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  • Viking3
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
01 January 2018 17:33:00

I took the opportunity of a few hours off and lovely weather to climb Morven which lies in mid Deeside. It's a nice hill and at 857m is still firmly in winter's grasp.

The snow level was about 600m and conditions underfoot were challenging, ranging from sheet ice on the path to solid clear rime ice between 600 and 700m, breakable crust up to 750m and then a mix of softer snow with patches of rime up to the summit.

There was a very thin mist coming and going on the summit plateau and this gave rise to a beautiful Brocken Spectre. There was also a white fogbow but sadly this didn't come out in the camera shots.

But all in all a wonderful day out!

Aboyne, Aberdeenshire
135m asl
  • Viking3
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
01 January 2018 17:49:52

Still can't get the pics to size correctly. I posted the first time with the constraint size still set then edited to remove the constraint, but the pictures still saved with the default size. I give up for now! If someone knows the trick I'd be grateful if you could let me know.

Aboyne, Aberdeenshire
135m asl
  • four
  • Advanced Member
04 January 2018 08:57:32
It's to do with not stretching the forum layout, you can only insert big thumbnail size about 500 pixels longest side, then add a link either direct to the image or before/after.

Good examples of the effect especially 
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