This remains the most severe thunderstorm I have experienced in the UK. I have looked for information on this storm on the internet but with little success and was hoping some of the forum users who I know have access to detailed information might obtain some information or point me in the right direction.
I think the storm was particularly intense in Manchester because:
The following day on the National Forecast on the Light programme (now Radio 2) the forecaster introduced his segment by stating that Manchester had had the most severe storm the previous evening breaking several records.
At school the following day the storm was the only topic of conversation, this from people who NEVER talked about the weather.
A few days later at the next Geography lesson the teacher took the first 10 minutes to discuss the storm, how it had become “trapped” in the Manchester basin and the cells had multiplied as a result.
I recently asked someone I was with that evening if they remembered the storm. They did and said it was the most severe storm they could remember “it was a Thursday night”.
The only thing I have found was a blog by a thunderstorm aficionado who was in Keele Staffordshire that evening and noted a level 2 thunderstorm, but Keele is some 50 miles south of Manchester.
Also I am happy to go into detail about the storm as I remember it, timelines etc (it lasted nearly 4 hours), if people are sufficiently interested.