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  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
20 August 2017 06:14:45

Morning Dougie.

You really are gathering some powerful weapons for your fight - nutrition, exercise and a positive attitude, with the latter being the most important as the other two depend on it.  It isn't easy to stay positive when you're not feeling so good but you have the advantage of knowing what to expect and you know the chemo sessions have their side effects.  You also know that you have better days and that's what you have to keep in your sights.

Thank you for the history lesson.  I know Fleming discovered penicillin in the 1920's but didn't realise it wasn't used until WW1. It's interesting that the mind over matter thing came up too.  We have become too dependant on prescribed drugs and have forgotten our basic instincts.  I personally steer well clear of medication and prefer natural remedies, although I've been fortunate to enjoy good health so far and I'm a stickler for eating well. 

Dotty, it sounds like you've really got into the swing of your new regime and it's encouraging that you're feeling the benefits.  All credit to you. 

Have a good day Dougie!   X

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
21 August 2017 00:17:09

Nothing much has changed during the day, so a very short report.

I have to attend Guy's later, to see the consultant team, and the dietician. I don't expect too much will come from this, as it's only an interim meeting, and should be over very quickly. My major interest will be if there is any change in my weight, I hope not to be disappointed on that score.

I will update during the evening, ta ta for now.

Ha'way the lads
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
21 August 2017 04:35:19

Morning Dougie.  Hoping you had a restful night in preparation for your excursion to Guys. Don't get too hung up about your weight, you're burning off some calories now as you're more active than a month ago.  Also, you've had varying amounts of fluid retention which will affect your weight.  The most important thing is how you feel in yourself.  

Go with the determination you've continuously shown and take on board the positive stuff.  You know your body better than anyone else.  Then go to your cafe and have a bit of what you fancy!  

I'll catch you later.   X

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
Gavin P
21 August 2017 10:36:11

Good luck for the appointments later Dougie... 

Rural West Northants 120m asl
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21 August 2017 10:47:23

Thanks Caz, and good morning all.

Little change this morning, but perhaps I did get a little more sleep last night, eventually. I seem to have drifted back into a situation whereby I need to sleep all day, but stay awake all night, probably as a result of mainly working nightshift for over half my life, old habits die hard.

I will update later, the hospital appointments are  later today 16.00, and 17.30hrs, so I will have to find another source to satisfy my culinary delights this evening.

Back later.

Ha'way the lads
21 August 2017 11:55:12

Hope it goes smoothly today, Dougie.

Matty H
21 August 2017 11:59:19

Yeah, good luck Dougie

ive just spent three days in Glasgow, and having suffered that experience I reckon you can do anything mate. 

21 August 2017 12:38:06

Yeah, good luck Dougie

ive just spent three days in Glasgow, and having suffered that experience I reckon you can do anything mate. 

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

 Many years ago I had the unfortunate experience of living in Glasgow, I was there for 2 years, so I know exactly what you mean.

Ha'way the lads
Matty H
21 August 2017 13:49:19


 Many years ago I had the unfortunate experience of living in Glasgow, I was there for 2 years, so I know exactly what you mean.

Originally Posted by: Dougie 


Absolutely dreadful. Found two nice pubs out of the 15 or so we tried,  and had a decent-ish curry Saturday night. 

  • NMA
  • Advanced Member
21 August 2017 14:14:37

Morning Dougie. Sounds like you did have a good day. Singing too!  If music be the food of love, play on (Shakespeare).  And if it gives you a love for life, then play it long and play it loud! (Me).  I'm getting handy with these quotes!  

Contemplation isn't a bad thing at all. It's funny you should say you concentrate on a cluster of cells and imagine the battle. Many years ago I saw a documentary where children, in Asia I think, were taught to do exactly that, to fight illness and injury. They were taught to imagine sending an army of good healing antibody cells to fight the baddies.  I do it and I always used to tell my kids to do it.  I suppose it's a kind of mind over matter theory but it's a positive one and I'm all for anything positive.

Have a good day and I'll catch up with you later.   X


Originally Posted by: Caz 

Just catching up on this thread. We taught our children to imagine when they were ill in the same sort of way. We called it 'Fighting Monsters' and it really does seem to work.

Have a good day.

Vale of the Great Dairies
South Dorset
Elevation 60m 197ft
Joe Bloggs
21 August 2017 15:11:13

Yeah, good luck Dougie

ive just spent three days in Glasgow, and having suffered that experience I reckon you can do anything mate. 

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

You looked like you had a good time judging by Facebook! :D 

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

Matty H
21 August 2017 18:53:34


You looked like you had a good time judging by Facebook! :D 

Originally Posted by: Joe Bloggs 

If you can judge experience from around four photos lol. Not at all. It was utter cack. Won't be doing that again. I could have stayed gone to Easton and had the same experience. Was unanimous too. No one really enjoyed it, although it ranged from so-so to crap.

Stop derailing Dougie's thread  

21 August 2017 19:45:37

Evening all.

I am home and happy, it was a very constructive couple of meetings, which brought me some fresh hope for the future. A weight gain!! of 2.9 kilos was also logged, brilliant.

I don't have time for a full update right now, sorry, but I will do one later tonight.

Have fun

Ha'way the lads
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
21 August 2017 19:50:02

Fantastic to hear you're feeling good Dougie. Great weight gain too. It's so nice to end the day on such a positive note. Have a good night!  

Night night!   X

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
21 August 2017 19:56:10

Fantastic to hear you're feeling good Dougie. Great weight gain too. It's so nice to end the day on such a positive note. Have a good night!  

Night night!   X

Originally Posted by: Caz 

Nite night Caz, have you finished packing, hope to catch you again before your holiday.

Ha'way the lads
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
21 August 2017 20:14:16

Yes. I've packed and very much looking forward to some girlie time with my three sisters. We're really close, which helps. We're a man down this time, my mum used to make us a group of five travellers but life goes on and we'll be doing lots of belly laughing, which is just the best medicine ever!  You need to do some of that too!  

I'm not going until tomorrow evening so I'll be back on here again before I go. You go for a ride to Blackheath and play something loud that you can sing along to!  Catch you tomorrow. Have a good night. X 

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
21 August 2017 20:15:00

Evening all.

I am home and happy, it was a very constructive couple of meetings, which brought me some fresh hope for the future. A weight gain!! of 2.9 kilos was also logged, brilliant.

I don't have time for a full update right now, sorry, but I will do one later tonight.

Have fun

Originally Posted by: Dougie 

That's great news Dougie. 

David M Porter
21 August 2017 20:19:30

Evening all.

I am home and happy, it was a very constructive couple of meetings, which brought me some fresh hope for the future. A weight gain!! of 2.9 kilos was also logged, brilliant.

I don't have time for a full update right now, sorry, but I will do one later tonight.

Have fun

Originally Posted by: Dougie 

So glad to hear you're feeling in better spirits at the moment, Dougie. Long may that continue!

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
Miss Dot Com
21 August 2017 20:51:01
Wow that is good to hear, hang on to that hope and I hope the sickness is behind you for a while at least xx
Justine - Witham, Essex, 27masl
Matty H
21 August 2017 21:08:18

Brilliant news Dougie. Well done!! 

21 August 2017 21:31:11

Good news we all like to see Dougie. Great about a little weight gain. Have a good night's rest...

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
22 August 2017 01:23:17

Thank you all for the messages of support, it does have a huge affect on my particular circumstances, you are great.

As alluded to in my earlier report, the day has been largely one for good news, although obviously in the general scheme of things, it's of little importance, apart from raising my spirits.

The visit started with giving blood, again, so delayed things whilst the results were checked, they do it very quickly now, usually under an hour for full blood count, and all the extra's for checking out the major organs. They can tell a lot just from these.

The first of the medical team to be seen was the dietitian who was pleased with my progress in eating ability, and impressed with the weight gain. A further hours wait, and I was in with the medical team. I explained how I had been over the last couple of weeks, to put them in the picture. This procedure can be a bit disconcerting at times, as they tend not to make any comment, but I am getting used to that now. Once I have done my bit, it's their turn. The results from the blood tests were very good, in that they showed no abnormalities, not that you can read into this too much, without the backup of scans etc., but any information is jumped on, good or bad.

After some general chat, they announced that they now considered me to be strong enough to take the full 100% chemotherapy, remember I was only receiving 75% over the last two cycles. Happy? I could have done a dance there and then After further encouraging chat, they did say that they were very pleased with my progress, but, and a very big but, that really speaking, nothing had changed, and the odds although perhaps marginally better, had not altered. Without the scans, the blood tests did not tell the full story of what was happening with the tumours, these will be conducted after cycle 3 of chemo which takes place on Thursday this week, and after a little break from treatment for 2 weeks, before deciding on the best course of action thereafter. 

OK, as I have said many times, fighting this disease is as much about me doing the right things, to compliment the medical treatment, and I am determined that WE will win in the end. Who cares about the slightly negative news from the team, I am feeling as good now as I have in months, and this all agree counts for so much.

I am again at Guy's later today to see Macmillan palliative team, and then a further consultation with their doctor, who has vast experience in this field, more so than even the Guy's teem seen today, and I have every confidence in him, so what he says will be important.

A busy week, all in all, but I don't mind the fatigue the difficulties of all this, if the news is encouraging. More of the same please.

Ha'way the lads
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
22 August 2017 05:01:26

Morning Dougie!  Well, how good that was to read.  All very encouraging news and the best thing about your post is the tone in which it was written.  From the heart, with a little caution, a lot of acceptance and with so much positive attitude.  You know your enemy and you're in fighting spirit!  That you're strong enough to have 100% chemo is great news and strengthens the ranks.  You can do this!  No, it won't be easy and it will take every ounce of effort and determination but I believe you can do it.  

Blood tests can give much more information than you might imagine.  As well as testing for vital organ performance and the effectiveness of your body's defence mechanism, they may also be doing tumour marking to monitor the cancer.  So it's good news that your blood test results gave no cause for concern.  Keep that army of good cells mobilised!   

Good luck with Macmillan today!  If you haven't already talked to them about financial support, raise it with their support team and take all the help they offer, to lighten your load.  

Catch you later. X 


Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
22 August 2017 07:04:12

Good morning Caz, and thanks. You are, and have been, such a source of inspiration, that you deserve a great holiday now, just for the effort put into keeping me sane and reasonably balanced. Do please have a great time whilst you are away, and I hope that you will be able to find a way to check in for any updates I release over the coming days.

Positivity remains this morning, although I did not get too much sleep, and my stomach is playing me a merry tune right now, nearly as loudly as I was singing the other day.

It's just another day for me to continue in my fight, and I will do so in the best way I know how. Thankyou all for the continued interest, and support, that you, my fellow forum members have, and are, showing, I am very aware that you are out there, and that we are doing this together, and that is the truth.

I will be back later.

Ha'way the lads
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
22 August 2017 07:49:37

Dougie, it's no effort on my part and you greatly underestimate the inspiration of your posts. I probably won't get updates while I'm away as I switch off completely. I have my phone turned off and I never contact the outside world.  I know the true meaning of 'holiday'. 

Don't let the little niggles concern you, or drag your spirits down. You know to expect the unexpected, so take them in your stride and concentrate all efforts on the bigger picture.  Enjoy your good spells and get some rest when you're not so great.  I know it's hard to be positive when you're not feeling your best but just remember 'no pain, no gain', so keep it together!  

I'm away for a week but when I get back I expect to be reading a full account of your week, warts and all.  Remember too that although I may post more than most people, there are a lot of others reading this thread and supporting you.  

I hope you get a bit of sunshine too.  You need the vitamin D to strengthen your bones and to keep the low moods at bay.  So sit outside your cafe in your shirt sleeves with your arms in the sun and have a hot chocolate for me every day, unless it's raining, in which case my advice is best ignored!  

Have a good day  I will catch up again later. X 


Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
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