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01 December 2017 22:45:27
We could be looking at historic weather period if the output continues like this.......NHS could break
01 December 2017 22:48:12

We could be looking at historic weather period if the output continues like this.......NHS could break

Originally Posted by: ballamar 

I think we need consistency for at least  another couple of days before concerned about such a scenario. Cool or cold and unsettled after a milder few days would still be the summary despite the 18z GFS eye candy.

Polar Low
01 December 2017 22:48:50

 at the surface post 144 even for the south very cold run 

night min-10 under snow cover?


01 December 2017 22:50:31


I think we need consistency for at least  another couple of days before concerned about such a scenario. Cool or cold and unsettled after a milder few days would still be the summary despite the 18z GFS eye candy.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

agreed but on and off for a week the signs have been there and Sod's law the government is having a tough time!!

David M Porter
01 December 2017 22:50:41

We could be looking at historic weather period if the output continues like this.......NHS could break

Originally Posted by: ballamar 

Looking at these charts, the Decembers of 2010, 2009 (from about the 19th onwards) and 1981 spring to mind.

As Michael rightly says though, we need to see these runs on a consistent basis before we can become anything even approaching reasonably sure wrt what they show coming to pass.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
01 December 2017 22:52:14
Some of the ourput today has been bonkers - no other way to put it TBH.
Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
Arbroath 1320
01 December 2017 23:00:15

Well in all my many years looking at model runs I can't recall seeing anything like that 18z. In FI we have a low running down the West side of the UK from Greenland to lie to our SW, which then deepens and moves NE towards us drawing in Northeasterlies with the Greenland High building towards the Siberian High. Is that possible?

It will be gone in the 00z but wow, a run to remember.

Edit - interestingly the 18z ends producing the -ve ao whiich Ian Fergusson referred to in his tweet earlier for the 2nd half of December.

Rob K
01 December 2017 23:02:06
The temperature charts are crazy. At midday on Thursday it shows 12C in London, 1C in Manchester and –2C across the Scottish Borders. If we did have a temperature gradient like that then the bonkers cyclogenesis is easier to understand.
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
01 December 2017 23:06:26

The pub run living up to its reputation. Insane charts which would see the SE buried. 

Let’s see if it’s still there in the morning.

London E4
Chunky Pea
01 December 2017 23:11:17

Tonight's EC15 refusing to let go of the idea of cold troughing over the North Sea region post day 10, and still showing a high degree of uncertainty as to general synoptic pattern of the N. Atlantic. In sum: cool mP type weather seems to want to hang around until mid-month. 

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
Joe Bloggs
01 December 2017 23:17:10

Some really nasty/amazing charts amongst the GEFS

This is P4


Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

Rob K
01 December 2017 23:23:51

Some really nasty/amazing charts amongst the GEFS

This is P4


Originally Posted by: Joe Bloggs 

The "mean" precipitation chart at 156 hours has heavy snow over most of the country. In fact looking at the mean charts on Meteociel I think the 18Z ensemble is a fair bit colder than the 12Z

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
Joe Bloggs
01 December 2017 23:26:24

12z ECM ens

Fairly chilly. 

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

Rob K
01 December 2017 23:27:13 

Pretty solid agreement.

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
White Meadows
01 December 2017 23:31:47
18z very strange. Ends with massive high lat blocking following a sequence of lows wrapped in polar airmases.
Continuous bombardment of cold & wet frontal systems ..Like something not seen for decades.
White Meadows
01 December 2017 23:33:15

A definitive decision apparently made by the suite there. 

As if something clicked and the confusion has lifted.

01 December 2017 23:34:49

decent snow opportunities there up to 50% for London

Rob K
01 December 2017 23:39:55
And extended ensembles out now. Snow row for London up to 50%. Random clicking in Midlands and Wales takes it as high as 80%!
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
Gandalf The White
01 December 2017 23:43:16

12z ECM ens

Fairly chilly. 

Originally Posted by: Joe Bloggs 

Very similar to GFS 18z in terms of the signal for the very marked temperature drop next Thursday.

The strong clustering for continuing cold is still there.

The precipitation spike on the op on Day 10 shows over 15mm. Not sure if it's cold enough for snow (850s around -4C, 500-1,000 thickness in the high 520s) but if that is snow......


Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Phil G
01 December 2017 23:47:07
Still to come off yet but GFS was toying with cyclogenisis right on our doorstep rather than off the eastern seaboard a few days ago.
01 December 2017 23:48:26


Very similar to GFS 18z in terms of the signal for the very marked temperature drop next Thursday.

The strong clustering for continuing cold is still there.

The precipitation spike on the op on Day 10 shows over 15mm. Not sure if it's cold enough for snow (850s around -4C, 500-1,000 thickness in the high 520s) but if that is snow......


Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

Marginal snowfall and could be legendary!

02 December 2017 00:17:57

I think some people, certainly on the other side, are getting carried away with some unlikely synoptics. The new Meto update goes for a toppler, with rain and wind returning quickly from the NW and I would think by the 12zs tomorrow there will be good agreement on that.

From December 27th 2020, zonality will be banned from mixing with the UK. We appreciate that this may come as a shock to younger people and old Uncle Barty. This ban will last for a minimum of ten days.
Gandalf The White
02 December 2017 00:27:54

I think some people, certainly on the other side, are getting carried away with some unlikely synoptics. The new Meto update goes for a toppler, with rain and wind returning quickly from the NW and I would think by the 12zs tomorrow there will be good agreement on that.

Originally Posted by: Shropshire 

That’s what the current MetO forecast says but it hasn’t updated yet and doesn’t reflect the latest output.  That output doesn’t indicate that what you’re suggesting is anything but a low probability; and that’s what I’d expect to see in the next update.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

The Beast from the East
02 December 2017 00:30:10

I think some people, certainly on the other side, are getting carried away with some unlikely synoptics. The new Meto update goes for a toppler, with rain and wind returning quickly from the NW and I would think by the 12zs tomorrow there will be good agreement on that.

Originally Posted by: Shropshire 


Once again we build ourselves up for the inevitable fall

We've been here so many times, but people want to believe it so get carried away. It could be a bloodbath and many broken prams on netweather tomorrow

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
02 December 2017 00:38:11



Once again we build ourselves up for the inevitable fall

We've been here so many times, but people want to believe it so get carried away. It could be a bloodbath and many broken prams on netweather tomorrow

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

you two sound like the chuckle brothers amusing the first time then me to you......yawn

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