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Maunder Minimum
31 January 2019 19:39:48

Funny thing is, if they forecast an end to the cold spell with mild wind and rain moving in from the west, that would be a dead cert and it would be wet, damp and mild for everyone. If they predict snow, it is usually less than 50/50 that it will actually arrive, however certain the models and forecasters might be in advance.

Sod's Law I suppose.

Anyway, I think the best model for this non-event has been Arpege which for several days now has given little snow comfort to UK model watchers.

Still, it has been fun for parts of the West Country which very rarely sees any of the white stuff, so good for that locale I suppose.

New world order coming.
31 January 2019 19:54:54


Looks pretty good for these parts to me

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

Hmmm. You could be right. It is very difficult to say. If that clump that has intensified over Normandy and now the Channel keeps moving north you could be in prime place but if it stalls and loses energy......... 

Who knows!

S.Essex, 42m ASL
31 January 2019 19:57:00
Well this isn’t quite working out as planned is it? It’s actually quite painful watching a forecast unravel before your eyes and it’s clear the Amber warning was for most a precaution too far (as it stands). I’m going to have to explain to my subscribers who left work early or travelled to Gatwick for a hotel instead of going up in the morning what went wrong. Glad I don’t earn a living from it.
Still time for changes but at the moment it looks positively underwhelming for most of the south.
Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
31 January 2019 20:04:47
These showers up in the north east look very isolated and hit and miss... can't even see a cm falling at the rate
31 January 2019 20:06:01


Hmmm. You could be right. It is very difficult to say. If that clump that has intensified over Normandy and now the Channel keeps moving north you could be in prime place but if it stalls and loses energy......... 

Who knows!


i think with wind turning off the channel it is likely to be rain and possibly sleet in any heavy bursts...I think you can pack the sledge away for this event and don the fact you can do that for the winter that promised but never delivered ....apart from lots of incorrect news headlines and egg on the face for many  

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

31 January 2019 20:07:20

Moved thread

I am feeling realy disillusioned at the moment. We're not talking T+384 or 240 here, or even T+120. This isn't even T +48. On Thursday afternoon MetO, GFS, ECM, Beeb and probably all the other agencies paid out of someone else's pocket were forecasting several hours of heavy snow for Thursday evening. Now I'll shrink away ashamed if there is something simply adjusted here- a slight delay, say- but TBH the cloud is thinning beautifully outside after our 10minute snowjest and I'd like to know if T+6 really is that excusable.

I have a fircone called Freddie.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
Retire while you can still press the 'retire now' button.
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
31 January 2019 20:09:32

I’ve got to love the Met O app!  It says ‘yellow warning of snow and ice nearby’!    I’ve never seen it say that before! Perhaps the Met O realise that every snowfall this winter has been nearby but never actually here!  


Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
31 January 2019 20:10:36

Snow just come on much heavier here, forget the models and radar, its a pure nowcast look at the lampost...

Ashurst Bridge (New Forest)
9m ASL 
Rob K
31 January 2019 20:11:27

Moved thread

I am feeling realy disillusioned at the moment. We're not talking T+384 or 240 here, or even T+120. This isn't even T +48. On Thursday afternoon MetO, GFS, ECM, Beeb and probably all the other agencies paid out of someone else's pocket were forecasting several hours of heavy snow for Thursday evening. Now I'll shrink away ashamed if there is something simply adjusted here- a slight delay, say- but TBH the cloud is thinning beautifully outside after our 10minute snowjest and I'd like to know if T+6 really is that excusable.


Originally Posted by: Bertwhistle 

The main band is still to your south, according to the radar. You are currently in the gap between the two.

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
Maunder Minimum
31 January 2019 20:16:24

I’ve got to love the Met O app!  It says ‘yellow warning of snow and ice nearby’!    I’ve never seen it say that before! Perhaps the Met O realise that every snowfall this winter has been nearby but never actually here!  


Originally Posted by: Caz 

Nice one Caz, it has been the nearly winter all the way. We nearly had a winter, but it never quite arrived.

Brian put it very well in the model thread a few days ago - this has been the best virtual winter ever.

As for January, I think it should be abolished in the UK, since it never delivers anything of note these days. I am upgrading March as the new January. This January has been a nothing month in my area - neither mild nor cold, neither wet nor dry - it is as though it did not exist at all. And not a flake of snow (so far - there is always the chance of at least one flake before midnight).



New world order coming.
Lionel Hutz
31 January 2019 20:17:29
Almost there now. Temperature now down to 0.9c and the rain has finally turned to wet snow.
Lionel Hutz
Nr.Waterford , S E Ireland
68m ASL

31 January 2019 20:17:56

How to soften the responsibility slowly:

Sleet and snow stalling overhead but becoming lighter and more intermittent with time. Southern coastal districts are more likely to see rain or sleet, whereas inland areas may see some snow accumulations. Drier by dawn, but with icy stretches possible. Minimum temperature -3 °C.

Where? Does that mean it's just not reaching the ground? Snowflakes in a perpetual gravity defying armada.

How can it be lighter and more intermittent than not falling at all?

Drier by dawn? Ha ha!


Bertie, Itchen Valley.
Retire while you can still press the 'retire now' button.
31 January 2019 20:23:38

Heavy band over Channel seems to have stopped pivoting and is sliding East. Not sure anyone is going to get the benefit of that now.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Whether Idle
31 January 2019 20:24:51

Even if the precip makes it here, (the heavier stuff usually find it very difficult to much more than graze the coast) its just gone up to +1.8c so Im a bit doomed, either no snow or rain and sleet.

Dover, 5m asl. Half a mile from the south coast.
Rob K
31 January 2019 20:27:07

How to soften the responsibility slowly:

Sleet and snow stalling overhead but becoming lighter and more intermittent with time. Southern coastal districts are more likely to see rain or sleet, whereas inland areas may see some snow accumulations. Drier by dawn, but with icy stretches possible. Minimum temperature -3 °C.

Where? Does that mean it's just not reaching the ground? Snowflakes in a perpetual gravity defying armada.

How can it be lighter and more intermittent than not falling at all?

Drier by dawn? Ha ha!


Originally Posted by: Bertwhistle 

Stalling overhead as in stopping its northward movement, not stopping falling!

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
  • Jeff
  • Advanced Member
31 January 2019 20:30:41


The main band is still to your south, according to the radar. You are currently in the gap between the two.

Originally Posted by: Rob K 


...and reverting to old fashioned forecasting, after midday, high cloud came in from the south west, lowered to become slate grey, flurries of snow on the wind, the temperature continues to fall, pressure 985hpa and still falling and the wind continues to increase from the East. Ignoring the radar, tweets and the digital forecasts for a moment, what would that have suggested to you, and your long beard, in January 1881??


Edit: erm, forgetting any climate change malarkey for a moment..innocent

On the East/West Sussex Border
70m ASL
Rob K
31 January 2019 20:33:07

Heavy band over Channel seems to have stopped pivoting and is sliding East. Not sure anyone is going to get the benefit of that now.

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

Yes it seems to be heading for France rather than moving northwards into southern counties 

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
31 January 2019 20:36:27
Not sure what the fuss is about, Euro 4 is modelling This exactly perfectly atm, snow not expected here until midnight.
Dean Barnes
Finstock, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire
160m ASL 525 Ft
Whether Idle
31 January 2019 20:38:11

Heavy band over Channel seems to have stopped pivoting and is sliding East. Not sure anyone is going to get the benefit of that now.

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

Agreed, I wasn't sold on it anyhow, learnt from bitter experience. Quite often in these scenarios the dry air dries out the front and the stuff evaporates before it hits the ground, I think we can see which way this one is going. The heavier stuff usually stays offshore.

Dover, 5m asl. Half a mile from the south coast.
31 January 2019 20:44:36
Between shear, energy pulses and talk of stalling... radar showing it all dissolving whilst my useless metoffice app shows 5 hours of continuous snow, I almost forgot to look outside!

It’s all gone white.

(I know it’s the wrong thread, but can I suggest you look out the window between checking the models)
Location: Reigate, Surrey 105m ASL

Winter 22/23
Days snow falling: 4
Days snow on ground:8
Max snow depths: 6cm (December 19th ish)

Summer 2022 max 39C on July 19th
Summer 2021 max: 32C on July 18th
Summer 2020 max: 36C on July 31st
Rob K
31 January 2019 20:48:16

Between shear, energy pulses and talk of stalling... radar showing it all dissolving whilst my useless metoffice app shows 5 hours of continuous snow, I almost forgot to look outside!

It’s all gone white.

(I know it’s the wrong thread, but can I suggest you look out the window between checking the models)

Originally Posted by: eddied 

Unfortunately I'm still in London so there is nothing falling here. I think it has started back home though, in a pathetic dandruffy way.

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
Heavy Weather 2013
31 January 2019 20:49:18
I see the London snowshield is working a treat. None the less patience is vertue and to be fair the METO app does suggest late on the evening. But the decaying nature does worry me somewhat.
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
31 January 2019 20:49:59


Unfortunately I'm still in London so there is nothing falling here. I think it has started back home though, in a pathetic dandruffy way.

Originally Posted by: Rob K 


It's coming down pretty well and sticking in Basingstoke 

Whether Idle
31 January 2019 21:02:26

Good news, it is snowing at +1.8.  Must be partly due to -1.5 dp.  Only light and grainy.  Will keep you posted.

Dover, 5m asl. Half a mile from the south coast.
31 January 2019 21:06:33
Loving the precariousness in here.

Meanwhile Up North it's still -4c, and there's a showers a-brewing in the north sea...
Nr. Easingwold, North Yorkshire
30m asl
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