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  • POD
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11 January 2015 17:39:18

I have noticed a fair number of PWS's added to "local" wunderground in the past week or so.  In the main they are Netatmo kits.  I have had a look at the web site and some Amazon reviews.  Have any TWOers purchased one and, if so, how would you rate them?

Pat, Crawley Down, West Sussex.
11 January 2015 17:59:00

I have noticed a fair number of PWS's added to "local" wunderground in the past week or so.  In the main they are Netatmo kits.  I have had a look at the web site and some Amazon reviews.  Have any TWOers purchased one and, if so, how would you rate them?

Originally Posted by: POD 

Looks more like a fashion accessory than a serious weather station to me - heck, the basic (and expensive!) pack doesn't even come with a rain guage or anemometer. There also seems to be a bit of an over-emphasis on indoor air quality, again not really aiming at the weather fan there!

Frankly I'd steer well clear and would suggest instead buying a complete weather station. You can get an Oregon Scientific one with anemometer, rain gauge, thermometer and hygrometer for under £100 - and although it doesn't look like something a fasnhionista would like, it certainly does the trick.

(Disclaimer: I received one of these for Christmas. It isn't as good as the WMR 928NX it replaced, but it's 1/3rd the price and unlike the WMR 928NX it doesn't have solar-powered transmitters that get trashed by local cats!)

Leysdown, north Kent
  • four
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12 January 2015 11:01:09

I noticed three or four have appeared apparently not reporting wind so that could be those too?
It might be an easy way to get into the hobby and they'll go on to want more accuracy.
When I first started uploading to wunderground 5 or 6 years ago, there were sometimes as few as 5 on the local list, now can be more than 20.

Frost Hollow
12 January 2015 11:26:25


Looks more like a fashion accessory than a serious weather station to me - heck, the basic (and expensive!) pack doesn't even come with a rain guage or anemometer. There also seems to be a bit of an over-emphasis on indoor air quality, again not really aiming at the weather fan there!

Frankly I'd steer well clear and would suggest instead buying a complete weather station. You can get an Oregon Scientific one with anemometer, rain gauge, thermometer and hygrometer for under £100 - and although it doesn't look like something a fasnhionista would like, it certainly does the trick.

(Disclaimer: I received one of these for Christmas. It isn't as good as the WMR 928NX it replaced, but it's 1/3rd the price and unlike the WMR 928NX it doesn't have solar-powered transmitters that get trashed by local cats!)

Originally Posted by: Retron 

I would tend to agree, there a few near here and as soon as the sun comes out they stick out like a sore thumb, as do many on wunderground as they are not up to the job.

It seems a very expensive way to record outdoor temperature - save up and buy a Davis.

12 January 2015 11:33:58
I have a Davis Vantage Pro 2 and was considering a Netatmo in addition (as a Xmas present) as it updates directly to the net so I could remotely see what the temperature was at home without leaving the PC constantly on but not as my main weather data provider. I was however quite concerned about the accuracy and whilst trying to research this I found a map on their webpage showing all Stations. Low and behold there is one 6 doors up to me, debate over and saved £100 🙂. In terms of accuracy it actually isn't too bad, Min Temp is generally around 0.5 out as is Max but some days Max can be the same. Be interesting to see the Summer recordings as no doubt some will be positioned in direct Sunlight. It does seem to struggle with quick warming or cooling and therefore can be temporarily a bit behind.

I agree with four above, its a good introduction to weather reporting but not for recording and comparing accurate data.

Aylsham, North Norfolk
Cumbrian Snowman
12 January 2015 11:44:31

I tend to agree -  save up and buy a Davis, but accept budgets mean many cant simply afford to splash out.  Some of the data on WOW and Wunderground is woeful as a result. Someone close to me described his Weather Station as Denton Shed Roof, and he wondered why he had 32c most days in the summer. Trying to get the Met Office to remove his station data has proved fruitless so far, they said they needed 3 complaints !

Davis VP2  - Ive had mine years, replaced many of the parts and added solar etc, shudder to think how much I have spent !


One thing I do read alot is that folk switch there computer off at night. Mine operates 24hrs faithfully pumping out data all night long. has anyone any "rough" idea how much it costs to keep a PC switched on an night.



  • four
  • Advanced Member
12 January 2015 11:57:38

Depends, a tower PC could be using around 200w easy enough even ticking over with screen off, but some may be more like 100w
That could use more than 4kw/hr over the day so at 15p (top end) per unit that's about a pound per day - however if you have a good deal could be nearer 12p and maye 8p on cheap rate.
Not outrageous but will add up over a quarter. You could consider the heat output in a small room it may be saving other heating?

Mine runs on a netbook which supposedly uses no more than 10w with screen off, certainly less than a desktop and there are other options like micro computers available.
Mine is on anyway for recording security cameras 24/7 so not an issue..

12 January 2015 12:01:13
Mine runs on a raspberry PI in the garage, and has worked flawlessly for a good year now. Vantage Vue is a good station to get as well.
12 January 2015 12:23:02

Mine runs on a raspberry PI in the garage, and has worked flawlessly for a good year now. Vantage Vue is a good station to get as well.

Originally Posted by: warrenb 

I have a rasberry pi though haven't got round to moving my weather station over to it. What software do you use to run your weather station on the PI? I take it you are using a Vantage Vue hardware.

ASL 35m 

12 January 2015 12:26:46


I have a rasberry pi though haven't got round to moving my weather station over to it. What software do you use to run your weather station on the PI? I take it you are using a Vantage Vue hardware.

Originally Posted by: redmoons 


I am indeed using the Vantage Vue. I use Weather Display for Raspberry Pi, which I believe is still free at the moment, but probably donationware.

12 January 2015 13:28:17

I don't have any weather station anymore as the WS2500 I used to have stop working and haven't replaced it so now only using normal max and min Zeal thermometer I got from my old school which I think it was made in the 70's.

When I was in Chicago last year June I went to one of the local garage sales to see how it like compare to car boot sales, I saw one selling a Stevenson weather screen and they look real as the Met Office uses.  I wish I can buy it but since I cannot carry it back here.  I was told there was a big Weather shop in downtown Chicago in the past but now gone when I first went there in 2007.

13 February 2015 10:52:59

Not only are they expensive and generally rubbish, they also send your wifi password - unencrypted - to Netatmo. Fantastic security, but that's what happens when you design for fashion rather than functionality...

Leysdown, north Kent
13 February 2015 12:20:39

As this thread has resurfaced, I just want to express my dislike for the Netatmo stations. It is likely an issue with siting as some seem to perform notably better than others, but the presence of these stations on the Wundermap really irritates me. They are often quite inaccurate, and seem very slow to respond to rapid changes in temperature. As much as I'd like to encourage amateur weather stations, observations and forecasting, I do not think Weather Underground should support the addition of these stations (or at least there should be an option to turn them off).

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