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  • RobR
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
10 November 2013 21:46:39

Saturday saw a freak thunderstorm pass through the Manchester area dumping a huge amount of hail which covered the area. The M60 was affected by the conditions which covered the motorway as well as surrounding suburbs.


I took a few snaps:








They aren't the greatest of images but give you an idea of the depth. This happened at around 3pm, when I left work at 6pm there were still drifts of hail a few inches deep in places. Quite something it was to watch the storm pass over and dump this much. It was like snow had fallen.


Youtube video, again not great quality but did pick up some thunder and also you get a vague idea of the ferocity of hail.

Winter 23/24 in Nantwich
Days Snow Falling: 4
Days Snow Lying: 1
Deepest Snowfall: 3rd December 23 (2cm)

Winter 22/23 in Nantwich

Days Snow Falling: 4
Days Snow Lying: 2
Deepest Snowfall: 10th March (3cm)
Latest Snowfall: 10th March

Winter 21/22 in Nantwich

Days Snow Falling: 3
Days Snow Lying: 1
Deepest Snowfall: 28th November (3cm)
Latest Snowfall: 31st March

Winter 20/21 in Solihull

Days Snow Falling: 21
Days Snow Lying: 8
Deepest Snowfall: 24th January (9cm)
Latest Snowfall: 12th April

Winter 19/20 in Stoke

Days Snow Falling: 5
Days Snow Lying: 2
Deepest Snowfall: 10th Feb (5cm)

Winter 18/19 in Stoke

Days Snow Falling: 6
Days Snow Lying: 6
Deepest Snowfall: 29th Jan (3cm)

Winter 17/18 in Stoke

Days Snow Falling: 27
Days Snow Lying: 24
Deepest Snowfall: 18th March 2018 (10cm)
Gary L
10 November 2013 21:56:05

I was caught in this walking close to Manchester City Centre. There was a very close CG strike at one point that made me jump out of my skin! I think this was the second of a couple of storms that passed through the area.

10 November 2013 22:20:36

Wow! That was quite a hailstorm

Southern Yorkshire Dales

  • RobR
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
10 November 2013 22:21:21

Yes, the first storm passed by to the north of Altrincham but you could see it over Manchester from where I work high up. The second was this one which had direct impact with some loud thunder, lightning wasn't great but it was pretty dark.

A third I think passed by but not over heard as well. Was an impressive day with great cloud scapes.

Incidentally thats a few Saturdays now where there have been storms in the area. 


Winter 23/24 in Nantwich
Days Snow Falling: 4
Days Snow Lying: 1
Deepest Snowfall: 3rd December 23 (2cm)

Winter 22/23 in Nantwich

Days Snow Falling: 4
Days Snow Lying: 2
Deepest Snowfall: 10th March (3cm)
Latest Snowfall: 10th March

Winter 21/22 in Nantwich

Days Snow Falling: 3
Days Snow Lying: 1
Deepest Snowfall: 28th November (3cm)
Latest Snowfall: 31st March

Winter 20/21 in Solihull

Days Snow Falling: 21
Days Snow Lying: 8
Deepest Snowfall: 24th January (9cm)
Latest Snowfall: 12th April

Winter 19/20 in Stoke

Days Snow Falling: 5
Days Snow Lying: 2
Deepest Snowfall: 10th Feb (5cm)

Winter 18/19 in Stoke

Days Snow Falling: 6
Days Snow Lying: 6
Deepest Snowfall: 29th Jan (3cm)

Winter 17/18 in Stoke

Days Snow Falling: 27
Days Snow Lying: 24
Deepest Snowfall: 18th March 2018 (10cm)
10 November 2013 23:24:50

Good pic there Rob , I love intense storms like that

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

11 November 2013 12:12:58

Nice to see the white stuff eve if it is hail..The rail tracks show up well.

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
11 November 2013 13:36:48


War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
Saint Snow
12 November 2013 12:31:53

It was like that in many parts of the North West on Saturday. I dropped my missus and eldest daughter off at the Trafford Centre around noon. We set off from 'Tellins in glorious sunshine and even approaching the Eccles Interchange the sun was still out - but the sky in front was jet black. As we joined the M60, the heavens opened - but it was dry again about a mile further on at the Traff. We hit the same torrential rain/hail downpour on the way back, then back into the dry.

But the cloud had built quickly westwards, and soon after bombarded St Helens, leaving similar sights to those on the Altrincham pics. Superb weather

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
12 November 2013 20:23:15

I used to live in Altrincham. Pics brought back a few memories...

"As soon as we abandon our own reason, and are content to rely on authority, there is no end to our troubles." - Bertrand Russell 
12 November 2013 21:37:45

I live just round the corner, and it was absolutely terrifying.

When I went outside at the station it felt more like mid jan than early nov!!

The hailstones were quite large, around the size of marbles and in places the accumulation was well over and inch thick. Our weather sure is crazy!

12 November 2013 23:09:19
Pretty good photos. 🙂
Observations from around GUILDFORD in SURREY and now Nottingham
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