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  • JimC
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
05 January 2014 18:33:49

Some of the flooding around Frome yesterday, the river did rise for some time after I took these shots

then receded quite quickly. Some drivers were caught out with th depth on some of the roads and paid the penalty and ended up getting their feet wet, maybe they thought they were piloting a sub.

  • JimC
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
05 January 2014 19:29:33

Some more of the Floods from yesterday around the town. The first photo would of been my route to work if it were any other day.




Hungry Tiger
05 January 2014 19:29:43

I don't know how anyone could have driven through that.

That looks way too deep.



Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

  • JimC
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
05 January 2014 20:04:44

I don't know how anyone could have driven through that.

That looks way too deep.



Originally Posted by: Hungry Tiger 

You'd be surprised how many try Gav, that blue one made it, just, two more tried and turned back and the next one stopped in the middle  The most worrying one was at a place called Wallbridge, the road goes over the river but dips down outbound from town, this catches out dozens of drivers each year it floods bad, yesterday it caught out what i think was a Merc, the water was that deep and fast flowing it moved the car, the only thing that stopped the car from vanishing downstream was some railings it wedged against, I'm not sure what happenned to the driver, I just hope he's ok, like I said the worrying thing is that after the flood the car had been taped off and was surrounded by police cars and police, I dread the thought if he'd tried to get out in that fast flowing water, I haven' heard of anyone going missing as yet so hopefully he was rescued from his motor.

05 January 2014 22:53:55

I agree, a foolish act to drive through any flooded road

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
06 January 2014 11:21:33

Thanks, Jim, for reminder it's not just the south coast rivers

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
06 January 2014 14:23:23

Great Images.. Glad I never travelled to Asda  for shopping this week.

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
06 January 2014 20:56:24

I don't know how anyone could have driven through that.

That looks way too deep.



Originally Posted by: Hungry Tiger 


It is easy to underestimate the depth of water, but even easier to underestimate how low your vehicle's air intake is.

I sat at a flood all day and watched the level drop, also watched and laughed at those coming to grief ignoring the road closed signs.

After the level had dropped about a foot (was a 3hr diversion tp avoid the flood), i witnessed a ford fiesta get through the flood.  I thought, damn if a fiesta can do it my astra van can do it.  Not taking into account that the fiesta is actually quite a high car and the astra van very low in comparison.  In i went, then failed   Glad i filmed it in all honesty.

Not long after i stopped an off duty policeman came by in his Range Rover and pushed me out with his rubber bull bar.

As i had switched the van off as soon as i stopped, the van restarted 1st time once i was pushed out the other side. 

Watch and enjoy

UserPostedImage LLTNP 105m asl 
  • JimC
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
07 January 2014 19:15:13

I don't know how anyone could have driven through that.

That looks way too deep.



Originally Posted by: glenogle 


It is easy to underestimate the depth of water, but even easier to underestimate how low your vehicle's air intake is.

I sat at a flood all day and watched the level drop, also watched and laughed at those coming to grief ignoring the road closed signs.

After the level had dropped about a foot (was a 3hr diversion tp avoid the flood), i witnessed a ford fiesta get through the flood.  I thought, damn if a fiesta can do it my astra van can do it.  Not taking into account that the fiesta is actually quite a high car and the astra van very low in comparison.  In i went, then failed   Glad i filmed it in all honesty.

Not long after i stopped an off duty policeman came by in his Range Rover and pushed me out with his rubber bull bar.

As i had switched the van off as soon as i stopped, the van restarted 1st time once i was pushed out the other side. 

Watch and enjoy

Originally Posted by: Hungry Tiger 

Thanks for the comments guys.

Glenogle, you mentioning the ford fiesta brings back memories of an incident during a much worse flood going back a number of years, the Frome river burst it's banks after hours of heavy rain, this flood was particular bad and a fairly rare one this deep, in the 34 years living in Frome has only flooded this deep maybe three or four times. On this day the road into town from the East side has to cross the river, the bridge is double arched and when the river floods it backs up behind the bridge and floods the road, this time it was at least 3ft deep on the road and rising. Me and quite a lot of spectators were watching the flood and grimacing at a few drivers trying their luck at getting through it, none did and ended up being thrown a line by a friend and towed out with his lorry, some vehicles had to be left and drivers sat on roofs because the current was too strong.

While still watching we noticed another vehicle coming towards us and was amazed at the fact all we could see was a roof and about 6 inches of the widscreen, the rest of the car was under water, when it emerged our side it turned out to be a little yellow mk1 fiesta, everyone cheered and applauded the stupid act and most gasped when a young lass got out, then retrieved a small baby from the back seat, she was crying and shaking like a leaf, she was asked why she drove through it and she said she thought it wasn't that deep and once she started was too affraid to stop. I can't to this day fathom out how that car came through that flood without flooding the engine, absolutely incredible and just thankful that they were both ok, the end result could have been very different.

09 January 2014 07:11:58
One of those do I or don't I situations .
Pictures sum the last twenty or so days up rather well.
Observations from around GUILDFORD in SURREY and now Nottingham
Hungry Tiger
09 January 2014 19:55:58

I don't know how anyone could have driven through that.

That looks way too deep.



Originally Posted by: glenogle 


It is easy to underestimate the depth of water, but even easier to underestimate how low your vehicle's air intake is.

I sat at a flood all day and watched the level drop, also watched and laughed at those coming to grief ignoring the road closed signs.

After the level had dropped about a foot (was a 3hr diversion tp avoid the flood), i witnessed a ford fiesta get through the flood.  I thought, damn if a fiesta can do it my astra van can do it.  Not taking into account that the fiesta is actually quite a high car and the astra van very low in comparison.  In i went, then failed   Glad i filmed it in all honesty.

Not long after i stopped an off duty policeman came by in his Range Rover and pushed me out with his rubber bull bar.

As i had switched the van off as soon as i stopped, the van restarted 1st time once i was pushed out the other side. 

Watch and enjoy

Originally Posted by: Hungry Tiger 

Great post and good to hear your van restarted once you were out.

Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

Hungry Tiger
09 January 2014 20:00:00

I don't know how anyone could have driven through that.

That looks way too deep.



Originally Posted by: JimC 


It is easy to underestimate the depth of water, but even easier to underestimate how low your vehicle's air intake is.

I sat at a flood all day and watched the level drop, also watched and laughed at those coming to grief ignoring the road closed signs.

After the level had dropped about a foot (was a 3hr diversion tp avoid the flood), i witnessed a ford fiesta get through the flood.  I thought, damn if a fiesta can do it my astra van can do it.  Not taking into account that the fiesta is actually quite a high car and the astra van very low in comparison.  In i went, then failed   Glad i filmed it in all honesty.

Not long after i stopped an off duty policeman came by in his Range Rover and pushed me out with his rubber bull bar.

As i had switched the van off as soon as i stopped, the van restarted 1st time once i was pushed out the other side. 

Watch and enjoy

Originally Posted by: glenogle 

Thanks for the comments guys.

Glenogle, you mentioning the ford fiesta brings back memories of an incident during a much worse flood going back a number of years, the Frome river burst it's banks after hours of heavy rain, this flood was particular bad and a fairly rare one this deep, in the 34 years living in Frome has only flooded this deep maybe three or four times. On this day the road into town from the East side has to cross the river, the bridge is double arched and when the river floods it backs up behind the bridge and floods the road, this time it was at least 3ft deep on the road and rising. Me and quite a lot of spectators were watching the flood and grimacing at a few drivers trying their luck at getting through it, none did and ended up being thrown a line by a friend and towed out with his lorry, some vehicles had to be left and drivers sat on roofs because the current was too strong.

While still watching we noticed another vehicle coming towards us and was amazed at the fact all we could see was a roof and about 6 inches of the widscreen, the rest of the car was under water, when it emerged our side it turned out to be a little yellow mk1 fiesta, everyone cheered and applauded the stupid act and most gasped when a young lass got out, then retrieved a small baby from the back seat, she was crying and shaking like a leaf, she was asked why she drove through it and she said she thought it wasn't that deep and once she started was too affraid to stop. I can't to this day fathom out how that car came through that flood without flooding the engine, absolutely incredible and just thankful that they were both ok, the end result could have been very different.

Originally Posted by: Hungry Tiger 

That's scary reading that. With water that deep the car could easily have been swept off the road - the rest one can only imagine.


Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

Rob K
15 January 2014 13:23:21

I don't know how anyone could have driven through that.

That looks way too deep.



Originally Posted by: Hungry Tiger 


It is easy to underestimate the depth of water, but even easier to underestimate how low your vehicle's air intake is.

I sat at a flood all day and watched the level drop, also watched and laughed at those coming to grief ignoring the road closed signs.

After the level had dropped about a foot (was a 3hr diversion tp avoid the flood), i witnessed a ford fiesta get through the flood.  I thought, damn if a fiesta can do it my astra van can do it.  Not taking into account that the fiesta is actually quite a high car and the astra van very low in comparison.  In i went, then failed   Glad i filmed it in all honesty.

Not long after i stopped an off duty policeman came by in his Range Rover and pushed me out with his rubber bull bar.

As i had switched the van off as soon as i stopped, the van restarted 1st time once i was pushed out the other side. 

Watch and enjoy

Originally Posted by: glenogle 

Great post and good to hear your van restarted once you were out.

Originally Posted by: Hungry Tiger 

You were very lucky. In the 2007 floods I drove my wife's Renault Clio through - well, not even a flood, really, just a large puddle, no more than kerb depth, maybe six inches deep at the most.


Went through with no problem, then less than a mile down the road, it conked out, totally dead. Water had got into the engine cylinders and hydrolocked it. Result: one new engine needed, not cheap!


It always astonishes me when I see people driving through floods with water up to the number plates, when a 6in-deep puddle killed our old car. I guess Clios aren't built for flooding!

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
15 January 2014 23:47:06
It's a French car. It will just look at the water and surrender. Whereas most other cars fight and survive, or drown trying. 🙂
UserPostedImage LLTNP 105m asl 
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