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  • lanky
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
14 April 2017 18:16:31

Just arrived back hone from a trip to Japan and whilst there I was lucky enough to get this view of Mount Fuji from the Bullet Train from Kyoto to Tokyo at about 180mph. The weather was clear and the visibility was reasonable so on this occasion the volcano was clearly visible.

As it is still quite early in the year and they just had a heavy snowfall whilst I was there, the snow level goes way down almost to the base from 12,500 feet

excuse the yatter in the background (sometimes foreground) the train was very full !

Richmond, Surrey
14 April 2017 20:19:50

Good stuff lanky, thanks for that. 

Ha'way the lads
  • four
  • Advanced Member
15 April 2017 07:42:16
It almost seems to float in the sky, no wonder it has such importance to Japanese culture.
The train ride through endless suburbia and industrial estates looked otherwise un-inspiring.
  • lanky
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
15 April 2017 09:34:06

It almost seems to float in the sky, no wonder it has such importance to Japanese culture.
The train ride through endless suburbia and industrial estates looked otherwise un-inspiring.

Originally Posted by: four 

Yes that was exactly my impression too - although the prevalence of cherry blossom everywhere at this time of the year brightens things up somewhat

I was surprised at how industrial many of the urban areas seem to be with smoky chimneys in residential areas like the UK in the 1950's

The people are incredibly polite and gentile though

I went up inside the Sky Tree (second tallest building in the world) up to 450 metres out of 634 metres to get a view of Tokyo from there. I just could not believe how vast the city is and it looks just like a huge sea of concrete from that height (Actual pop of Greater Tokyo is about 36 million)

clickable image:

Richmond, Surrey
  • four
  • Advanced Member
15 April 2017 10:41:06
That is an amazing pano, the huge area lagely covered in very high densty buildings, often ten floors or more is hard to believe compared to any European city.
The sheer volume of building materials makes you wonder where it all came from, and consider how it is all being constantly repaired and replaced in a never-ending cycle.
17 April 2017 18:59:01
Amazing stuff Lanky.
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