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11 February 2012 21:14:27

Both clubs a disgrace to football

Originally Posted by: Gary L 


Too much passion for you then? Neville has it spot on, he is an excellent pundit. 

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

Too much bias for you then? Passion? Dream on lad. There's a difference between passion and outright vile attitude.

Originally Posted by: Gary L 

Well the vile attitude was there, but certainly not from any of the United players. 

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

So Evra acting a twat at the end is acceptable? Two wrongs don't make a right.

Originally Posted by: Gary L 

It's understandable yes. LFC have, as usual, blamed everybody but themselves and tried to paint Evra as a liar. I'd say he has every right to do what he did. Sooner Suarez is out of the PL the better it will be for everybody.

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

Suarez is a bit of a trouble maker , Liverpool knew exactly what they were getting and it is a bit odd they purchased such a player,  didnt he handball on the line in the WC and stopped Ghana going through to the Semi Finals, I mention this because I remember many Liverpool fans slating Terry Henry when he kept the ball in with his hand against Ireland. Don't forget when playing for Ajax against PSV he bit a player on the shoulder and got a ban.

Bomb him out of the PL I say

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

11 February 2012 21:31:06

It works both ways, Ferdinand was a dick for refusing to shake hands, Evra was goading a reaction (could have cause a riot as Fergie would say), Rooney was constantly running his mouth off, Dalglish never saw a thing, Fergie forgets what a despicable creature Rooney has been over the years, Suarez never shook Evra's hands naughty him. The media had a field day!

Man of the match, Phil Dowd.

Matty H
  • Matty H
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
11 February 2012 22:09:12

Both clubs a disgrace to football

Originally Posted by: Gary L 


Too much passion for you then? Neville has it spot on, he is an excellent pundit. 

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

Too much bias for you then? Passion? Dream on lad. There's a difference between passion and outright vile attitude.

Originally Posted by: Gary L 

Well the vile attitude was there, but certainly not from any of the United players. 

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

So Evra acting a twat at the end is acceptable? Two wrongs don't make a right.

Originally Posted by: Gary L 

It's understandable yes. LFC have, as usual, blamed everybody but themselves and tried to paint Evra as a liar. I'd say he has every right to do what he did. Sooner Suarez is out of the PL the better it will be for everybody.

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

Don't get me wrong, I'm not sticking up for Suarez. A bullet in the head would be the best course of action there, the vile individual, but ManU haven't exactly covered themselves in glory either. If I was SAF I would have been kicking a football boot at his face in the changing room after
Gary L
11 February 2012 23:49:41

Both clubs a disgrace to football

Originally Posted by: Matty H 


Too much passion for you then? Neville has it spot on, he is an excellent pundit. 

Originally Posted by: Gary L 

Too much bias for you then? Passion? Dream on lad. There's a difference between passion and outright vile attitude.

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

Well the vile attitude was there, but certainly not from any of the United players. 

Originally Posted by: Gary L 

So Evra acting a twat at the end is acceptable? Two wrongs don't make a right.

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

It's understandable yes. LFC have, as usual, blamed everybody but themselves and tried to paint Evra as a liar. I'd say he has every right to do what he did. Sooner Suarez is out of the PL the better it will be for everybody.

Originally Posted by: Gary L 

Don't get me wrong, I'm not sticking up for Suarez. A bullet in the head would be the best course of action there, the vile individual, but ManU haven't exactly covered themselves in glory either. If I was SAF I would have been kicking a football boot at his face in the changing room after

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

You are right, but from a fans point of view we will obviously enjoy the blatant winding up of our rivals. You may be right about SAF though, in his interview he did say he shouldnt have done it I think? Apparently kenny wasn't at the game...didn't see anything!! Lol
12 February 2012 09:57:21

Without putting blame on the players.
The most disappoiinting thing and I have no respect for him now.
That is Kenny Dalglish, how he can turn round and say that famous "I didnt see it" and I didnt know.
Not even, yes saw it we will deal with it internally.
It is a disgrace to the world famous decency and respect of LFC.

David M Porter
12 February 2012 10:00:27

Without putting blame on the players.
The most disappoiinting thing and I have no respect for him now.
That is Kenny Dalglish, how he can turn round and say that famous "I didnt see it" and I didnt know.
Not even, yes saw it we will deal with it internally.
It is a disgrace to the world famous decency and respect of LFC.

Originally Posted by: rayjp 

Gotta agree there Ray. Dalglish was always one of my footballing heroes when I was a kid, but he went down in my estimation with his comments yesterday. However, as Matty said last night, in some ways SAF and Man Utd didn't cover themselves in glory either yesterday.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
12 February 2012 10:06:56

Without putting blame on the players.
The most disappoiinting thing and I have no respect for him now.
That is Kenny Dalglish, how he can turn round and say that famous "I didnt see it" and I didnt know.
Not even, yes saw it we will deal with it internally.
It is a disgrace to the world famous decency and respect of LFC.

Originally Posted by: David M Porter 

Gotta agree there Ray. Dalglish was always one of my footballing heroes when I was a kid, but he went down in my estimation with his comments yesterday. However, as Matty said last night, in some ways SAF and Man Utd didn't cover themselves in glory either yesterday.

Originally Posted by: rayjp 

This is merely part of a longer term pattern that has been emerging - Dalglish invariably attempting to belittle interviewers by employing 'wit' and 'sarcasm'. When that's not enough i.e. he gets pulled up by not answering a question, the siege mentality kicks -in.

12 February 2012 10:11:51

Without putting blame on the players.
The most disappoiinting thing and I have no respect for him now.
That is Kenny Dalglish, how he can turn round and say that famous "I didnt see it" and I didnt know.
Not even, yes saw it we will deal with it internally.
It is a disgrace to the world famous decency and respect of LFC.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

Gotta agree there Ray. Dalglish was always one of my footballing heroes when I was a kid, but he went down in my estimation with his comments yesterday. However, as Matty said last night, in some ways SAF and Man Utd didn't cover themselves in glory either yesterday.

Originally Posted by: David M Porter 

This is merely part of a longer term pattern that has been emerging - Dalglish invariably attempting to belittle interviewers by employing 'wit' and 'sarcasm'. When that's not enough i.e. he gets pulled up by not answering a question, the siege mentality kicks -in.

Originally Posted by: rayjp 

Agree with all the above, his sarcasm is very annoying, he really isn't covering himself in glory, SAF should have zipped his lip at least he said Evra shouldn't have celebrated like he did, even id he was laughing his socks off behind camera.


Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

12 February 2012 10:14:36

I know you'll all think I am biased, and I really was disappointed yesterday in both the result and in Suarez'z juvenile 'handshakegate' moment.

But...just for one moment humour me....


That really does look like a premeditated lowering of the hand by Evra? No? Accuse of me of rose-tinted specs, but this angle from above definitely shows it. I'm surprised he didn't then bring his thumb up to his nose and blow a raspberry! ...and in fact that last sentence almost personifies how childish the whole sorry episode is. IN fact why I am getting involved?

12 February 2012 10:18:18

I will add one more point. It's not within Ferguson's remit to comment on what another club should do with one of its players. I didn't see (I'm sounding like Dalglish here LOL) Ferguson make a comment about the need for Liverpool to offload Suarez. But if he did, he should STFU.

12 February 2012 10:25:23

I will add one more point. It's not within Ferguson's remit to comment on what another club should do with one of its players. I didn't see (I'm sounding like Dalglish here LOL) Ferguson make a comment about the need for Liverpool to offload Suarez. But if he did, he should STFU.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

Oh he did , he said " He ( Suarez) should never play for Liverpool again, " then went on to say about the history of LFC and that it's a disgrace

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

12 February 2012 10:29:33

I know you'll all think I am biased, and I really was disappointed yesterday in both the result and in Suarez'z juvenile 'handshakegate' moment.

But...just for one moment humour me....


That really does look like a premeditated lowering of the hand by Evra? No? Accuse of me of rose-tinted specs, but this angle from above definitely shows it. I'm surprised he didn't then bring his thumb up to his nose and blow a raspberry! ...and in fact that last sentence almost personifies how childish the whole sorry episode is. IN fact why I am getting involved?

Originally Posted by: haghir22 

Won't have that , sorry. Evra's hand was there, the point is Suarez had absolutely NO intention of shaking hands, this after LFC issued a statement saying Suarez would draw a line under it .

I am probably more angry with Dalglish, he is still living off the " look I'm great days of the 70's & 80's " , his reaction yesterday was as unprofessional as Suarez's



Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Snow Hoper
12 February 2012 10:43:33

I know you'll all think I am biased, and I really was disappointed yesterday in both the result and in Suarez'z juvenile 'handshakegate' moment.

But...just for one moment humour me....


That really does look like a premeditated lowering of the hand by Evra? No? Accuse of me of rose-tinted specs, but this angle from above definitely shows it. I'm surprised he didn't then bring his thumb up to his nose and blow a raspberry! ...and in fact that last sentence almost personifies how childish the whole sorry episode is. IN fact why I am getting involved?

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Won't have that , sorry. Evra's hand was there, the point is Suarez had absolutely NO intention of shaking hands, this after LFC issued a statement saying Suarez who draw a line under it .

I am probably more angry with Dalglish, he is still living off the " look I'm great days of the 70's & 80's " , his reaction yesterday was as unprofessional as Suarez's



Originally Posted by: haghir22 

It looked to me like Evra had his hand back unsure as to whether Luis was going to offer his hand. Didn't look to me like a deliberate pull back.

Going to war over religion is like killing each other to see who has the better imaginary friend.

Home : Thorndon, Suffolk.
12 February 2012 11:46:46

I know you'll all think I am biased, and I really was disappointed yesterday in both the result and in Suarez'z juvenile 'handshakegate' moment.

But...just for one moment humour me....


That really does look like a premeditated lowering of the hand by Evra? No? Accuse of me of rose-tinted specs, but this angle from above definitely shows it. I'm surprised he didn't then bring his thumb up to his nose and blow a raspberry! ...and in fact that last sentence almost personifies how childish the whole sorry episode is. IN fact why I am getting involved?

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Won't have that , sorry. Evra's hand was there, the point is Suarez had absolutely NO intention of shaking hands, this after LFC issued a statement saying Suarez would draw a line under it .

I am probably more angry with Dalglish, he is still living off the " look I'm great days of the 70's & 80's " , his reaction yesterday was as unprofessional as Suarez's



Originally Posted by: haghir22 

Gooner, genuinely watch again. He quite clearly lowers his hand as Suarez approaches. I'm not for one moment syaing its defintiely on purpse, maybe even a subconscious reaction in seeing his 'foe' arriving. But there is a definite change in stature compared with everone else.

I know I sound like I am clutching at straws and I also know how churlish this might sound and how foolish I may look. I'd just love someone  completely unbiased to have a look and give their opinion

Snow Hoper
12 February 2012 11:48:15

I have and I'm unbiased

Going to war over religion is like killing each other to see who has the better imaginary friend.

Home : Thorndon, Suffolk.
12 February 2012 11:58:55

Ferguson is just as full as sh1t. I don't recall him threatening to sell Cantona for his antics, I don't remember Ferguson saying too much for the nastiness Roy Keane brought to the game (how many players has he attacked?), there have been many incidents with Utd that get brushed over and he would have been moaning had another manager suggest he sell those players.

As a footballing fan, I'm more fed up of hearing Dalglish's excuses for their awfully poor football at times and the sad excuses about his cack expensive flops.

12 February 2012 12:12:33

I know you'll all think I am biased, and I really was disappointed yesterday in both the result and in Suarez'z juvenile 'handshakegate' moment.

But...just for one moment humour me....


That really does look like a premeditated lowering of the hand by Evra? No? Accuse of me of rose-tinted specs, but this angle from above definitely shows it. I'm surprised he didn't then bring his thumb up to his nose and blow a raspberry! ...and in fact that last sentence almost personifies how childish the whole sorry episode is. IN fact why I am getting involved?

Originally Posted by: haghir22 

Won't have that , sorry. Evra's hand was there, the point is Suarez had absolutely NO intention of shaking hands, this after LFC issued a statement saying Suarez would draw a line under it .

I am probably more angry with Dalglish, he is still living off the " look I'm great days of the 70's & 80's " , his reaction yesterday was as unprofessional as Suarez's



Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Gooner, genuinely watch again. He quite clearly lowers his hand as Suarez approaches. I'm not for one moment syaing its defintiely on purpse, maybe even a subconscious reaction in seeing his 'foe' arriving. But there is a definite change in stature compared with everone else.

I know I sound like I am clutching at straws and I also know how churlish this might sound and how foolish I may look. I'd just love someone  completely unbiased to have a look and give their opinion

Originally Posted by: haghir22 

IMO it looks like Evra, having shaken hands with everyone else, sees Suarez up close and flinches slightly, (he was probaly wondering what's going to happen) his hand do'es sway slightly, along with his body.

I think he was willing to shake hands, but he flinched and there was not enough time to bring his hand up level to have grasped Suarez's hand if had been there, which it wasn't anyway.

Both men were probaly looking for an excuse not to shake each others hand, does it really matter.

Evra should have ignored it, but chose to ham it up, this IMO he shouldn't have done, i don't suppose he likes Suarez, so why be bothered. 

Far better, to shake hands at the end I think!

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
12 February 2012 12:19:06

Ferguson is just as full as sh1t. I don't recall him threatening to sell Cantona for his antics, I don't remember Ferguson saying too much for the nastiness Roy Keane brought to the game (how many players has he attacked?), there have been many incidents with Utd that get brushed over and he would have been moaning had another manager suggest he sell those players.

As a footballing fan, I'm more fed up of hearing Dalglish's excuses for their awfully poor football at times and the sad excuses about his cack expensive flops.

Originally Posted by: britbob 

As someone looking at LFC from the outside, how is it that so many fans cut 'King' Kenny so much slack when he, along with Camolli, are part of the problem (from a footballing standpoint) not the solution. Perhaps the Suarez nonsense is a useful distraction for Dalglish because it papers over the cracks elsewhere.

Maybe, the reason why so many (non-LFC) fans have an animus to the club nowadays is the perpetual playing of the 'victim' the 'world is against us' card.

12 February 2012 12:20:10

I have and I'm unbiased

Originally Posted by: Snow Hoper 

Ooops, hadn't read it!

12 February 2012 12:38:46

I know you'll all think I am biased, and I really was disappointed yesterday in both the result and in Suarez'z juvenile 'handshakegate' moment.

But...just for one moment humour me....


That really does look like a premeditated lowering of the hand by Evra? No? Accuse of me of rose-tinted specs, but this angle from above definitely shows it. I'm surprised he didn't then bring his thumb up to his nose and blow a raspberry! ...and in fact that last sentence almost personifies how childish the whole sorry episode is. IN fact why I am getting involved?

Originally Posted by: haghir22 

Won't have that , sorry. Evra's hand was there, the point is Suarez had absolutely NO intention of shaking hands, this after LFC issued a statement saying Suarez would draw a line under it .

I am probably more angry with Dalglish, he is still living off the " look I'm great days of the 70's & 80's " , his reaction yesterday was as unprofessional as Suarez's



Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Gooner, genuinely watch again. He quite clearly lowers his hand as Suarez approaches. I'm not for one moment syaing its defintiely on purpse, maybe even a subconscious reaction in seeing his 'foe' arriving. But there is a definite change in stature compared with everone else.

I know I sound like I am clutching at straws and I also know how churlish this might sound and how foolish I may look. I'd just love someone  completely unbiased to have a look and give their opinion

Originally Posted by: haghir22 

I must be bored because I have looked at it about 50 times lol ,  Granted Evra hasn't not got his hand as high as it should be BUT it was open , Suarez could have at least 'slapped' it as an empty gesture. He decided to walk straight past , it has put Liverpool in a very difficult position.

I can't get my head around the whole Liverpool thing

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

12 February 2012 13:02:48

OK, great response and one that I think I will save for the ensuing pub debates...Copyright Gooner of course.

12 February 2012 13:35:06
reading the liverpool forums there is a lot of blind loyalty and some ridiculously awful posts (the long posts which others quote and praise! ). its the same on every footy forum, ill admit. football fans are immoral tossers, on the whole.
Saint Snow
12 February 2012 13:56:28

I think too many football fans are prone to bouts of cod-outrage

Storm in a teacup, and I find it as amusing as I do pathetic reading and listening to the false piety from so many otherwise sensible people.

Get a life.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Karl Guille
12 February 2012 13:59:09

Adabayor really appears to be enjoying himself.

1 goal and 4 assists

Originally Posted by: Romfordman 

Given my critiism of him the other day thought I'd better comment on what was a magnificent performance from Adebayor yesterday.  However, it really begs the question - where was he for the last four or fives games where he contributed nothing?  Perhaps Arry had a word!!??

The next two or three Premiership games are truely going to define our season!  

St. Sampson
Matty H
  • Matty H
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
12 February 2012 14:02:24

I think too many football fans are prone to bouts of cod-outrage

Storm in a teacup, and I find it as amusing as I do pathetic reading and listening to the false piety from so many otherwise sensible people.

Get a life.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

That is life isn't it? My Facebook newsfeed is full of false outpourings of grief over another drug addict singer.

There's little else to talk about as far as Liverpool are concerned over the last few decades. I would have thought the publicity would be welcomed? Perhaps that explains king Cunnys attitude
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