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18 April 2018 17:37:10

Is there something someone should be telling us about our ozone protection or do we routinely see such high values this time of year?

Originally Posted by: Gray-Wolf 

Well, the sun's got the same altitude as in late August, albeit ozone is usually higher this time of year so the UV index isn't as high.

At the moment we have a patch of lower ozone levels over us:


Leysdown, north Kent
21 April 2018 05:43:15

5.4 and 5.5 on the last two days. 

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
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23 April 2018 17:00:18

5.5 yesterday, as I started my cycling season with a 25m (40k) over the South Downs- mostly travelling south. The cloud arrived after I got home. Lobster.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
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01 May 2018 18:33:06

 5.9 today in Reading- the highest since 20th August almost hit a 6 last year. 5.7 also on 26th April. The 6s will be here at the weekend, I am sure.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
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01 May 2018 18:39:04

Beeb website has UV forecast as 'High' for much of next week as does MetO but this equates to 5 or 6. MetO shows mostly 5. Interesting to see what happens on the sunniest day.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
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02 May 2018 16:57:32

5.1 today

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
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Larry Seinfeld
03 May 2018 11:44:42

Meto automated forecast going for UV7 across the south coast from Land's End to Dover over the weekend. Maybe it will change but looks like they're expecting it to be very high considering it only goes up to 8.

03 May 2018 16:51:09

UV forecast for Bank Holiday Monday


Originally Posted by: Larry Seinfeld 

Wow- for early May, that's pretty amazing. A good searing for July!


Bertie, Itchen Valley.
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04 May 2018 05:48:46

 considering it only goes up to 8.

Originally Posted by: Larry Seinfeld 

There were 9s last year. The way things are going (with 7s 7 weeks out from the solstice) I wouldn't be surprised to see the same again this year!

NB, the Met Office's guidance:

"The UV index does not exceed 8 in the UK (8 is rare; 7 may occur on exceptional days, mostly in the two weeks towards the end of June). Indices of 9 and 10 are common in the Mediterranean area."

is hopelessly out of date.

Leysdown, north Kent
04 May 2018 20:30:32

I recorded a UV index of 6.0 today - highest of the year so far.

05 May 2018 16:46:41

6.9 in Reading yesterday, when I wasn't outside and 6.5 today, when I was. So-rounded, two 7s. As Darren (Retron) pointed out, that's 6 weeks from the solstice; and this side of the solstice typically records lower UV than the other side, due to higher ozone levels. Thin ozone again?

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
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05 May 2018 19:13:27
5.9 here today, highest of the year. Unusually lower than Reading despite gin clear sky so could be ozone related.
Ashurst Bridge (New Forest)
9m ASL 
06 May 2018 11:36:35
UV up to 6.1 here. Not bad for early May!
Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
06 May 2018 15:09:29

Another 6.5 in Reading; plus ca change. Hazy though over the South downs at a distance.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
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07 May 2018 06:59:09

UV 7 forecast for Winchester, 1 o'clock.

Edit: actually 7 forecast as far north as S Wales and 6 as far as Cumbria- in the first week of May! Could there be an 8 somewhere in the SW today?



Bertie, Itchen Valley.
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07 May 2018 15:01:37

6.2 in Reading today. E. wind so pollutants from the capital; also RH up a tad.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
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07 May 2018 15:52:44

Another 6.1 here and I've tanned nicely this afternoon!

Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
08 May 2018 16:39:11

6.4 in Reading; double peak, as the cooler uppers brought slightly clearer, less humid air.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
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09 May 2018 19:43:56
Wow! Reached 7.0 here today at lunchtime in very strong sunshine.
Ashurst Bridge (New Forest)
9m ASL 
14 May 2018 01:57:15

Met are going for a UV index of 7 in Leeds today.

Whitkirk, Leeds - 85m ASL.
15 May 2018 17:26:04

6.4 yesterday; 5.7 today.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
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17 May 2018 18:17:04

5.7 again today, though quite a bit lower yesterday as the changing airmass brought cloud.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
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18 May 2018 16:02:30

5.5 in Reading today.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
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20 May 2018 06:44:31

UV8 forecast quite widely across S Devon: that's early.


Bertie, Itchen Valley.
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