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  • sriram
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
05 August 2013 19:14:38
Hello Gavin

Couple of points

1 Your videos are brilliant always - in fact you do a far better job than some weather folk on TV - your videos are of such professional standard - excellent work

2 Nice to know you have said in the most recent video that you are going to do a lot more historic videos - look forward to it

3 Do you have any historic weather TV forecasts on old video tape from your classic spells in your historic video section ?

3 How many years have you been interested in meteorology / weather ?

5 Have you done a degree in meteorology - you knowledge is immense - how did you gain all this knowledge

6 Ever thought about a career in broadcast meteorology - you are definitely good enough - I am 100% sure of that

7 Do you have a day role - hope you don't mind me asking

Best wishes to you and your family

Regards Sriram
Sedgley, West Midlands ( just south of Wolverhampton )
162m ASL
Gavin P
05 August 2013 20:43:00

Hello Gavin

Couple of points

1 Your videos are brilliant always - in fact you do a far better job than some weather folk on TV - your videos are of such professional standard - excellent work

2 Nice to know you have said in the most recent video that you are going to do a lot more historic videos - look forward to it

3 Do you have any historic weather TV forecasts on old video tape from your classic spells in your historic video section ?

3 How many years have you been interested in meteorology / weather ?

5 Have you done a degree in meteorology - you knowledge is immense - how did you gain all this knowledge

6 Ever thought about a career in broadcast meteorology - you are definitely good enough - I am 100% sure of that

7 Do you have a day role - hope you don't mind me asking

Best wishes to you and your family

Regards Sriram

Originally Posted by: sriram 

Hi Sriram,

I'm a bit embarrased by your kind words, LOL.

I'll try and answer your points as best I can.

1. Thanks very much. I personally don't think I do a better job than Met/BBC, infact I'm sure I don't. I never set out to compete with the professionals, I just get on and love doing what I do. But thanks very much for your lovely comments. I get some negative comments, so the nice messages are the one's I always treasure and think about.

2. Yep, more historic vids will be on the way. I can tell you that winter 1947 will be coming up over Christmas. The next historic videos will be summer 1995 and winter 95/96.

3. Similar to Kevin Bradshaw, I actually have ten years worth of weather forecasts from 1995 to 2005 on VHS. So far I've not bothered converting them to DVD and uploading them to YouTube/my website. However, I have certainly thought about doing this and while the project is on the shelf right now, one day I might well put them up to my website.

4. I have been interested in weather since I was a small boy - My earliest weather memories are of the severe winter of 81/82 and watching BBC forecasts in the evening with my dad. Those cold winters of the early and mid 80's were VERY important to developing my love of the weather.

5. I have not got a degree in meteorology. I am entitely self taught and this has come primarily from watching BBC forecasts when I was a kid (and they showed synoptic charts back then) Studying weather charts since 2000 and watching many of the posts on here from folks like Retron.

6. I've never thought about going into broadcast meteorology to be honest. I'm my biggest critic and I really don't think I have the voice, the looks or the knowlage to appear on telly. Of course if the opportunity ever presented itself I would obviously be interested but,

A. I'm not expecting it to ever come up.

B. I'm happy doing what I do with GavsWeatherVids.

C. In some ways GavsWeatherVids gives me more freedom than broadcasting on the telly would do. For instance if I was on the telly I wouldn't be able to do yesterdays CFS video. Or the seasonal forecasts. Or the historic videos.

7. I do indeed have a "day job" working for family business. With the way GavsWeatherVids is going though, it's increasingly becoming my full-time job - Which is something I never expected to happen at all when I first had the crazy... "Wouldn't that be cool" moment during the December 2010 freeze up.

The fact the website and the videos and the forecasts have been so successful is entirely down to all of you and to the support I've had from Brian Gaze and TWO admin team who have embraced the idea and given me tremendous support and lee-way within the community.

I also couldn't have done any of this without the much maligned social networks Twitter and Facebook - Everyone has been lovely to me on there.

Incidentally, if you would like to send me your messages or connect socially my website email is: [email protected] and I'm on Twitter as GavinPartridge and Facebook as GavsWeatherVids.

Thanks Sriram and thanks to everyone else from the bottom of my heart.



Rural West Northants 120m asl
Short, medium and long range weather forecast videos @
Hungry Tiger
05 August 2013 20:54:01

Hello Gavin

Couple of points

1 Your videos are brilliant always - in fact you do a far better job than some weather folk on TV - your videos are of such professional standard - excellent work

2 Nice to know you have said in the most recent video that you are going to do a lot more historic videos - look forward to it

3 Do you have any historic weather TV forecasts on old video tape from your classic spells in your historic video section ?

3 How many years have you been interested in meteorology / weather ?

5 Have you done a degree in meteorology - you knowledge is immense - how did you gain all this knowledge

6 Ever thought about a career in broadcast meteorology - you are definitely good enough - I am 100% sure of that

7 Do you have a day role - hope you don't mind me asking

Best wishes to you and your family

Regards Sriram

Originally Posted by: Gavin P 

Hi Sriram,

I'm a bit embarrased by your kind words, LOL.

I'll try and answer your points as best I can.

1. Thanks very much. I personally don't think I do a better job than Met/BBC, infact I'm sure I don't. I never set out to compete with the professionals, I just get on and love doing what I do. But thanks very much for your lovely comments. I get some negative comments, so the nice messages are the one's I always treasure and think about.

2. Yep, more historic vids will be on the way. I can tell you that winter 1947 will be coming up over Christmas. The next historic videos will be summer 1995 and winter 95/96.

3. Similar to Kevin Bradshaw, I actually have ten years worth of weather forecasts from 1995 to 2005 on VHS. So far I've not bothered converting them to DVD and uploading them to YouTube/my website. However, I have certainly thought about doing this and while the project is on the shelf right now, one day I might well put them up to my website.

4. I have been interested in weather since I was a small boy - My earliest weather memories are of the severe winter of 81/82 and watching BBC forecasts in the evening with my dad. Those cold winters of the early and mid 80's were VERY important to developing my love of the weather.

5. I have not got a degree in meteorology. I am entitely self taught and this has come primarily from watching BBC forecasts when I was a kid (and they showed synoptic charts back then) Studying weather charts since 2000 and watching many of the posts on here from folks like Retron.

6. I've never thought about going into broadcast meteorology to be honest. I'm my biggest critic and I really don't think I have the voice, the looks or the knowlage to appear on telly. Of course if the opportunity ever presented itself I would obviously be interested but,

A. I'm not expecting it to ever come up.

B. I'm happy doing what I do with GavsWeatherVids.

C. In some ways GavsWeatherVids gives me more freedom than broadcasting on the telly would do. For instance if I was on the telly I wouldn't be able to do yesterdays CFS video. Or the seasonal forecasts. Or the historic videos.

7. I do indeed have a "day job" working for family business. With the way GavsWeatherVids is going though, it's increasingly becoming my full-time job - Which is something I never expected to happen at all when I first had the crazy... "Wouldn't that be cool" moment during the December 2010 freeze up.

The fact the website and the videos and the forecasts have been so successful is entirely down to all of you and to the support I've had from Brian Gaze and TWO admin team who have embraced the idea and given me tremendous support and lee-way within the community.

I also couldn't have done any of this without the much maligned social networks Twitter and Facebook - Everyone has been lovely to me on there.

Incidentally, if you would like to send me your messages or connect socially my website email is: [email protected] and I'm on Twitter as GavinPartridge and Facebook as GavsWeatherVids.

Thanks Sriram and thanks to everyone else from the bottom of my heart.



Originally Posted by: sriram 

Excellent reply there Gavin P. I'll remember that.

I would like to add that all of us mods/admin really look forward to your updates on Wednesdays and Saturdays - they are really good and damned accurate as well.

Great stuff and it's all appreciated.




Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

  • sriram
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
05 August 2013 21:01:22
Cheers Gavin
Sedgley, West Midlands ( just south of Wolverhampton )
162m ASL
05 August 2013 21:09:30

Great reply Gavin and keep up the good work. It really is a credit to yourself and the TWO Community at large.

Martin G
Kilmersdon Radstock Bath Somerset

Look up my New Facebook Weather Page  for all the latest up to the minute weather stories as they happen
05 August 2013 21:22:05

What you on about, he is crap



































Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Gavin P
05 August 2013 21:28:10

Thanks guys.

Gooner - I'm still waiting for everyone to realise it, LOL.

Rural West Northants 120m asl
Short, medium and long range weather forecast videos @
Medlock Vale Weather
05 August 2013 21:49:30

It's like "this is you're life"  anyway you're detailed forecasts are much appreciated I'm sure by all on here Gavin, you seem a decent enough person too  a rare thing these days.

Alan in Medlock Valley - Oldham's frost hollow. 103 metres above sea level.
What is a frost hollow? 
05 August 2013 21:53:02

I can tell you that winter 1947 will be coming up over Christmas.

Originally Posted by: Gavin P 

This is even more exciting when taken out of context

If you have any problems or queries relating to TWO you can Email [email protected] 
2023's Homeland Extremes:
T-Max: 30.2°C 9th Sep (...!) | T-Min: -7.1°C 22nd & 23rd Jan | Wettest Day: 25.9mm 2nd Nov | Ice Days: 1 (2nd Dec -1.3°C in freezing fog)
Keep Calm and Forecast On
05 August 2013 22:03:09
Working for a family business? I thought you worked on Norfolk local radio!! 😃
At least it will be mild!
  • JimC
  • Advanced Member
05 August 2013 22:07:59

Gav, when my wife got a bit nosey and listened in on me watching your vids she did ask me "which tv channel is he normally on, he's pretty good".

Gavin P
05 August 2013 22:28:13

Thanks all.


I thought you worked on Norfolk local radio!! :D

Originally Posted by: westv 

Thats my dad actually - Alan Partridge.

Gav, when my wife got a bit nosey and listened in on me watching your vids she did ask me "which tv channel is he normally on, he's pretty good".

Originally Posted by: JimC 

Hey Jim, I have been told before now that I cause arguments between husbands and wives because the guys are spending too long watching my vids and their wives get fed up. So far I''ve not been cited in a divorce though.

Rural West Northants 120m asl
Short, medium and long range weather forecast videos @
06 August 2013 06:28:31

Thanks all.


I thought you worked on Norfolk local radio!! :D

Originally Posted by: Gavin P 

Thats my dad actually - Alan Partridge.


Gav, when my wife got a bit nosey and listened in on me watching your vids she did ask me "which tv channel is he normally on, he's pretty good".


Hey Jim, I have been told before now that I cause arguments between husbands and wives because the guys are spending too long watching my vids and their wives get fed up. So far I''ve not been cited in a divorce though.

Originally Posted by: westv 


Guys not payign attention to their wives because of your vids  Brings up an image in my mind....... well I won't go there .....

  • sriram
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
06 August 2013 06:32:17

whats your family business ?

Are you in the service industry - like arrange events and holidays


do you sell a product ?

Cheers sriram
Sedgley, West Midlands ( just south of Wolverhampton )
162m ASL
Matty H
06 August 2013 07:08:49


whats your family business ?

Are you in the service industry - like arrange events and holidays


do you sell a product ?

Cheers sriram

Originally Posted by: sriram 

Ok, this has got weird now.
06 August 2013 07:11:02


whats your family business ?

Are you in the service industry - like arrange events and holidays


do you sell a product ?

Cheers sriram

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

Ok, this has got weird now.

Originally Posted by: sriram 


sriram - maybe take this to PM if you want to continue down such a personal line of questioning?

[email protected]
06 August 2013 08:08:12

Hello Gavin

Couple of points

1 Your videos are brilliant always - in fact you do a far better job than some weather folk on TV - your videos are of such professional standard - excellent work

2 Nice to know you have said in the most recent video that you are going to do a lot more historic videos - look forward to it

3 Do you have any historic weather TV forecasts on old video tape from your classic spells in your historic video section ?

3 How many years have you been interested in meteorology / weather ?

5 Have you done a degree in meteorology - you knowledge is immense - how did you gain all this knowledge

6 Ever thought about a career in broadcast meteorology - you are definitely good enough - I am 100% sure of that

7 Do you have a day role - hope you don't mind me asking

Best wishes to you and your family

Regards Sriram

Originally Posted by: Hungry Tiger 

Hi Sriram,

I'm a bit embarrased by your kind words, LOL.

I'll try and answer your points as best I can.

1. Thanks very much. I personally don't think I do a better job than Met/BBC, infact I'm sure I don't. I never set out to compete with the professionals, I just get on and love doing what I do. But thanks very much for your lovely comments. I get some negative comments, so the nice messages are the one's I always treasure and think about.

2. Yep, more historic vids will be on the way. I can tell you that winter 1947 will be coming up over Christmas. The next historic videos will be summer 1995 and winter 95/96.

3. Similar to Kevin Bradshaw, I actually have ten years worth of weather forecasts from 1995 to 2005 on VHS. So far I've not bothered converting them to DVD and uploading them to YouTube/my website. However, I have certainly thought about doing this and while the project is on the shelf right now, one day I might well put them up to my website.

4. I have been interested in weather since I was a small boy - My earliest weather memories are of the severe winter of 81/82 and watching BBC forecasts in the evening with my dad. Those cold winters of the early and mid 80's were VERY important to developing my love of the weather.

5. I have not got a degree in meteorology. I am entitely self taught and this has come primarily from watching BBC forecasts when I was a kid (and they showed synoptic charts back then) Studying weather charts since 2000 and watching many of the posts on here from folks like Retron.

6. I've never thought about going into broadcast meteorology to be honest. I'm my biggest critic and I really don't think I have the voice, the looks or the knowlage to appear on telly. Of course if the opportunity ever presented itself I would obviously be interested but,

A. I'm not expecting it to ever come up.

B. I'm happy doing what I do with GavsWeatherVids.

C. In some ways GavsWeatherVids gives me more freedom than broadcasting on the telly would do. For instance if I was on the telly I wouldn't be able to do yesterdays CFS video. Or the seasonal forecasts. Or the historic videos.

7. I do indeed have a "day job" working for family business. With the way GavsWeatherVids is going though, it's increasingly becoming my full-time job - Which is something I never expected to happen at all when I first had the crazy... "Wouldn't that be cool" moment during the December 2010 freeze up.

The fact the website and the videos and the forecasts have been so successful is entirely down to all of you and to the support I've had from Brian Gaze and TWO admin team who have embraced the idea and given me tremendous support and lee-way within the community.

I also couldn't have done any of this without the much maligned social networks Twitter and Facebook - Everyone has been lovely to me on there.

Incidentally, if you would like to send me your messages or connect socially my website email is: [email protected] and I'm on Twitter as GavinPartridge and Facebook as GavsWeatherVids.

Thanks Sriram and thanks to everyone else from the bottom of my heart.



Originally Posted by: Gavin P 

Excellent reply there Gavin P. I'll remember that.

I would like to add that all of us mods/admin really look forward to your updates on Wednesdays and Saturdays - they are really good and damned accurate as well.

Great stuff and it's all appreciated.

Originally Posted by: sriram 

I third that. It's the likes of Gavin and Gibby's updates in the M.O.D. thread what makes TWO such a quality forum.

Folkestone Harbour. 
Jive Buddy
06 August 2013 08:09:01


whats your family business ?

Are you in the service industry - like arrange events and holidays


do you sell a product ?

Cheers sriram

Originally Posted by: sriram 

And do you go about your business barefoot? How many vegetables do you eat per day? Have you got 32GB on your iPad? Are you single?...

It's not over, until the fat Scandy sinks.....

Location: St. Mary Cray, S.E. London border with Kent.
06 August 2013 08:15:17

Hello Gavin

Couple of points

1 Your videos are brilliant always - in fact you do a far better job than some weather folk on TV - your videos are of such professional standard - excellent work

2 Nice to know you have said in the most recent video that you are going to do a lot more historic videos - look forward to it

3 Do you have any historic weather TV forecasts on old video tape from your classic spells in your historic video section ?

3 How many years have you been interested in meteorology / weather ?

5 Have you done a degree in meteorology - you knowledge is immense - how did you gain all this knowledge

6 Ever thought about a career in broadcast meteorology - you are definitely good enough - I am 100% sure of that

7 Do you have a day role - hope you don't mind me asking

Best wishes to you and your family

Regards Sriram

Originally Posted by: Gavin P 

Hi Sriram,

2. Yep, more historic vids will be on the way. I can tell you that winter 1947 will be coming up over Christmas. The next historic videos will be summer 1995 and winter 95/96.

Originally Posted by: sriram 

 Thats a long range forecast and a half!

06 August 2013 08:23:53

Getting spoilt now...But getting back on track...Message is thank you gavin for the videos and mainly the written forecast as they are easily understood...Look forward to many more of the same caliber(Degree Of Worth)....

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
Gavin P
06 August 2013 08:51:27

Thanks for the kind comments everyone.


whats your family business ?

Are you in the service industry - like arrange events and holidays


do you sell a product ?

Cheers sriram

Originally Posted by: sriram 

It's construction. Plumbing, building etc.. I mainly do admin side.

And do you go about your business barefoot? How many vegetables do you eat per day? Have you got 32GB on your iPad? Are you single?...

Originally Posted by: Jive Buddy 

1. Only when it's above 32c on Sat/Sun afternoons.

2. 2-4 but none on Saturdays.

3. I-Pad? I'm in the middle of the countryside. Dial-up only arrived here a couple of years ago. 

4. Desperate.

Rural West Northants 120m asl
Short, medium and long range weather forecast videos @
06 August 2013 09:21:48


whats your family business ?

Are you in the service industry - like arrange events and holidays


do you sell a product ?

Cheers sriram

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

Ok, this has got weird now.

Originally Posted by: sriram 

Gavin, I'm cringing for you I really am!

Loughborough, EM.

Knowledge is power, ignorance is weakness.

06 August 2013 10:03:17

To add, jusy a little, as it all been said, but that Gav. I always look forward to your vids. I like the way you mention thjngs in each vid that describe the hight we get the weather etc. I.E. you assume people maybe watching for the first time. Your vids are also very clear.


keep up the great work


Thansk again

06 August 2013 10:34:26

Yep - Big support for Gav......and a new stalker by the looks of it

  • sriram
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
06 August 2013 12:38:46
A classic thread perhaps
Sedgley, West Midlands ( just south of Wolverhampton )
162m ASL
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