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28 November 2017 23:34:23

Stunning 18z

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Which are you looking at?


I am looking at the GFS shows mild southerlies middle to end of next week. - two different outlooks for same day!?

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

Karl Guille
28 November 2017 23:37:06
Some stonking runs in FI on the GEFS 18z. This is just one. JFF 
St. Sampson
28 November 2017 23:40:29

Some stonking runs in FI on the GEFS 18z. This is just one. JFF
Originally Posted by: Karl Guille 



Karl - send me the link to that main page please?



Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

Phil G
28 November 2017 23:44:39
Stonking or stinking. Who will be right.

Seems the sort of cyclogenisis that normally occurs off the eastern seaboard may arrive just west of our shores in a weeks time. 

Gandalf The White
28 November 2017 23:52:53

ECM 12z ensemble suite for London

The op moves from the cold cluster to almost a mild outlier on day 10. Beyond that there's still a minority cold cluster and an awful lot of milder options but no clear clustering.

Anyone's guess still beyond 3 cold days and then a well-signaled milder spell.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Karl Guille
29 November 2017 00:01:18


Originally Posted by: tallyho_83 


Karl - send me the link to that main page please?




Here you go!

St. Sampson
Rob K
29 November 2017 00:25:28
I think there is a problem with the GEFS on Meteociel. The chart is showing a 2640% chance of snow in London 🙂
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
Gandalf The White
29 November 2017 00:37:46

I think there is a problem with the GEFS on Meteociel. The chart is showing a 2640% chance of snow in London :)

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

That’s nothing - it’s close to 13,000% in north Norfolk tomorrow ....

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Rob K
29 November 2017 01:15:41 

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
29 November 2017 01:27:32

That’s raised an eyebrow Rob. Didn’t expect that this evening.


Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
29 November 2017 04:05:13

Let's be honest it could be far worse. If this is correct 850s are over 20C above average in Greenland right now. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

And it's that warmth which - via Miles extension - is bringing this week's northerly plunge.

If you're a coldie, a warm Greenland is a godsend.

Meanwhile it's interesting to see just how violently the 18z GEFS lurched in favour of cold, a reminder (if any were needed) that entire ensemble suites can swing with a single run. I daresay there'll more more lurches ahead!


Leysdown, north Kent
Karl Guille
29 November 2017 05:54:55

GEFS 00z paints a generally less cold theme into next week than the 00z but the Op and Control continue to project another cold northerly in the 7-10 day period with 850hPA air between -8/-10 over much of the country. However, the uncertainty remains and from the middle of next week there is plenty of scatter amongst the ensemble members. GEM shows what happens if the High holds on across the S/E of the UK and the northerly is kept at bay.


St. Sampson
29 November 2017 06:48:01

Decent runs from GFS and UK......ECM doesn’t seem interested at all

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

29 November 2017 06:52:25
What is ECM upto?
Decent UKMetO though more twists and turns to come for sure.
29 November 2017 06:52:53

Decent runs from GFS and UK......ECM doesn’t seem interested at all

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Based on recent runs and this morning’s day 9 chart it is playing with the idea. Time will tell...or perhaps the 12z ECM 

29 November 2017 06:54:41

What is ECM upto?
Decent UKMetO though more twists and turns to come for sure.

Originally Posted by: JACKO4EVER 

lol Jacko.....who knows 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
29 November 2017 07:05:06

Some chilly runs, to be sure, but I don't see any sign of the deep cold needed for a prolonged period of snow lying (away from the mountains)

See, for example, the temp anomalies for eastern Europe. 

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
Rob K
29 November 2017 07:24:45

Decent runs from GFS and UK......ECM doesn’t seem interested at all

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

I would have thought that ECM 240 chart would lead to a decent northerly. 

Meanwhike the GFS op run ends the northerly rather sooner but eventually serves up a proper easterly at the end! Lots of eye candy but we are still clueless. 

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
Maunder Minimum
29 November 2017 07:41:06

I would have thought that ECM 240 chart would lead to a decent northerly.

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

You posted an excellent comparison yesterday, showing why ECM at t+240 is fantasmagorical.

New world order coming.
Rob K
29 November 2017 07:48:52
The main problem is we don't know what that low pressure coming out of Canada will do. If it stays relatively shallow and further south then it should prop up the block to the north and also help lower heights to our south. If it deepens and pushes through over Iceland as in the ECM then it will cut off the lower part of the block and force it over the UK.

If the heights can rebuild behind it then we could still get a route to cold as the deeper low merges with the Euro trough but it would be delayed by a few days, leaving the door open for more visits from a certain 90s Radio 1 dance DJ.
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
Rob K
29 November 2017 07:55:45
Also I'm not sure we can call UKMO "decent" at 144 hours as it seems very close to the ECM. But it doesn't cover far enough west to really see what is happening with that crucial low pressure.
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
some faraway beach
29 November 2017 07:57:06

Some chilly runs, to be sure, but I don't see any sign of the deep cold needed for a prolonged period of snow lying (away from the mountains)

See, for example, the temp anomalies for eastern Europe. 

Originally Posted by: DEW 

I'd still prefer that anomaly map, with the blues over western Europe and the reds over the east, to the opposite way around.

It's also notable how rapidly low temperatures travel westwards in week two.

2 miles west of Taunton, 32 m asl, where "milder air moving in from the west" becomes SNOWMAGEDDON.
Well, two or three times a decade it does, anyway.
29 November 2017 08:03:35

Also I'm not sure we can call UKMO "decent" at 144 hours as it seems very close to the ECM. But it doesn't cover far enough west to really see what is happening with that crucial low pressure.

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

Here you go:


Leysdown, north Kent
Maunder Minimum
29 November 2017 08:15:34


Here you go:


Originally Posted by: Retron 

Looks like a good alignment to me - that will build the Greenie HP for sure.

New world order coming.
29 November 2017 08:49:08

Even I'm feeling some general optimism, particularly for around 6-9th December although that does rely heavily on GFS ensembles although not too worried about UKMO which isn't really in range yet.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
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