The vast majority of you out there will probably not need me to tell you that we are currently in a very unsettled spell of weather just now with England and Wales bearing the biggest brunt of that at the moment. There has also been a little bit of rain here in Edinburgh as well, though not to the same extent just lately.
It has stopped raining here just now, but it was raining at midnight which means that a total of 0.2 mm of rain has already fallen during today so far at Edinburgh Gogarbank as at 1am this morning along with 0.2 mm at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh.
For Edinburgh Gogarbank, this already brings the total for this month to 0.2 mm, the total for this autumn so far to 82.8 mm and the total for this year so far to 640.2 mm as at 1am this morning.
For the botanic gardens in Edinburgh, this already brings the total for this month to 0.2 mm, the total for this autumn so far to 79.6 mm and the total for this year so far to 616.6 mm as at 1am this morning.
The fact that we are currently in this unsettled spell makes it more important for this thread to be created as quickly as possible so that members can post their early reports for this month without any delay. As a result of us being in this spell of weather, I would therefore also expect this thread to be fairly busy, at least to begin with.
There are a few hints amongst the models that we could move more towards high pressure later on this month. If that happens, it will then be likely to be drier which would then result in this thread becoming a bit quieter. However this month pans out though, this will now be the very place to post those all important reports.
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.