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Tim A
14 August 2024 17:32:26
Funnily enough I was thinking the same and posted something in the current conditions thread at lunchtime.  Late summer vibes with gentle sunshine.  Lovely day today with temps 20-21c most of the afternoon. 
NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
18 August 2024 15:59:53
I just came here to say similar to what has already been said really. Sitting in the sun today, I can feel the change. It's like a switch. The height of the sun in the sky, the intensity of heat from it. One day it feels like mid summer, the next you can feel the end. Always feel it mid August. Don't know whether this extends to the south or if it's just north England upwards.
18 August 2024 16:02:37

I just came here to say similar to what has already been said really. Sitting in the sun today, I can feel the change. It's like a switch. The height of the sun in the sky, the intensity of heat from it. One day it feels like mid summer, the next you can feel the end. Always feel it mid August. Don't know whether this extends to the south or if it's just north England upwards.

Originally Posted by: andy-manc 

It's around the 20th here, although having been out in the garden at lunchtime, even though it was solar noon, the sun lacked the usual punchy hot feeling... it just felt warm rather than hot. Temperature wise it's the same as the past few days, but the humidity is much lower today and I'd imagine that's part of it.

Not long until it feels warm all the time, mind you, no matter what the humidity may be.
Leysdown, north Kent
Saint Snow
19 August 2024 11:19:35

I just came here to say similar to what has already been said really. Sitting in the sun today, I can feel the change. It's like a switch. The height of the sun in the sky, the intensity of heat from it. One day it feels like mid summer, the next you can feel the end. Always feel it mid August. Don't know whether this extends to the south or if it's just north England upwards.

Originally Posted by: andy-manc 

Feels positively chilly today.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
19 August 2024 11:35:12

Feels positively chilly today.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Same here very chilly gale force winds and closed all the air vents yesterday to keep my home warm enough at 24 to 25C. Too much unexpected clouds today and yesterday after very poor forecast for a nice weekend.  
Can’t wait to exit this so very poor summer weather out soon enough with rating 0/10 which followed by very cold poor Spring. 
19 August 2024 13:13:46
No danger of it feeling chilly down here, sadly... just my luck that the past 4 weeks have been sunny, very warm, occasionally hot, and dry! 👎

Mind you, I agree with Jiries - I can't wait for this summer to be over, and indeed it's turned very poor indeed over the past four weeks. The best bits? The first half of June and the first half of July. Since then it's been utter dross...
Leysdown, north Kent
19 August 2024 13:29:45

No danger of it feeling chilly down here, sadly... just my luck that the past 4 weeks have been sunny, very warm, occasionally hot, and dry! 👎

Mind you, I agree with Jiries - I can't wait for this summer to be over, and indeed it's turned very poor indeed over the past four weeks. The best bits? The first half of June and the first half of July. Since then it's been utter dross...

Originally Posted by: Retron 

I am off 18 days fixed vacation from 2nd to 19th September so I am so hoping to see decent wall to wall sunshine days and warm temps.

I know you don't like high temps but why we can't get full sunshine in any temps of 18-20C in summer instead of compulsory over cast days like today.  At least in September or October we get sunny days with high teens temps or low 20's.

The smoke nonsense is not true that can block the sun completely all day, they are just making up excuses after their failed sunny forecasts last weekend back up with complaints in NW forum posters.  If was smoke it would not block the sun at all but still sunny and slight hazy skies but what I see it nasty clouds and clear skies overnight follow by cloudy day again, If was smoke then it would not be perfectly timed clear away at sunset to sunrise.  It all pack of lies from the media and can't have smoke travelled over 3000 miles exclusively to the UK to block the sun?
Tim A
19 August 2024 15:42:41
It's really windy here in the S Coast of France, I thought I had escaped the wind.  Nagging persistent NW wind for 2 days now.  Highs of 29c and 30c as the +15 850hpa isotherm clings to the south coast but you could say it feels chilly first thing and late evening due to the wind! 
NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
19 August 2024 17:59:19
Autumnal here in London today only got to 19 degrees Met Office got today's temperature  wrong big time 
19 August 2024 23:28:26
Touched 22C in S.E Essex. Felt the coolest for some time for the reasons others have said.
S.Essex, 42m ASL
19 August 2024 23:45:11
Having previously been a lot of moans in times past about the BBC forecasts being S.E biased they seemed to have gone the other way lately! Every forecast I watch they keep emphasising more rain on the way and then show rain crossing the north and Scotland. Not so much as a mention that it has been very dry with just 10mm here in the last 5 weeks. Massive cracks in the lawn, leaves started to shed from the trees. I know it's pretty much an annual event here in the dry season but you'd think they'd mention it.
S.Essex, 42m ASL
20 August 2024 06:15:08

Having previously been a lot of moans in times past about the BBC forecasts being S.E biased they seemed to have gone the other way lately! Every forecast I watch they keep emphasising more rain on the way and then show rain crossing the north and Scotland. Not so much as a mention that it has been very dry with just 10mm here in the last 5 weeks. Massive cracks in the lawn, leaves started to shed from the trees. I know it's pretty much an annual event here in the dry season but you'd think they'd mention it.

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

It does seem odd! There were some nice looking echoes on the radar last night, but nothing reached the ground - the pseudo-drought goes on. And what's going on with the MetO text forecast today? It's awful:

"Feeling cooler in the gusty winds. Maximum temperature 25 °C"
Not only is it going to be warmer than in previous days, it won't feel the slightest bit cool - as dewpoints are so high, several degrees up on yesterday! It would have felt cooler in the breeze yesterday, and the day before...

"Outlook for Thursday to Saturday:
Often cloudy with bands of rain arriving from the west on most days. Windy, especially on Thursday when gales are possible near the English channel coast. Temperatures rather cool.
The raw, meanwhile, shows average temperatures and no rain at all. We'll see, but I'm not getting my hopes up!
Leysdown, north Kent
20 August 2024 06:40:58
Can we have an autumn moaning thread now as summer seems to end in many northern parts around mod August most years? Yesterday’s cool-feeling damp and breezy day looks set to be followed by more autumnal conditions from tomorrow. We may reach 100 mm of rain this month here, but if not it will be close.
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
20 August 2024 07:03:11

Can we have an autumn moaning thread now as summer seems to end in many northern parts around mod August most years? Yesterday’s cool-feeling damp and breezy day looks set to be followed by more autumnal conditions from tomorrow. We may reach 100 mm of rain this month here, but if not it will be close.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

Patience! only 11 days to open season on Autumn - at which point, at least in England, the schools go back and the weather infallibly improves.
War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
20 August 2024 09:43:09

Patience! only 11 days to open season on Autumn - at which point, at least in England, the schools go back and the weather infallibly improves.

Originally Posted by: DEW 

We need a North moaning thread and a South moaning thread. Because more often than not, whatever the season, the current weather is usually polar opposites! Here, it has been a very good second half to the summer (as you can tell from Darren's moans about the heat and mine about the drought). But by the standard's the majority judge these things by the second half has been dry, warm-to hot and mostly sunny. One thing I have learned after visiting Shetland for the first time they have very forecastable weather. The max temperature in summer is 15C every day (although in June it was more like 9-12C). I  suspect you can just take the sea temperature and add a degree or two most of the time and it will probably rain at some point. If you want a cushy job go work for the Shetland Met Office !
S.Essex, 42m ASL
Super Cell
20 August 2024 12:23:20
I have to admit that it's been a slow burner up here in Leeds.
Rarely hot, and every day a bit different one way or another. Certainly not even three days in a row of reliable summer weather. And yet it has been dry after the earlier months of rain. The previously waterlogged clay based lawn still shows moisture at the surface and no cracking, but that's a function of how wet it had been. Moss and clover now dominant, sadly.
So I guess the second half hasn't been a disaster, but equally very few sultry periods, and in the main the Hive readings have only maxed at 22C, 3C lower than many summers. That's a direct result of a shortage of insolation, but does reflect the fairly mundane second half were having.
Farnley/Pudsey Leeds
40m asl
20 August 2024 13:41:29

It does seem odd! There were some nice looking echoes on the radar last night, but nothing reached the ground - the pseudo-drought goes on. And what's going on with the MetO text forecast today? It's awful:

"Feeling cooler in the gusty winds. Maximum temperature 25 °C"
Not only is it going to be warmer than in previous days, it won't feel the slightest bit cool - as dewpoints are so high, several degrees up on yesterday! It would have felt cooler in the breeze yesterday, and the day before...

Originally Posted by: Retron 

And now it's afternoon, I can say with authority that it was an awful forecast - it's been breezy, sure, but it's also been sunny, humid and warm (high so far is 25.6, and it's still 25.4 now). "Feeling cooler"? Poppycock.

There's a small chance that today will be the last time 25 is reached this year. While I'd love that to be the case, I'm not going to get my hopes up too much...
Leysdown, north Kent
20 August 2024 15:46:45

And now it's afternoon, I can say with authority that it was an awful forecast - it's been breezy, sure, but it's also been sunny, humid and warm (high so far is 25.6, and it's still 25.4 now). "Feeling cooler"? Poppycock.

There's a small chance that today will be the last time 25 is reached this year. While I'd love that to be the case, I'm not going to get my hopes up too much...

Originally Posted by: Retron 

Quite breezy making the current 21 C feel fresh and airy here at my south facing coastal location being exposed to the brisk SW breeze. The sun is coming and going but wasn't conductive enough to sit outside on garden chair. 
Folkestone Harbour. 
20 August 2024 18:30:41
So it was 24.5C here today. The week looks like being 22-25C. Then tonight's weather presenter showed that and then showed a graphic for London for the weekend with two blobs of rain for Saturday and one blob for Sunday. Temperatures down on this week and so she said " but things look like they are going to improve for the weekend" !! Yes, maybe for Retron wanting cooler and me wanting wetter but that just didn't tie up with the graphic at all. Have they ditched presenters with actual meteorological qualifications?
S.Essex, 42m ASL
20 August 2024 19:13:43
Gale force winds today and with lot of sun from noon allowed to keep my home warm 25-26C and 32C in the conservatory.  Just nipped out to the Coop shop that was really cold winds but get back inside very nice warm house.
Super Cell
20 August 2024 22:18:09

I have to admit that it's been a slow burner up here in Leeds.
Rarely hot, and every day a bit different one way or another. Certainly not even three days in a row of reliable summer weather. And yet it has been dry after the earlier months of rain. The previously waterlogged clay based lawn still shows moisture at the surface and no cracking, but that's a function of how wet it had been. Moss and clover now dominant, sadly.
So I guess the second half hasn't been a disaster, but equally very few sultry periods, and in the main the Hive readings have only maxed at 22C, 3C lower than many summers. That's a direct result of a shortage of insolation, but does reflect the fairly mundane second half were having.

Originally Posted by: Super Cell 

I think that today pretty well sums it up.

The forecast was for showers early, with sunshine later and very little chance of rain. As I got off the train from Peterborough the heavens opened, and anyone looking at the radar now will see a large blob of very heavy rain over this area which wasn't forecast. Sure a shower, whatever, but while others have been basking in the 'heat' it's not been like that in many places outside the beloved Southend heat shield.

As for Peterborough...lovely IN the sun, cool when the cumulus developed and then when the sky turned blue a really strong breeze and everyone at the beer festival put tops on and went inside the massive beer tent which had its own microclimate. 19C feeling like 14C apparently, and that was at 6pm!

Just incredibly meh all round.
Farnley/Pudsey Leeds
40m asl
21 August 2024 10:19:02
The emphasis I am sure is for a bright but rather cool BH weekend perhaps getting warmer early next week 
21 August 2024 11:27:11
Interesting that this will likely be the first summer since 2012 that has failed to reach 30°C around here. Prior to 2012, it was fairly rare for North West England to record it (maybe once every 3 years or so it happened), but it has been a yearly occurrence since (until this year, of course). In some cases, like 2020, it actually occurred in all three summer months at some point so it actually feels like quite a bit meteorological standout this time around.
Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
Tim A
21 August 2024 16:26:38
Looks like I picked a good fortnight to go away. My PWS is sitting at 15.5c right now (high of 17.6c) whilst I am in 30c in S France.  No temps in the 20's since the day before I left (14th) Summer was much improved in late July and early August but overall fairly mediocre.  Hopefully some decent mellow summer conditions to end the month? 
NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
21 August 2024 16:37:06
At long last there's been a perfectly pleasant summer's day here - a max of 22.8 (which is what you'd expect for late August), a dewpoint hovering around 13C, a breeze and scattered clouds. It is, in other words, a perfectly average day... which is unusual in this day and age!

Leysdown, north Kent
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