The El Nino of 2009 developed into a central Pacific event.
These seem to have some ties with a negative NAO in winter provided the SST anomalies are relatively weak (little more than +1*C).
The current El Nino is a lot stronger than that, so even if it becomes a Modoki event, it may require other external forcing to escape the usual Atlantic trough/Euro Ridge response that appears to have ties with very strong El Nino events.
I have to say appears, as we only really have 1997/8 and 1982/83 to base any conclusions upon, and by scientific standards that's an absurdly small sample size! Arguably, the theory behind the modelling that has defined what the likes of CFSv2 and BCC are now showing for the upcoming winter could well be a load of codswallop. Hah... I haven't used that word in a very long time!
Originally Posted by: Stormchaser