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19.8c. Humidity 38%rh. Breeze to 16 km/h. S.E. Hazy skies with sunshine.
Impressively warm today with minimal sea track allowing warm and largely unmodified air off the continent.
As a result a maximum temperature of 19.9c was attained.
Curretnly 15.6c
Relative humidity 45%, dewpoint 3c
Wind SE 4 mph
Pressure 1016.9mb falling
Sunshine, warm in light breezes, 19c.
Highs of 21c.
Warmest day of the year here with the continental airmass permitting a high of 18.9 at 1.43pm. Temperature is currently 13.8 Wind ESE.
A beautiful day, very warm, short sleeve weather, still 15c and it's dark.
Incredible contrast to this time last week, when it was cold and snowing/hailing etc. A warm humid feeling evening.