After a fairly bright afternoon, we now have quite a torrential downpour going on here in Edinburgh.
Actually, the day started off on a dull note and then it took well into the afternoon for it to eventually brighten up. Once it did though, all that has done in the end has been to set off these massive showers such as what we are seeing here just now.
The official rainfall figures from this downpour that I have reported above, shows just how localised these events can be and the rain radar map shows that this was just one isolated event. The worst of that has now moved northwards into Fife whilst it has now turned into not a bad evening here.
The end result of this downpour though was that 2.0 mm of rain was recorded at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh during that one hour alone when this downpour happened, whereas nothing at all in the way of rainfall was reported at Edinburgh Gogarbank during that hour, probably as a result of that downpour having missed that particular station altogether.
Edited by user
09 April 2018 17:50:43
Reason: To give a further update
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.