn't born in Victorian times.  

Dougie, I'll be thinking about you today and willing you to have a good one.  You're aware that the effects of your treatment could be unpleasant for a while but also that there's light at the end of the tunnel. So keep that thought with you.   Xx

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
10 August 2017 07:36:51

Good morning all, just to let you know that the neighbours had a peaceful evening. They will never know what could have hit them.

Being picked up soon, so best I jump in the bath, and get ready for the onslaught.

Ha'way the lads
Miss Dot Com
10 August 2017 15:26:11
Hey Caz if you ever don't want that hot chocolate and cream send it this way. Being on this diet is killing me lol x Hi Dougie good to hear you've had a good day for a change, about time eh! Hope it's given you enough strength to see today through and the treatment.
Cancer has always been a tough one for me to discuss. When I was much younger my grandad died of lung cancer. No one ever told me or my sister he had cancer and was going to die. I thought he was just in hospital and was going to get better and come home. My parents and my grandma's kept it from us. I know they didn't want to upset us children but we never really got a chance to talk about it. My other grandad died about 10 years later also with lung cancer despite having never smoked in his life. This time I was old enough to be told about it but it all happened so quick I never even got a chance to see him before he died.
Anyway I hope your odds will improve no matter what they say. Good luck xxx
Justine - Witham, Essex, 27masl
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
10 August 2017 17:56:54

Hey Dotty! I'd share my hot choccy with you any time. Maybe when you've reached your diet goal we could celebrate with one each.  We need to find out the address of Dougie's cafe so we can check them out with him. I need hard evidence that they're as good as he says.   

Keep us posted on your diet progress. And don't think about food too much. Just keep munching the carrots.    

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
10 August 2017 18:16:49

Good evening all, a hugely better day than I was expecting. So far, I have experienced non of the nasties associated with the early hours after chemo treatment, this could of course change, but hey, I have nothing to complain about. At least the next stage in my fight is now underway, and I am feeling positive.

The possible  toiletry problems will have to be addressed later this evening to avoid problems in that area, but so far no nausea, which is a bonus. I even arrived home in time to visit my favourite place for a meal, which was a chicken curry. They produced a bit too much for me to handle, but I ate about 60% of it and stopped, not because I could not eat any more, but I did not want to overload the system at this point. Anyway, It was way more than I ate yesterday, and very nice, so good news.

Feeling very positive right now, dare I say even euphoric, surely this can't last - can it?

Perhaps more from me later, if I can stay awake.


Ha'way the lads
10 August 2017 18:20:06

Hey Dotty! I'd share my hot choccy with you any time. Maybe when you've reached your diet goal we could celebrate with one each.  We need to find out the address of Dougie's cafe so we can check them out with him. I need hard evidence that they're as good as he says.   

Keep us posted on your diet progress. And don't think about food too much. Just keep munching the carrots.    

Originally Posted by: Caz 

Perhaps we can have a mini meet up next summer when you are down this way Caz. Now that's something to concentrate survival on, the more the merrier.

Ha'way the lads
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
10 August 2017 18:25:03

  Bloody hell Dougie!  Chicken curry!  Good for you but don't tell Dotty!

I'm so glad to hear you're feeling good.  Two days in a row of eating and feeling better has to be big progress!  No it doesn't have to end and it won't because you're going to stay optimistic.  Take each day as it comes and don't spoil the good days with 'what ifs'.  Eat, rest and do whatever makes you happy!  

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
10 August 2017 18:28:44


Perhaps we can have a mini meet up next summer when you are down this way Caz. Now that's something to concentrate survival on, the more the merrier.

Originally Posted by: Dougie 

Yes exactly what I had in mind!  It's a deal and the hot chocolate's on you!  

You've got to get better and Dotty's got to make a success of her diet though, otherwise I'm having nowt to do with either of you!  

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
10 August 2017 18:33:08

 If I can make to effort, I am sure Dotty will do the same. It would be lovely to finally meet you all, after all these years. I will do my damn nest to make sure I am there.

Ha'way the lads
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
10 August 2017 18:34:35

Ahem!  Fat fingers!  

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
10 August 2017 18:35:32

Ahem!  Fat fingers!  

Originally Posted by: Caz 

Oh, stop it

I think that one was down to the brain.

Ha'way the lads
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
10 August 2017 18:38:19


Oh, stop it

Originally Posted by: Dougie 

  I'm sure Dotty will do her nest too!  

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
10 August 2017 18:40:46


Oh, stop it

I think that one was down to the brain.

Originally Posted by: Dougie 

Ahh don't spoil it. Stick with the excuse!   

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
10 August 2017 18:41:28

  I'm sure Dotty will do her nest too!  

Originally Posted by: Caz 

Not if she keeps eating beans, sorry Doc

Ha'way the lads
10 August 2017 19:01:06


Not if she keeps eating beans, sorry Doc

Originally Posted by: Dougie 

  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
10 August 2017 19:08:51


Not if she keeps eating beans, sorry Doc

Originally Posted by: Dougie 

Just remember you've had chicken hurry this evening.  

I have a stereo conversation going on here. I'm switching between this thread and our family WhatsApp group and posted on there that I haven't had my bath yet.   My brother replied with two words -  'scuffy bugger', he can spell swear words at least, so I replied with two words 'fat fingers'.    

Right. Bath time.   

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
Gavin P
10 August 2017 19:23:32

Good evening all, a hugely better day than I was expecting. So far, I have experienced non of the nasties associated with the early hours after chemo treatment, this could of course change, but hey, I have nothing to complain about. At least the next stage in my fight is now underway, and I am feeling positive.

The possible  toiletry problems will have to be addressed later this evening to avoid problems in that area, but so far no nausea, which is a bonus. I even arrived home in time to visit my favourite place for a meal, which was a chicken curry. They produced a bit too much for me to handle, but I ate about 60% of it and stopped, not because I could not eat any more, but I did not want to overload the system at this point. Anyway, It was way more than I ate yesterday, and very nice, so good news.

Feeling very positive right now, dare I say even euphoric, surely this can't last - can it?

Perhaps more from me later, if I can stay awake.


Originally Posted by: Dougie 

Hi Dougie,

Great to hear you've started your new treatment and (so far) it's gone well.

Great news. 

Rural West Northants 120m asl
Short, medium and long range weather forecast videos @
10 August 2017 20:24:27

Good evening all, a hugely better day than I was expecting. So far, I have experienced non of the nasties associated with the early hours after chemo treatment, this could of course change, but hey, I have nothing to complain about. At least the next stage in my fight is now underway, and I am feeling positive.

The possible  toiletry problems will have to be addressed later this evening to avoid problems in that area, but so far no nausea, which is a bonus. I even arrived home in time to visit my favourite place for a meal, which was a chicken curry. They produced a bit too much for me to handle, but I ate about 60% of it and stopped, not because I could not eat any more, but I did not want to overload the system at this point. Anyway, It was way more than I ate yesterday, and very nice, so good news.

Feeling very positive right now, dare I say even euphoric, surely this can't last - can it?

Perhaps more from me later, if I can stay awake.

Originally Posted by: Dougie 

Long may it continue.

John p
10 August 2017 21:00:41
Hi Dougie.
Sadly I'm a very infrequent visitor to the forum arms, but have spent about an hour reading this thread.
I want to say firstly how I am so sorry I am that you are going through this awful roller coaster ride and secondly how much I admire your spirit and what an inspiration you are.

Judging by the responses in here, you are clearly a well loved member of this great forum 😀.

All the best with your treatment Dougie. 👍
Camberley, Surrey
Miss Dot Com
10 August 2017 23:18:04

Just remember you've had chicken hurry this evening.  

I have a stereo conversation going on here. I'm switching between this thread and our family WhatsApp group and posted on there that I haven't had my bath yet.   My brother replied with two words -  'scuffy bugger', he can spell swear words at least, so I replied with two words 'fat fingers'.    

Right. Bath time.   

Originally Posted by: Caz 

Beans, beans good for your heart... the more you eat... I'll leave it there lol. Good to hear you've had something nice for a change Dougie. Definitely count me in on the meet up, I'll make it whatever. Something for us all to look forward to eh! Catch y'all tomorrow xx

Justine - Witham, Essex, 27masl
10 August 2017 23:28:24

Hi all, I would like to start by saying that it is very heartening to see some new posters to this thread, for that I thank you. It is important for me to try to get my message across, in the hope that it may help others, should they find themselves smitten by some horrible disease in future years. Never give up, is the crux of the message, no matter how low you can get at times.

There is very little to update tonight from the post I made earlier, as little has changed over the last few hours, other than a huge moth buzzing me having got in through an open window. I did go out tonight to my second favourite haunt, that is the Tea Hut on Blackheath, which has also played a big part in my life over the last 30 years. It sounds like I live in or around cafe's. i have many friends that go there, and it was good to see some of then tonight - it all helps, and I was able to play some loud music in the car on route

 I am getting ready now for the pill taking session, and the injections, with the hope that it will help maintain the improvement over the last 48 hours, I just hope that the new chemo treatment from earlier today is beginning to do its job. It can, and sometimes does, work very quickly in arresting the downward trend I am told.

I have not heard from Macmillans as yet, but if no contact is made soon, I will report to the local branch, and introduce myself. their expertise is needed more than ever now, and I am somewhat surprised by their silence.

OK, that's it for today, will update tomorrow, and I pray that it will still be good.

Nite, nite.

Ha'way the lads
10 August 2017 23:30:37

Hi Dougie.
Sadly I'm a very infrequent visitor to the forum arms, but have spent about an hour reading this thread.
I want to say firstly how I am so sorry I am that you are going through this awful roller coaster ride and secondly how much I admire your spirit and what an inspiration you are.

Judging by the responses in here, you are clearly a well loved member of this great forum 😀.

All the best with your treatment Dougie. 👍

Originally Posted by: John p 

Thanks John, it's good of you to say hello, the more the better.

Ha'way the lads
10 August 2017 23:36:35


Beans, beans good for your heart... the more you eat... I'll leave it there lol. Good to hear you've had something nice for a change Dougie. Definitely count me in on the meet up, I'll make it whatever. Something for us all to look forward to eh! Catch y'all tomorrow xx

Originally Posted by: Miss Dot Com 

Thanks for the rhyme Dotty, but with the constipation management I am undertaking, the old message of "never trust a fart" is very evident

Hopefully, a cafe meet up will be possible, and I look forward to seeing yourself and Caz, and for that matter anyone else who can make it.

Ha'way the lads
10 August 2017 23:42:07

I would also like to thank the many posts from those I have not thanked individiualy, some new, some old, thanks guy's.

Right, that really is it from me tonight.

Ha'way the lads
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
11 August 2017 05:29:36

Morning Dougie.  You are attracting quite a following on here and quite rightly so as you're a well respected and long standing TWO member.  All credit to you!  

Your cafe sounds a lovely social centre and you're clearly at home there. Sounds like my kind of place!  I'm sure once Macmillan get in touch, they'll get things moving quickly - not talking about bowels, although they'll be able to help with that too.  

Have a good day, do the things that make you happy and don't forget to smile a lot!   X

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
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