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15 September 2017 20:36:54

Just to add to today's fishy tails.... I had mackerel kedgeree for dinner. Keeping up with fish on Friday.. Hope the day is going well for you.. Watching Bournouth and Brighton playing at the moment on Sky Sports Mix. Bournemouth 2-1 At the moment....

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
15 September 2017 21:38:10

We give our cat Amica a tin of tuna in spring water, once a week on a Wednesday. It`s her favourite treat the way she gobbles it down. We give it her on a Wednesday because that`s bin collection day  and she`s terrified of the sound of the bin lorries and runs to hide under a bed as soon as she hears the first one.

This is because she is a rescue cat we got from the RSPCA and she was found at a council recycling centre, in a cardboard box with several kittens, where someone had dumped her. She must have been terrified of the bin lorries, the way she still reacts to them now, 3 or more years  later, but she stayed with her kittens until she was found and removed from there.

Eric. Cheadle Hulme, Stockport.
16 September 2017 00:19:41

Some interesting posts there.

Not had such a good day today, but still hanging in there and trying to keep focused. It's amazing how quickly moods can swing, and this seems to be quite a turbulent time. I have not as yet given any more thought to the cat, as I want to be in good form when I go to choose, which will probably be in the week off from chemo, the week after next.

I have had quite a busy day, for me anyway, clearing out some cupboards, and donating my DVD collection to what has now become the house library. There was not one until today, but others have followed, and the collection in the communal lounge has now grown quite large. My extra cupboard space will prove to be quite handy I am sure, it's always hard downsizing, as I did when I moved here.

OK, more from me later, enjoy your weekend folks.

Ha'way the lads
16 September 2017 00:52:43

The house library gig sounds great, Dougie.

A chance for a bit of a bash perhaps?.
Have a good weekend.

  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
16 September 2017 05:31:40

Morning Dougie.  It's hardly surprising that your moods are having a roller coaster ride with all you have going on.  Getting involved with your fellow residents, as you have done recently, is a good change of focus and will be a big help towards getting your moods on a more even keel.  

The DVD library is a great idea and by spending time in your communal areas you'll find other things you can get involved in.  I'm sure your input will prove invaluable to others as well as giving you some satisfaction, which is always good for the soul.  Don't forget the vitamin D in your diet, to help keep the 'lows' at bay.  Art's mackerel kedgeree or a salmon steak would boost your daily dose, as will getting out in the sunshine as much as you can, if we have any.  

My weekend got off to a good start last night with my three sisters.  We shared our holiday snaps and laughed about our antics in the rough sea resulting in two pairs of lost sunglasses, two 'nearly' lost bikini tops,  three grazed knees and a burst lilo.  Girls on tour eh?  

Have a good day yourself Dougie!  X 

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
Joe Bloggs
16 September 2017 07:32:55

This thread is now 35 pages and is heartwarming reading.. full of caring, decent people. This forum can be a wonderful place. 

Dougie - I hope you have a great weekend and I hope you're feeling ok today. :-) 

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

David M Porter
16 September 2017 07:47:14

This thread is now 35 pages and is heartwarming reading.. full of caring, decent people. This forum can be a wonderful place. 

Dougie - I hope you have a great weekend and I hope you're feeling ok today. :-) 

Originally Posted by: Joe Bloggs 

I echo Joe's sentiments Dougie.

Woudn't it be great if virtually every thread in this forum was like this!

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
Miss Dot Com
16 September 2017 10:06:12

Hey Dougie, hope your having a good weekend? The DVD library sounds like a great idea! I could do with one in my house Kevin hoards and DVDs is one of them. I wouldn't mind really but its all action films. I like a bit of romance or comedy now and again. Whats your favourite? Maybe you could name the cat after one of your fave films?. Even though you're moods are swinging, it seems you got the strength to get on with it, hope that keeps up for a bit anyway. Keep smiling  and warm it's getting a bit chilly now! xx

Justine - Witham, Essex, 27masl
16 September 2017 10:07:31

Morning Caz.

You are lucky to be part of a fairly large family, and to meet up with your sisters on a regular basis is your therapy I feel. It's unusual these days, because there always seems to be one who breaks away and won't talk to the others for one reason or another, so very much a question of singing in three part harmony.

As yesterday, I am trying to remain focused, but a problem with bodily functions is giving me cause for concern. Hopefully this will sort itself out later, Saturday is always the difficult day after the chemo.

The comments from Joe and David are great, yes 35 pages in fairly short order have made my life so much easier to bear, and I thank everyone concerned for taking part, it is a wonderful forum.

Catch you all later.

Ha'way the lads
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
16 September 2017 17:53:28

Evening Dougie.  Yes I know I am very lucky to have a lovely big family.  I'm the eldest of eight.  Four girls and four boys (though I lost a brother five years ago) and we are all very close and spend a lot of time together. 

Well, supper tonight is cured meats and cheeses bought at today's food festival, which was a lovely day out.  I hope you're having something nice to eat.  You know, one day I might actually make a post without mentioning food.  

Stay focused.  You know what to expect so don't let the side effects get you down too much.    X

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
16 September 2017 18:08:10

Dougie - thinking of you as ever my friend....

"Life with the Lions"

TWO Moderator
16 September 2017 19:43:46

Thanks Caz and John.

Today has been a time of virtually total inaction, in fact I have slept for most of it. The possible problem with my bodily functions subsided when the worst of the two options gave up its fayre, without fuss or comment, much to my relief.

I have just come back from an Indian meal, I was not a huge amount, but it was very nice. As I still feel very tired, I may well stay in tonight, but will see how I feel a little later on.

I hope all of you enjoy your Saturday night, have fun.

Ha'way the lads
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
17 September 2017 06:27:38

Morning Dougie.  A day of sleep will have done you good and your body was obviously telling you that's what it needed, so, good on yer for listening to it!  And no matter if your meals are small, as long as you're eating and enjoying your meals.   

I don't have a lot planned for today, apart from shopping with my sister this morning.  So I might have a leisurely afternoon pottering in the garden, weather permitting and providing nobody finds me something to do.  When my kids ask me what I'm doing, I usually make the mistake of saying 'nothing special', and they find me something to do.  

Have a good day.  I'll catch up with you later.  X 



Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
18 September 2017 00:00:58

Nothing to say really, hospital for most of tomorrow, starting with a 10am appointment.

Ha'way the lads
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
18 September 2017 05:32:29

Morning Dougie.  That you have nothing much to say suggests you're holding your own.  Hope all goes well at the hospital today.  

Catch up later. X 

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
18 September 2017 19:22:40

Very, very negative tonight, sorry but it's been a tiresome day. At hospital from 10am until 5.30pm for no real gain Tomorrow, an MRI Scan at 12.30, followed by a meeting with the palliative doctor at 3pm. The chemo set for Thursday has been cancelled, no comment.

No more from me tonight.

Ha'way the lads
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
18 September 2017 19:57:35

Dougie, you need to get some rest.  It sounds like you've had a gruelling, tiring and deflating day.  Just what you really don't need but don't get overthinking anything and remember tomorrow is a new day.  Sleep tight!   X

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
19 September 2017 04:44:49

As I have said many times previously, one step forward, two steps back, and catching back up again is so hard. This time is because of my loss of use of my hand, hence all the scans. They are also bringing forward the CT scan which will indicate any growth, or otherwise of the seedling tumours. This will take place in the next few days, but interuption of the chemo treatment is disruptive.

Ha'way the lads
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
19 September 2017 05:49:04

Morning Dougie.  Hope all goes well with today's appointment and that you get something positive to go home with.  Thinking about you and willing your strength!   X

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
Gavin P
19 September 2017 10:29:17

Hi Dougie,

Sorry I've not checked in for a while (things very busy from now through to Xmas with my website etc)

Hope the MRI goes OK and you can get the chemo restarted asap.


Rural West Northants 120m asl
Short, medium and long range weather forecast videos @
19 September 2017 15:40:53
I bloody well hope you get good news, Dougie.
19 September 2017 16:41:13

All on tender hooks here waiting for a better report.. Hope it goes that way. 

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
Gandalf The White
19 September 2017 16:50:10

Fingers crossed Dougie. 

I really hope you get some better news.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

19 September 2017 17:10:52
+1 to all the above comments.
At least it will be mild!
19 September 2017 19:20:39

Today became the day that I took on the might of the NHS booking system. If you are given an appointment, is it not reasonable to assume that you would be seen within half an hour or so of that time? To be fair, appointments that don't include seeing a doctor, are usually within this time frame, but if a doctor is involved, the waiting time could be more than 4 hours. This is what happened yesterday, and was heading that way again today, before I called time. Upon making enquiries, I was unable to get a time for my consultation, so I politely  told them, enough is enough, and started my journey home. There was little information to be gained today anyway.

The MRI scan went as planned, although I had not bargained on the one and a quarter hours it took, laying still, in a not very comfortable position that it took. The results I should get on Monday, and hopefully it will reveal the reason for my hand problem.

Now I know that most of you will think that I was silly taking the above action, but you were not there listening to others with the same problem. It is not a isolated occurance, it happens every time, and needs to be sorted out. It is costly as I have to pay waiting time for the cab, very annoying, and plainly downright rude.


Ha'way the lads
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