GFS keeps any blocking well away from us, settling over SE Russia/Rumania, and that doesn't excite me.
The current LP never really goes away, and pays us a return visit from the south before linking up with a cool-looking Atlantic depression in the middle of anext week. This is centred closer to us than expected yesterday and finishing up over the UK as a decayeing feature by Sat 23rd. After a quieter but confused period, there is a zonal set up by the 30th with a trough from mid-Atlantic to NE of Finland.
ECM is a bit more blocky, with HP extending further north by the 24th, from S Russia to the E Baltic
Ens vary somewhat by region, but overall picture is back to normal by about 21st, and something for both optimists and pessimists after that. Generally drier after that
Originally Posted by: DEW