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13 December 2017 21:09:09

Tonight was probably our last chance of getting snow this side of New Year, and once again everything just slips by to the south of here. Midlands getting the lion's share yet again. Just about ready to give up. 2017 has been a totally forgettable year weather-wise. 

Whitkirk, Leeds - 85m ASL.
Tim A
13 December 2017 21:29:00

Tonight was probably our last chance of getting snow this side of New Year, and once again everything just slips by to the south of here. Midlands getting the lion's share yet again. Just about ready to give up. 2017 has been a totally forgettable year weather-wise. 

Originally Posted by: LeedsLad123 

Indeed. I was going to post something similar.  

Yesterday forecasts looked good and there was talk of rush hour chaos in Leeds. Instead the North Midlands gets it again.   Sundays event was forecast to hit us for days until the last 24 hours. 

It could look lke Glossop outside if the band had been 30 miles to the north.

There looked to be another juicy band further north coming out of Ireland tonight but this is decaying now. 


I am sure there will be more opportunities.  There are many setups that can deliver  significant snow here,  it's not like we have to wait for an easterly so hopefully our time will come. 

Although 5cm has settled here over the last few weeks it has been in three small snowfalls and could have been so much more. 

NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
13 December 2017 21:36:18


Indeed. I was going to post something similar.  

Yesterday forecasts looked good and there was talk of rush hour chaos in Leeds. Instead the North Midlands gets it again.   Sundays event was forecast to hit us for days until the last 24 hours. 

It could look lke Glossop outside if the band had been 30 miles to the north.

There looked to be another juicy band further north coming out of Ireland tonight but this is decaying now. 


I am sure there will be more opportunities.  There are many setups that can deliver  significant snow here,  it's not like we have to wait for an easterly so hopefully our time will come. 

Although 5cm has settled here over the last few weeks it has been in three small snowfalls and could have been so much more. 

Originally Posted by: Tim A 

True. I think most setups can generally deliver significant snow in Leeds, but we've been unlucky that so far pretty much everything has gone to the south. The forecast recently was actually almost the same as Sunday - heavy snow downgraded to light snow downgraded to no snow. 

Whitkirk, Leeds - 85m ASL.
13 December 2017 22:43:58

Well, this is just typical!! After so much frustration with the dew points refusing to drop to below freezing, they have finally decided to so as at 10pm tonight at all three of my local stations. Great, I hear you all say. However, this just one major problem with that because now, all of the precipitation which have fallen as snow as a result has now, long gone. This has just been the curse of this winter for me.

When there is precipitation around, the dew points are always above freezing which means that everything then just falls as rain. Then when the dew points do go below freezing, there is never any precipitation around which could fall as snow as a result.

My philosophy here is that if we're not going to get any snow, I would at least like to see an air frost. To give that its due, that is the one area where we have done quite well during this winter so far to the point where we have even had a very rare official ice day. As for tonight though, the temperatures are still refusing to drop and unless that changes, we're not going to even get that air frost tonight.

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
14 December 2017 18:47:07


Would you believe this for a near miss when it comes to snow?

For the last hour or so, I have been tracking a line of showers heading towards here from the west and even as that approached the western suburbs of the city, that appeared to still be there as a great big wall which looked to heading straight for here.

A look at the temperatures and dew points showed that everything was absolutely perfect because not only was the dew point below freezing at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh (which is my actually the nearest station to where I live out of all of the three stations which I normally report on), but even the temperature had dropped to below freezing as at 6pm which therefore, means that we now officially have an air frost there.

By this time, my Android weather apps were also showing snow, so this was most definitely, a proper snow shower. However, just as that got to within several hundred metres of where I live, it then suddenly started to break up and dive away to the south of here, leaving me with absolutely nothing at the very spot where I live. Now, that is all moving away, and we might not get any more opportunities like that tonight.

Now, a lot has been said on these forums about weather systems which are bringing snow, diving away to the south and leaving certain people without any snow at all. However, those are very much larger scale systems than what I am describing here. Because of that, I would challenge anyone who is reading this to let me know whether or not, it is even possible to be even more unlucky than that when it comes to snow. I personally don't think that this is possible and it is at times like this, that I really feel like tearing my hair out.


To show just how much of a dumping that I could have got from that snow shower, the equivalent rainfall total from that has come out at 2.0 mm just in the space of a single hour between 6pm and 7pm at Edinburgh Gogarbank which is enough to make today, the joint wettest day of this month and season so far at that station.

To make matters worse as well, the cloud cover from where that snow was falling from, has caused both the temperature and dew point at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh to shoot up by quite a lot during the last hour, which is enough to mean that we have lost that air frost there, with the dew point also going above freezing as well.



The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
14 December 2017 20:07:11


This has been a boring cold spell here. We have had snow lying for a week but there was only really one day of proper snow (last Friday) and the depth hasn’t exceeded 6cm which fails to beat the best of the past four years

Only one properly cold night of -6.1C as well, so basically a 48 hour northerly toppler spread out across a week. The average minimum was lower for the week ending 25th November 2016 (-2.1C), when we had no snow, than this week(-1.8C). Diurnal ranges have been pathetically low, as always. Tonight, despite being calm and clear, the temperature is no colder than it was three hours ago and is actually rising for no logical reason. Complete and utter garbage 

It also rained on Tuesday which has made the pavements treacherous to walk on

Looks like turning utterly dire from Sunday onwards with more stupidly mild temperatures following on from one of the mildest first weeks of winter ever recorded. The crap we will get is reminiscent of the depressing cloudy, mind-numbing mild dross of last December as well as 2013 and 2015. The only thing worse in the run up to Christmas were the horrendous conditions of 2012. I can see the Festive Period turning out a write-off yet again.

There were White Christmases here in 1993, 1995, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2009 and 2010. No other period of comparative length had so many in the last 160 years. All proper White Christmases with snow lying on the ground as well. Only 2000 did not see lying snow all day – just the afternoon.

We’ve been paying for it ever since though with abysmally awful Festive periods since 2011 with barely even a frost. Pity the concept of payback doesn’t appear to extend to all the vile wet summers since 1998 or all the crappy mild, dull Octobers there’s been lately.




Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
14 December 2017 23:20:45
If there is anything worse than seeing no snow at all here in Edinburgh whilst just about everywhere else in the country enjoys seeing plenty of it, it has to be this latest really depressing BBC Week Ahead forecast for Louise Lear which I have just watched.

If that forecast verifies in the end, we will have nothing but long-fetch south-westerlies from now on once we get to around Sunday, and he eventual return to that nightmare scenario of constant double figure temperatures and countless nights which end up being warmer than many days which we have had even in the middle of summer.

Is that really 'it' for our winter?

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
15 December 2017 11:46:29


Looks like turning utterly dire from Sunday onwards with more stupidly mild temperatures following on from one of the mildest first weeks of winter ever recorded. 


Originally Posted by: richardabdn 


Mildest!?? Really?

Well anyway count yourself lucky - Exeter hasn't even seen a snowflake yet! - Lot's of sleet and ice pellets as well as heavy hail yesterday though.

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

15 December 2017 12:07:53



Mildest!?? Really?

Well anyway count yourself lucky - Exeter hasn't even seen a snowflake yet! - Lot's of sleet and ice pellets as well as heavy hail yesterday though.

Originally Posted by: tallyho_83 

Well, I don't know about that being one of the mildest starts to a winter on record since I'm sure that there may will have been at least one recent candidate from December 2013 onwards which might have challenged that, especially December 2015 which did end up being the mildest December on record, possibly thanks to that massive El Nino which occurred at the end of that year.

However, my own local temperature anomalies for this month were at one point in time, running over 3°C warmer than average well into the start of the month up until the point in time when Storm Caroline came onto the scene. At that point in time, it had looked as this temperature anomaly would be very difficult to overcome during the rest of this month.

Since then though, we have had quite a decent ice day sandwiched in between two of our coldest December nights since 2010 and now all of a sudden, my local temperature anomalies are now running over half a degree colder than average (incredible as well, that the CET for this month is now running around 1°C colder than average as well, after running almost 2°C warmer than average not all that long ago). Now, the only thing which has been missing from this winter has been some snow in this part of the world and there are even plenty of people in other parts of the country which have had plenty of that already. For those locations which have had some snow, this has actually therefore, ended up being a really good start to the winter so far.

That shows how quickly, things can change but then, that could happen the other way as well especially as the latest forecasts have us going into a similar sort of mild and dry pattern with high pressure close by to the SE feeding in those really mild long fetch SW's which dominated much of last winter. That could easily swing everything back to being milder than average overall once again and I still have this uneasy feeling that this is still how it is all going to end up in the end.



The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
15 December 2017 13:14:01
Same as the above in North Northumberland!
16 December 2017 13:42:22
I would certainly agree with some of the posts in this thread...what winter cold spell in the far south? .."a couple of marginal air frosts that thawed by mid morning and temps of 5-7c at their coldest is hardly an artic blast as described by some. A frost that even lasted in the shade all day would be an achievement. A couple of hours of early morning sleet, just made for a miserable dark day and as for the future prospects, with the prevailing, even milder still, weather coming in from the south west for the foreseeable and through the shortest day, it feels like it's been a few weeks of wasted winter weather rather than a proper cold spell.
16 December 2017 14:01:49
Ice everywhere. Side roads and paths are lethal with ice up to an inch thick on many surfaces. I think we’ve need the thaw for health and safety purposes!
16 December 2017 14:32:45

Ice everywhere. Side roads and paths are lethal with ice up to an inch thick on many surfaces. I think we’ve need the thaw for health and safety purposes!

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

It amazes me that we spend so much time (often up to a number of years in this so called modern era of the Great British winter) hoping to get a decent spell of cold weather with some snow. Then if and when that happens, we are then glad to see the back of it because it has now become too icy.

Of course, there are good reasons for that and I agree with everything which has been said here. However, that actually reminds of what happens during the summer when we long for some hot and sunny weather only to find that once that happens, we are then glad to see the back of that because it is now so humid and muggy that we are now looking for a massive thunderstorm to break that down.

I suppose therefore, that this situation with it being icy (and it has been quite icy here as well today, even though we don't have any snow) is really just the winter equivalent of that. In that context, the milder air coming from tomorrow can therefore be seen as the winter equivalent of some cooler and fresher air arriving during the summer months after such a hot spell.



The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
16 December 2017 15:19:43

I can't understand why there's so much pessimism and misery already (mainly on t'other side). If cold and snow is what you like, I'd argue that this has probably been the best first half of December since 2010, especially around this area. Quite a few hard frosts, a good number of days with maxima in the low single figures and a couple of snowy periods thrown in too.

I can maybe understand some of the more southern areas complaining, but I do also think some coldies expect way, way, way too much from our winters sometimes. If deep snow fields and weeks and weeks of sub-zero maxima is all you're happy with, then I think you're going to be very disappointed the vast majority of years.

It's the same as those who expect weeks and weeks of high-20s and wall to wall sunshine in summer.

Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
Joe Bloggs
16 December 2017 15:27:17

I can't understand why there's so much pessimism and misery already (mainly on t'other side). If cold and snow is what you like, I'd argue that this has probably been the best first half of December since 2010, especially around this area. Quite a few hard frosts, a good number of days with maxima in the low single figures and a couple of snowy periods thrown in too.

I can maybe understand some of the more southern areas complaining, but I do also think some coldies expect way, way, way too much from our winters sometimes. If deep snow fields and weeks and weeks of sub-zero maxima is all you're happy with, then I think you're going to be very disappointed the vast majority of years.

It's the same as those who expect weeks and weeks of high-20s and wall to wall sunshine in summer.

Originally Posted by: Bolty 

Absolutely agree. I think perspective is lost sometimes. 

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

Solar Cycles
16 December 2017 15:46:11


Absolutely agree. I think perspective is lost sometimes. 

Originally Posted by: Joe Bloggs 

Yep, we tend to forget winters such as December 2010 and 2009/10 are the exception not the norm. 

16 December 2017 15:47:45

Yep, we tend to forget winters such as December 2010 and 2009/10 are the exception not the norm. 

Originally Posted by: Solar Cycles 

Yes, this is the modern era after all.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Solar Cycles
16 December 2017 15:49:36


Yes, this is the modern era after all.


Originally Posted by: johncs2016 

😂😂😂😂 Tis always been the modern era, historical data tells us this.

Joe Bloggs
16 December 2017 15:50:51


Yes, this is the modern era after all.


Originally Posted by: johncs2016 

Don’t you bloody start pal! 🙄😂

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

16 December 2017 15:54:49


Yes, this is the modern era after all.


Originally Posted by: johncs2016 

stop injecting humour ...this is the moaning thread!...hence the moans !😀

16 December 2017 16:32:01


stop injecting humour ...this is the moaning thread!...hence the moans !😀

Originally Posted by: PFCSCOTTY 



Don’t you bloody start pal! 🙄😂

Originally Posted by: Joe Bloggs 

 Nothing humorous about that and technically speaking, this is actually a moan itself because what I am actually doing here, is complaining about the fact that winters just don't seem to be the way that they used to be.

I just think that it's sad that certain people don't seem to see it that way.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Joe Bloggs
16 December 2017 16:44:31




 Nothing humorous about that and technically speaking, this is actually a moan itself because what I am actually doing here, is complaining about the fact that winters just don't seem to be the way that they used to be.

I just think that it's sad that certain people don't seem to see it that way.


Originally Posted by: johncs2016 

I think it’s sad that people obsess about this very topic so much. 

We have no control over the weather, we need to accept and try to appreciate whatever is thrown at us. You may be of the opinion that our weather has become more boring - I still manage to find plenty of interest in it. Maybe I have the bar set that little bit lower. 

I will now dip out of this thread so you can carry on moaning and moaning and moaning. 😂 

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

16 December 2017 17:23:09


I think it’s sad that people obsess about this very topic so much. 

We have no control over the weather, we need to accept and try to appreciate whatever is thrown at us. You may be of the opinion that our weather has become more boring - I still manage to find plenty of interest in it. Maybe I have the bar set that little bit lower. 

I will now dip out of this thread so you can carry on moaning and moaning and moaning. 😂 

Originally Posted by: Joe Bloggs 

The fact that you have talked about lowering the bar proves that even you are seeing that the weather isn't the same as it used to be and are more than happy to admit that which in turn proves that I have been right all along.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Joe Bloggs
16 December 2017 17:59:16


The fact that you have talked about lowering the bar proves that even you are seeing that the weather isn't the same as it used to be and are more than happy to admit that which in turn proves that I have been right all along.


Originally Posted by: johncs2016 

I haven’t lowered the bar - I simply meant that perhaps I am easier to please than you or others.

You can moan about the “modern winter” as much as you like, and bleat and moan about how today’s winters aren’t as good as they used to be, that’s your choice.

Personally I accept that we have no control over what is thrown at us, I shrug my shoulders, accept that we live in a maritime climate, and try and find interest in what we get. 

For what it’s worth, I think the weather has been very interesting this winter so far, despite not receiving any meaningful lying snow in my location. 

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

16 December 2017 18:00:09
Living now in Cornwall we don't really get big variations in the weather.. In fact a Cornish saying is- the difference between summer and winter is 5 degrees!!!

So when there is talk and a general momentum towards a colder than average winter and the possibility that even we might get snow falling on the Palm trees your interest is heightened... Only to find out it was hype and the same old same old continued...
Germoe, part of the breakaway Celtic Republic.
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