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11 August 2017 10:00:52

Morning Caz, I am constantly amazed by the number of folk who pop in and out of this thread. Some post, some don't, and that's fine, the message is getting out. This is not a thank you, but I have to acknowledge your part in all this, as the inspiration behind the thread. I look back over the last few weeks, and wonder where I would be now, not only in health, but mental terms, had you not started the whole thing off. It was/is just what I needed as an outlet to vent my feelings and frustrations.

It's a new day, the sun is out (for now anyway) and not much has changed overnight, although I am having a bit of trouble actually waking up, but that will pass. A successful and not too difficult BM has been completed, and the water flow, although slower than yesterday is being maintained. The medication will kick in soon, so hopefully all will be back to normal later.

The cafe seems to be gathering a bit of attention, it's just an ordinary eating place, no frills, just good old plain hospitality, with a good and quite varied menu. It seats around 56 customers inside, so not huge, but a few tables on the pavement can add an extra 16 places, mostly under cover, so you can even sit out there when it's raining, should you choose, and I do quite often.

You mention smiling in your post, it's a reaction I love to indulge in, but has not been very prevalent recently, although those who know me well have commented that they have noticed a change in my facial expression in the last couple of days or so, and yes, even a smile or two. I love a good laugh, and it would appear those days are returning, at least for now, anyway, so all is positive.

It was good to get out in my car yesterday, and if we get a fine spell of weather, I am planning a trip to the coast in the not too distant future. I used to do it quite frequently, but sadly not so for some months. I will take my camping gear with me, and make a day or two out of it. I have sold my campervan, as I could not see a way forward to completing the rebuild, a decision I may come to regret, but I have retained a lot of the goodies, which can be used successfully in the car.

OK, will update later, have a good day.

Ha'way the lads
11 August 2017 10:45:48
Have a good day Dougie, pleased the smiles are coming back for you. Long may it continue 🙂
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
11 August 2017 19:42:34

Evening Dougie. I hop it's been a good day for you!  

Your cafe isn't ordinary at all.  It's a place you love and feel comfortable in and that's what makes it special.  Places shouldn't be judged on bricks and mortar but on the love within their walls and not judged on space but the feelings you get when you're in them.  Your cafe sounds full of warm people and home comforts.  My kind of place.  They can keep their shiny chrome bar stools, neon lights and servers who speak like robots.  Give me a wonky wooden chair, daylight and a human being and I'm happy.   

I was going to ask about your camper van but maybe a car is more practical and it's great that you got out for a drive.  Keep smiling. X

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
11 August 2017 20:28:10

Cafe is that place where fiends and acquaintances go to meet up and discuss the world.  Used to do this in the  Wimpy Bar on the centre in Bristol.. Those were the days.  many a Wimpy Grill had been eaten there.. In My Mod suit with all the stripes....   

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
11 August 2017 23:07:06

Cafe is that place where fiends and acquaintances go to meet up and discuss the world.  Used to do this in the  Wimpy Bar on the centre in Bristol.. Those were the days.  many a Wimpy Grill had been eaten there.. In My Mod suit with all the stripes....   

Originally Posted by: ARTzeman 

That brings back some memories Art, did you have a Vespa?

Ha'way the lads
11 August 2017 23:25:07

With a hundred mirrors?.

11 August 2017 23:29:33

Another day ends, and not been too bad all in all. No real serious side effects from the chemo so far, and although not having the appetite from the previous two days, still managed to eat a respectable amount of food, ending with sausage, mash, onions, with loads of gravy, very nice.

As I have said many times previously, every day brings new surprises, and today was no exception. Chemotherapy does have the effect of making bones brittle, and I am afraid I might have done myself some damage. I lent over the side of my computer chair against the arm to retrieve a pen I had dropped, and felt something go crack in my left chest area. It would appear that this simple act may have caused me to crack a rib, which really gives me some pain when the hiccups start up, or I move my left arm, or breathe in deeply. I do hope this does not carry on for too long.

Time for some sleep I think, will update tomorrow.


Ha'way the lads
11 August 2017 23:31:22

With a hundred mirrors?.

Originally Posted by: AIMSIR 

And lights, and fox tails.

Ha'way the lads
11 August 2017 23:31:38
G'night Dougie.
11 August 2017 23:34:58

Goodnight Tony.

Ha'way the lads
11 August 2017 23:45:22

Another day ends, and not been too bad all in all. No real serious side effects from the chemo so far, and although not having the appetite from the previous two days, still managed to eat a respectable amount of food, ending with sausage, mash, onions, with loads of gravy, very nice.

As I have said many times previously, every day brings new surprises, and today was no exception. Chemotherapy does have the effect of making bones brittle, and I am afraid I might have done myself some damage. I lent over the side of my computer chair against the arm to retrieve a pen I had dropped, and felt something go crack in my left chest area. It would appear that this simple act may have caused me to crack a rib, which really gives me some pain when the hiccups start up, or I move my left arm, or breathe in deeply. I do hope this does not carry on for too long.

Time for some sleep I think, will update tomorrow.


Originally Posted by: Dougie 

Sorry to hear about the complications, but at the same time it's good to hear that things are generally on the upward trend Dougie. Keep staying strong and positive!

Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
12 August 2017 04:56:35


Sorry to hear about the complications, but at the same time it's good to hear that things are generally on the upward trend Dougie. Keep staying strong and positive!

Originally Posted by: Bolty 

Thanks Scott

Ha'way the lads
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
12 August 2017 05:44:07

Morning Dougie.  Sounds like you had a generally good day with a minor mishap so I'm hoping you had a comfortable night.  The eating regime is  coming along nicely though and has to be the most positive sign, so keep building up those resources with whatever tickles your tastebuds. 

Hmm, Vespa's and Lambretta's in droves.  An old boyfriend back in 1970 had one and was taking me for a spin when a car hit us and broke my leg.     I shouldn't have been on it as he was a learner so I got a £2 fine but as it was the car driver's fault I also got a generous insurance payout that eventually bought my first house. 

My next boyfriend had a 650 Triumph Bonneville, all black and shiny chrome, so most of our courting days were spent smelling of Solvol Autosol.  

Have a good day Dougie!  X 

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
13 August 2017 04:25:03

Morning Dougie.  Sounds like you had a generally good day with a minor mishap so I'm hoping you had a comfortable night.  The eating regime is  coming along nicely though and has to be the most positive sign, so keep building up those resources with whatever tickles your tastebuds. 

Hmm, Vespa's and Lambretta's in droves.  An old boyfriend back in 1970 had one and was taking me for a spin when a car hit us and broke my leg.     I shouldn't have been on it as he was a learner so I got a £2 fine but as it was the car driver's fault I also got a generous insurance payout that eventually bought my first house. 

My next boyfriend had a 650 Triumph Bonneville, all black and shiny chrome, so most of our courting days were spent smelling of Solvol Autosol.  

Have a good day Dougie!  X 

Originally Posted by: Caz 

Ahh, memories eh? I did have a Lambretta for a few months whilst taking my car driving lessons, but as soon as I passed my test, I bought a Mini, and never rode two wheels again. Good times though.

Most of the last 48 hours I have spent asleep, one of the properties of the chemo. I am certainly making up for the sleeping problems of recent weeks, so I suppose that's good, although more waking time would be better, in that I seem to be missing out on so much.

I did make it to the cafe yesterday, and had a sizeable meal of liver and bacon, which, although I have expressed doubts about the functionality of the stent recently, has proven itself to be making a difference, as this sort of meal a few weeks back would have been impossible.

I also went out to Blackheath for a couple of hours, in the hope of seeing some of the meteor shower. Although there is some light pollution there, being high up, the horizon is a long way off, and usually is a very good place for viewing such events, but too much cloud spoilt any chance, shame.

More or less normal toiletry functions have been maintained, so another plus there, but the pain from this rib problem, has become a lot worse, so not sure what to do about that. I just hope it clears away quickly.

Overall, I am not in bad shape, and this needs to be maintained, with the next chemo session due on Thursday.

That's all folks.

Ha'way the lads
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
13 August 2017 05:40:15

Morning Dougie.    I guess you know what side effects to expect from the chemo but sleep is good, it's when your body does all its maintenance so it's a good investment and with the improved eating habits you're giving yourself the best means to repair.  So it's all positive.  

As for the rib, you should just get it checked out at your next appointment.  There's not much they can do if it is cracked but it will heal on its own although you should mention it to your medical team.  And don't go dropping your pen again!  

There's much chance of me seeing the meteor shower because I can't keep my eyes open much after dark.  I'm a dusk to dawn sleeper these days but in past years I've spent many an August night looking skywards.   Maybe you'll make the trip again tonight to see some and don't forget to make a wish on every one you see. 

Is it roast beef and Yorkshire pud at the cafe today then?     X

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
Matty H
13 August 2017 09:58:04

Morning Dougie. Rib issue aside you seem to have improved a fair bit since around a month ago. You couldn't even keep water down then let alone a meal. Encouraging. 

13 August 2017 10:14:23


That brings back some memories Art, did you have a Vespa?

Originally Posted by: Dougie 

No Vespa but had an Italian Moped. The make of it is long forgotten. Got rid of it when joining the army for 13 years....... 

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
13 August 2017 11:42:08

Morning Dougie. Rib issue aside you seem to have improved a fair bit since around a month ago. You couldn't even keep water down then let alone a meal. Encouraging. 

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

Thanks for taking an interest Matty, and you are right in that I am now a totally different person than I was then. It's all part of the peaks and troughs associated with this disease, and it's heartening, and relieving when the peaks occur.

I have no way of knowing what is happening inside of course, until more tests are conducted, but this is generally the time to fight back, and hard, in an effort to gain back some ground from the cancer. The latest anti sickness pills have improved my chances in this respect, and should allow me to gain some body weight back with which to give it a good shot.

The rib problem is a bloody nuisance, very painful, and unneeded, but is a minor complication in the general scheme of things, and hopefully will clear away quickly.

Ha'way the lads
13 August 2017 12:31:33
Great to hear Dougie that you are able to enjoy some food and build up some strength for the next lot of Chemo....that rib sounds extremely painful though....
13 August 2017 12:56:37


No Vespa but had an Italian Moped. The make of it is long forgotten. Got rid of it when joining the army for 13 years....... 

Originally Posted by: ARTzeman 

Talking of motor bikes and mopeds, I started out with a Cyclemaster. Has anyone heard of them?

It was like a pushbike but with a stronger, more heavy duty frame. In the back wheel was a 23cc two stroke engine. It also had pedals to assist the engine on hills.

I bought it second hand from someone at work. It was, basically, useless. It was often off the road for repair as it kept breaking down. I eventually lost my rag with it, took the engine out and smashed it to pieces with a lump hammer (which was very satisfying)

Then I bought my first `proper` motorbike, a 1949 Francis Barnet 125cc. (again second hand from someone at work)

Eric. Cheadle Hulme, Stockport.
Matty H
13 August 2017 13:28:59

Always interested, Dougie 

I cracked a rib several years back from coughing (yes honestly) worst cough I've ever had and lasted for months, so I know how extremely painful that is. Hopefully it clears up soon. 

Adding some weight will definitely make a difference. Have they suggested any high calorie shakes or anything like that?

Miss Dot Com
13 August 2017 16:19:16


Ahh, memories eh? I did have a Lambretta for a few months whilst taking my car driving lessons, but as soon as I passed my test, I bought a Mini, and never rode two wheels again. Good times though.

Most of the last 48 hours I have spent asleep, one of the properties of the chemo. I am certainly making up for the sleeping problems of recent weeks, so I suppose that's good, although more waking time would be better, in that I seem to be missing out on so much.

I did make it to the cafe yesterday, and had a sizeable meal of liver and bacon, which, although I have expressed doubts about the functionality of the stent recently, has proven itself to be making a difference, as this sort of meal a few weeks back would have been impossible.

I also went out to Blackheath for a couple of hours, in the hope of seeing some of the meteor shower. Although there is some light pollution there, being high up, the horizon is a long way off, and usually is a very good place for viewing such events, but too much cloud spoilt any chance, shame.

More or less normal toiletry functions have been maintained, so another plus there, but the pain from this rib problem, has become a lot worse, so not sure what to do about that. I just hope it clears away quickly.

Overall, I am not in bad shape, and this needs to be maintained, with the next chemo session due on Thursday.

That's all folks.

Originally Posted by: Dougie 

Hey Dougie sounds like you had a good weekend! My first car was a mini too, I had a 50cc (with rebore to make it a little faster naughty girl lol) Suzuki though untill I passed my driving test. 

Have to acknowledge Caz also for keeping you going and communicating with us, certainly has been a godsend! Hope tomorrow is just as good for you and your progress xx

Justine - Witham, Essex, 27masl
13 August 2017 17:26:05

Always interested, Dougie 

I cracked a rib several years back from coughing (yes honestly) worst cough I've ever had and lasted for months, so I know how extremely painful that is. Hopefully it clears up soon. 

Adding some weight will definitely make a difference. Have they suggested any high calorie shakes or anything like that?

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

Keep up Matty 

I have had supplement all along, but could not really stomach them. Recently I was sent a new batch of supplements as a sample called Foodlink Complete which are brilliant, just like drinking a normal milk shake. They come in 5 different flavours, and I have picked 3 which suits my needs the best. I am having a bit of a problem getting my GP to follow up on the prescription however, but will cause a stir there tomorrow as to why they make things so difficult to obtain.

Ha'way the lads
13 August 2017 17:36:17


Hey Dougie sounds like you had a good weekend! My first car was a mini too, I had a 50cc (with rebore to make it a little faster naughty girl lol) Suzuki though untill I passed my driving test. 

Have to acknowledge Caz also for keeping you going and communicating with us, certainly has been a godsend! Hope tomorrow is just as good for you and your progress xx

Originally Posted by: Miss Dot Com 

Thanks Dotty. Mini's were great little cars, in fact my first 3 cars were mini's, eventually progressing to a Mini Cooper S, which I went on to use for competitive rallying for years after.

You are right about Caz, and although she hates for me to praise her, she has been the rock in my life. I will leave that there, I don't want to be in trouble again

It's been a nice day, and I hope that some of the cloud will clear so I can resume my meteor watch later this evening.

Ha'way the lads
Matty H
13 August 2017 18:39:52


Keep up Matty 

I have had supplement all along, but could not really stomach them. Recently I was sent a new batch of supplements as a sample called Foodlink Complete which are brilliant, just like drinking a normal milk shake. They come in 5 different flavours, and I have picked 3 which suits my needs the best. I am having a bit of a problem getting my GP to follow up on the prescription however, but will cause a stir there tomorrow as to why they make things so difficult to obtain.

Originally Posted by: Dougie 



Definitely kick off about it. It's one of those situations where shouting loudest does actually make a difference. 

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