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22 October 2017 16:50:29
Not much I can add to what others have already said. You're fighting a brave fight Dougie, and whatever happens from now you are an inspiration to us all.
Nr. Easingwold, North Yorkshire
30m asl
22 October 2017 18:36:11

My step-Grandad is undergoing treatment for bowel cancer at the moment and, long-term, the prognosis isn't likely to be great. He's relatively comfortable at the moment at home and has responded well to his treatment plan 

What you have shown me Dougie is the amazing strength people have fighting such a debilitating disease. As Gavin put, you have set the example to all of us.

My step-Grandad has his other half and close family to help him through it - I fear he is only at the start of a long battle. He's a gruff sod at the best of times but I've been surprised at the fight and dignity he has shown through all of it and I have been drawing parallels with your battle throughout this 

It seems a little odd saying this but in times like this we can see the best of people - as much as we think others see us at our worst when suffering through a disease like this - the people on the sidelines going through it with them can see the fight, determination and resolve that they haven't seen the likes of before. I am seeing that from my side and it is inspiring.


22 October 2017 22:03:58
Oh Dougie 😔 It's so difficult to know what to say and really heartbreaking reading your update. Cancer is such a foul thing. As others have already said, you're truly inspirational, a real fighter. The strength you've shown and continue to show is amazing. Thinking of you x
Tredegar, SE Wales, 330m
23 October 2017 07:53:41
Dougie, as inspirational as ever, right to the end...I expected nothing less! Who knows, the battle you have gone through will be one that many of us will have to travel have set the bar extremely high that many of us, including myself, could not reach terms of your bravery, honesty, courage, fortitude... I just take a little comfort from knowing you are not on your own now, and that there will be people around you to bring comfort and human companionship to the very end....Thank you, thank you Dougie!!
23 October 2017 08:50:20


Dougie I have little to add to what everyone has said bar expressing my support and thoughts. Your bravery, dignity, honestly are an inspiration.

Cancer is an absolute sod. I long for the day when we are rid of the things that cause it.

23 October 2017 10:31:39
Hi Dougie,

Not posted in this thread before but read your updates with interest.

I echo everyone's sentiments that you have showed incredible bravery and perhaps put our daily lives and troubles in to a little bit more perspective than we first see them.

Thank you.

449ft Sutton Coldfield, West MIdlands
Saint Snow
23 October 2017 11:02:38

Mods - I'm sure you will agree that this thread should be preserved in the 'Classic Threads' forum/library.



Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
23 October 2017 13:08:47

The strength of mind and body you have demonstrated has been incredible and your latest update, although not unexpected, is still desperately sad to see.

Now is the time to make the most of your lifetime of memories, and I wish you peace in your remaining time.

I have no other words...God bless you Dougie.



David M Porter
23 October 2017 15:28:29

Mods - I'm sure you will agree that this thread should be preserved in the 'Classic Threads' forum/library.



Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

I'll second that, Saint.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
23 October 2017 22:06:06

I know you like music. Dougie.
Don't know if it's appropriate?. but here goes.
Keep in touch if you can.

We are with you all the way Brother.

You kick ass all the way man.

David Bowie - Lazarus - YouTube


24 October 2017 08:11:47
I wish you comfort in body and peace for your mind at this time Dougie.
If I ever have to deal with this (and there is at least a one in three chance that I will) I will forever remember the strength and fortitude you've shown on these pages and take a great deal of strength from your journey and your example. Simply inspirational.
The orange County of Armagh.
24 October 2017 08:47:35
I'm so sorry to hear this news, Dougie. And I am so sorry I did not have the mental fortitude to come in here and contribute. I will forever regret that.

I hope you get to have some peacefulness over the coming days.
[email protected]
Miss Dot Com
24 October 2017 10:45:07

Hey Dougie, just checking in before work. Hope they give you some good drugs to keep you going and it’s not hurting too much. Hang in there while you can. Thinking of you xx

Justine - Witham, Essex, 27masl
24 October 2017 14:38:32

Hey Dougie; not sure if you're still reading. In case you are, it seems fitting to tell you about the weather outside.

It's a strange bluey- grey kind of day here. The lights have been on in shop & house windows for much of the day and on the road, I find a certain comfort in that. Can't say why.

Where the beeches and birches have turned leaf, the brightness really glows against that grey cloud. The breeze is currently light and the air is quite warm, but when it picks up a bit it's slightly teasing & makes the indoors seem the place to be. Almost starting to feel more November than October.

Hope you're warm and comfy. Thinking of you.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
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  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
24 October 2017 15:58:17

Hi Dougie. I’m back!  I’m sad but I have been reading between the lines of your posts so I’m not shocked. I know just how much you’ve fought physically and mentally. I have thought about you a lot while I’ve been away too. 

I can’t add anything to what others have already written. There are some lovely heartfelt posts and they’re all credit to you, your bravery, tenacity and positivity. The fact that people care enough to post just shows how much of an inspiration you really are!  I don’t think you realise how much you’ve actually given to this forum, how many people can relate to your posts and how many hearts you’ve touched. 

I know it’s difficult for you to post now but I know you’re reading this!  I just want you to know that I’m still with you, just as I’ve been with you all the way.  I won’t give up fighting for you until you decide it’s time to rest.  You deserve a rest.  You’ve fought hard and strong and you’ve won some bloody tough battles (there I go again swearing like a Mackam lass) but we all have our limits.  We all need to rest eventually.  That isn’t a weakness.  It’s a humanness!  Did I just invent that word? 

I’m praying you’re not in pain and that you’re comfortable.  I’ll keep checking in and I’ll look for your response but I’ll understand if you don’t post.  Sending a big hug and a very big thank you for your honest and inspirational posts.   XX


Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
24 October 2017 16:53:20

Thank you Caz for starting this topic  I know Dougie is so appreciative of you especially with all the support and kind words you have given him. You're an absolute star 

24 October 2017 17:20:09

Thank you Caz for starting this topic  I know Dougie is so appreciative of you especially with all the support and kind words you have given him. You're an absolute star 

Originally Posted by: SJV 

Second that.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
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24 October 2017 18:11:45

My thoughts are with Dougie too.

At least it will be mild!
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
24 October 2017 19:18:43

Thank you Caz for starting this topic  I know Dougie is so appreciative of you especially with all the support and kind words you have given him. You're an absolute star 

Originally Posted by: SJV 

I know Dougie appreciates it and it was the only thing I could do to help but he’s the one who needs thanking for having the courage to speak and to share.  He could have moped about and kept it to himself or felt sorry for himself or been angry with the world and we couldn’t have blamed him. But he’s done none of those things.  

We all know that it’s sometimes difficult to talk.  Often at times when we most need to.  At times when isolation is the worst thing. We’re not good at talking and we should be.  Keeping silent causes too many problems and communicating solves many.  We could all help ourselves and others by just talking. We all need to learn from Dougie’s example.

Kind words to Dougie come easily because you just couldn’t be any different to such a lovely well respected person.  I’ve never met Dougie but over the years I’ve learnt from his posts that he’s true to himself and that’s an admirable quality that we don’t all possess. 

I’m hoping someone can get news of Dougie.  If anyone is in touch with him personally, please give us an update and pass on my best wishes.


Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
24 October 2017 19:55:24

I know Dougie appreciates it and it was the only thing I could do to help but he’s the one who needs thanking for having the courage to speak and to share.  He could have moped about and kept it to himself or felt sorry for himself or been angry with the world and we couldn’t have blamed him. But he’s done none of those things.  

We all know that it’s sometimes difficult to talk.  Often at times when we most need to.  At times when isolation is the worst thing. We’re not good at talking and we should be.  Keeping silent causes too many problems and communicating solves many.  We could all help ourselves and others by just talking. We all need to learn from Dougie’s example.

Kind words to Dougie come easily because you just couldn’t be any different to such a lovely well respected person.  I’ve never met Dougie but over the years I’ve learnt from his posts that he’s true to himself and that’s an admirable quality that we don’t all possess. 

I’m hoping someone can get news of Dougie.  If anyone is in touch with him personally, please give us an update and pass on my best wishes.


Originally Posted by: Caz 

Wise words, and yes I second your last sentence 

24 October 2017 20:52:37

I know Dougie appreciates it and it was the only thing I could do to help but he’s the one who needs thanking for having the courage to speak and to share.  He could have moped about and kept it to himself or felt sorry for himself or been angry with the world and we couldn’t have blamed him. But he’s done none of those things.  

We all know that it’s sometimes difficult to talk.  Often at times when we most need to.  At times when isolation is the worst thing. We’re not good at talking and we should be.  Keeping silent causes too many problems and communicating solves many.  We could all help ourselves and others by just talking. We all need to learn from Dougie’s example.

Kind words to Dougie come easily because you just couldn’t be any different to such a lovely well respected person.  I’ve never met Dougie but over the years I’ve learnt from his posts that he’s true to himself and that’s an admirable quality that we don’t all possess. 

I’m hoping someone can get news of Dougie.  If anyone is in touch with him personally, please give us an update and pass on my best wishes.


Originally Posted by: Caz 

A lovely post, Caz. And thank you.

[email protected]
25 October 2017 13:43:19

Beautiful day here Dougie- strong sunshine- not even that orangey autumn light- proper sun, warm on the skin.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
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  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
25 October 2017 17:29:33

Evening Dougie!  

I’m back at work and life at home again. I do love travelling but I love being at home too. I’m never keen on unpacking cases and the holiday washing and ironing though but I have made a start on that.   

Sending hugs and a smile.   X

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
Miss Dot Com
25 October 2017 17:44:13
Ahh Caz I’m glad your back, you always have such words of wisdom thank you! Good luck with your washing lol.
Hey Doug, hope you are here. Hope the hozzy is not as crazy as the shops are if you are still there. It’s half term and we’ve had lots of crazy fractious mothers in dragging their kids behind them. Tempers seem frayed lol. It’s only going to get worse before Christmas too. That brings out the Christmas crazies! Sending love to you xx
Justine - Witham, Essex, 27masl
25 October 2017 18:07:41

It's clear Dougie that the inspiration you have left people has brought them together. It's so clear.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
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