For me I wear shorts for comfort on my daily walk to work, a couple of degrees of frost is perfectly OK, as long as I keep up a brisk pace. As long as I 'wrap up warm' up top my bare legs don't seem to mind the cold. What I really don't like is wind chill. -2C and calm is fine but a higher temerature with a wind giving a wind chill of that value is far more unpleasant. Shorts were fine for much of the winter but during the cold spells of Jan & Feb I was wearing trousers just like anybody else!
As for the CET well it's creeping up now but there's going to have to be a major heatwave at the end of the month for to get anywhere close to my 8.15C estimate and there isn't any sighn of that at the moment. Still, I'mtowards the bottom end of the predictions range so it could be worse. There willl be some large errors this month, that's for sure.
Originally Posted by: Col