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01 September 2024 06:11:49
17.4C, bright, quite a lot of high cloud
War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
01 September 2024 07:07:14
White Rabbits!! White Rabbits!!

Yesterday was a gloriously sunny day here here in Edinburgh with a total of 12.0 hours of sunshine which means that yesterday will go down in the final statistics as August's second sunniest day in this part of the world and this on its own confirms that August has al long, long last ended up being only first sunnier than average month since away back in January, thus ensuring that what was a rather disappointing summer here overall at least ended up on a decent note.

In the night before last, the temperature at Edinburgh Gogarbank dropped to just 5.1°C and that gave us what has now turned out to be August's coldest night.

During yesterday, the temperature at Edinburgh Gogarbank reached a maximum of 20.1°C and although the temperature then once again dropped down into single figures, last night wasn't as cold as the night before that with the temperature only dropping to 9.4°C at Edinburgh Gogarbank.

Today is now the start of a brand new month and the first day of meteorological autumn. On that note, I can report that this autumn has started off with a lot more cloud than what there was yesterday, although there are also a few breaks in that cloud with the odd sunny interval at times.

Currently around 13°C here in Edinburgh.
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
  • NMA
  • Advanced Member
01 September 2024 07:52:34
18.2C. Cloudy with a light NE wind. 
The radar shows a significant batch of what might be heavy rain not far away.
Vale of the Great Dairies
South Dorset
Elevation 60m 197ft
Rob K
01 September 2024 08:15:02
Looks like the rain/thunderstorms are a bit further west than modelled. Bright morning here but with plenty of high cloud. 
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
  • NMA
  • Advanced Member
01 September 2024 09:54:28

Looks like the rain/thunderstorms are a bit further west than modelled. Bright morning here but with plenty of high cloud. 

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

The radar shows moderate to locally heavy rain overhead but underneath it not a lot reaches the ground it seems.
As for forecast thundery activity, a damp squib and that is generous. The long wait for a French import continues.
Vale of the Great Dairies
South Dorset
Elevation 60m 197ft
Roger Parsons
01 September 2024 10:36:14
We had a torrential downpour at about 09.45hrs. Impressive - but no thunder heard, sadly. I live in hope. I'd left the water butt uncovered to catch as much as possible. Half full now. Glad I mowed the lawn yesterday! 😀

West Lindsey district of Lincolnshire
Everything taken together, here in Lincolnshire are more good things than man could have had the conscience to ask.
William Cobbett, in his Rural Rides - c.1830
01 September 2024 10:37:12

The radar shows moderate to locally heavy rain overhead but underneath it not a lot reaches the ground it seems.
As for forecast thundery activity, a damp squib and that is generous. The long wait for a French import continues.

Originally Posted by: NMA 

Massive failure forecasts for warm high 20 temps here to cool high teens and no sun.  Was a lot warmer 2 days ago under the cooler uppers.
  • NMA
  • Advanced Member
01 September 2024 10:46:40
The temperature is a warm humid feeling 22.5C and it is sunny even though the radar suggests otherwise. 
The current precipitation has fizzled out.
I wonder if Stonecroze's thundery stuff will make it across the Channel without dismantling the thunderheads.
Perhaps today will be the day?
Vale of the Great Dairies
South Dorset
Elevation 60m 197ft
01 September 2024 11:30:46
Hazy sunshine 
01 September 2024 11:40:52

The temperature is a warm humid feeling 22.5C and it is sunny even though the radar suggests otherwise. 
The current precipitation has fizzled out.
I wonder if Stonecroze's thundery stuff will make it across the Channel without dismantling the thunderheads.
Perhaps today will be the day?

Originally Posted by: NMA 

A coincidence, just looking at the radar. This latest batch might just make it across the Channel. Some more building over Brittany.
Alderney, Channel Islands. (previously known as Beaufort)
01 September 2024 11:46:20
This new gimmick on the metoffice tha shows the maximum possible range in temperature isn't very good.

27C now but maximum possible was 26C and a forecasted high of 24C 😂

Dew point 20.6C
01 September 2024 12:00:29

Hazy sunshine 

Originally Posted by: picturesareme 

In less than half hour temperature has risen 1C thanks to off shore airflow.


  • four
  • Advanced Member
01 September 2024 12:57:10
Radar looked somewhat alarming as you don't know if things are developing or declining, in the event it has largely passed over quite swiftly through the last hour with about 2mm 15.2C and near calm now.
01 September 2024 12:59:18
Spectacular cock up from the metoffice who had a high of 24C for us with a maximum possible 26C 😂😂 
Dew point 21.4C
Hazy sunshine 
Fairy light wini
01 September 2024 13:04:35
Sultry sums it up here, even though temperatures aren't much greater than average. It's all thanks to the steamy dewpoint, of course... summer lingers into September!
Currently sunny, just a few scattered clouds to the north, 23.1, dew 19.3. The high so far is 23.2 and last night's low was a sweltering 18.4.

Leysdown, north Kent
01 September 2024 13:53:50
We may be in the first day of September as well as meteorological Autumn but It is feeling like we've gone back to July with a hideously swampy 28 C & low 70% H under full sunshine here at Folkestone.

Folkestone Harbour. 
01 September 2024 14:16:37
The winds have shifted E,SE and really begun to pick up. Temperature has dropped down to around 25.5C and the clouds have thickened.
Storm brewing? Nothing as of yet on the radar.
01 September 2024 14:25:51
First day of holiday on the South Coast near Christchurch and echoing the above comments about how much warmer it got than any forecast. Car was reading 27C and the air feels like southern France or Spain. A total contrast to summer for us at home in Aberdeenshire!
Aboyne, Aberdeenshire
135m asl
01 September 2024 14:31:04
It's still dry here in Edinburgh but very gloomy and overcast.

It's also rather cool with  a temperature of only around 15°C here but it's autumn now, so I'm no longer bothered about the temperatures not rising here.

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Ally Pally Snowman
01 September 2024 14:32:36
Quite a few 29s today. Can we nudge another 30c. Herstmonceax 29.3c highest so far.
Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
  • POD
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01 September 2024 14:40:16
Sunny, patchy high cloud.
26.3c r/h 70%
1010.6mb falling
Pat, Crawley Down, West Sussex.
Tim A
01 September 2024 15:31:57
Dry and dull here today sums it up.
High 18.6c, currently 17.6c. 
NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
01 September 2024 15:34:54

Quite a few 29s today. Can we nudge another 30c. Herstmonceax 29.3c highest so far.

Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

Seemingly Wiggonholt in West Sussex has reached 30.0°C today. A different world down there.

Currently 14.9°C and cloudy here.
01 September 2024 15:43:22

Seemingly Wiggonholt in West Sussex has reached 30.0°C today. A different world down there.

Currently 14.9°C and cloudy here.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

A different world, and a steamy one. The hills are veiled in light mist/haze blowing in from the sea, it's so humid... I was pruning a dog rose (which has gone a bit wild) and after 10 minutes of going up and down the ladder, using an extending lopper, I was dripping.

I'd be happy with a 14.9 dewpoint, let alone 14.9 as an air temperature!

It's presently sunny (of course), 22.7, dew 19.3. The high here, thanks to the wind from the sea, was "only" 23.7.
Leysdown, north Kent
01 September 2024 16:07:23
29.9c was the high in Watford, now 29.3c
ASL 35m 

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