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Rob K
01 December 2019 16:53:07


As for an election snowstorm, it’s as certain or uncertain as the result at this range.

Originally Posted by: nsrobins 

So nailed on mild then? The election result is about as uncertain as the sun rising tomorrow, sadly.

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
01 December 2019 17:09:19


Its a decent call IMO but all the time we’re seeing pressure in the PV from persistent warming at 10hPa then there’s a chance that blocking may appear ‘unmodelled’ so to speak.

As for an election snowstorm, it’s as certain or uncertain as the result at this range.

Originally Posted by: nsrobins 

The result is a foregone conclusion Neil. Progressive and zonal GFS.


From December 27th 2020, zonality will be banned from mixing with the UK. We appreciate that this may come as a shock to younger people and old Uncle Barty. This ban will last for a minimum of ten days.
Brian Gaze
01 December 2019 18:30:26

Could flip back to a colder outlook but the trend is towards unsettled weather with close to average temperatures during the middle third of the month. I wouldn't be surprised if flooding is back in the news in the approach to Xmas.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
01 December 2019 22:58:25
Pub run special
Steve Murr
01 December 2019 23:04:34

Ive reviewed the last 4 runs of the GFS & across the full day its gone from flat as a pancake 00z to fully amplified split flow on 18z ( for the same timestamp ) fully morphing to the ECM just like it did last week for the current cold snap.

GFS is having a woeful time at the moment with its Eastward bias -

Yet still its gets more air time than the euros that smash it time in time out.

Looking at 18z theres actually pretty much zilch zonal weather till the end.

One only has to look at the shape & displacement of the vortex which shows the westerly component is almost removed at day 10 to understand why zonal isnt going to happen...

Gandalf The White
01 December 2019 23:28:45

Ive reviewed the last 4 runs of the GFS & across the full day its gone from flat as a pancake 00z to fully amplified split flow on 18z ( for the same timestamp ) fully morphing to the ECM just like it did last week for the current cold snap.

GFS is having a woeful time at the moment with its Eastward bias -

Yet still its gets more air time than the euros that smash it time in time out.

Looking at 18z theres actually pretty much zilch zonal weather till the end.

One only has to look at the shape & displacement of the vortex which shows the westerly component is almost removed at day 10 to understand why zonal isnt going to happen...

Originally Posted by: Steve Murr 

Yep, 'plus ca change plus a meme chose' as the French say.

I tend to focus on the ECM ensemble mean for the pattern and GFS out of curiousity past Day 10.  As you say, precious little run-to-run consistency at that range.


Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

01 December 2019 23:41:33


almost futile, so a big thumbs up to anyone who has had the balls to offer a coherent and well reasoned approach. Gav and Brian always back up their thoughts so credit to them both. 

Originally Posted by: JACKO4EVER 

Not sure why one should give thumbs up for a futile exercise. Three-month forecasting is mythology, pure and simple. One might as well consult a circus fortune teller. 

London E4
Gandalf The White
02 December 2019 00:01:32


Not sure why one should give thumbs up for a futile exercise. Three-month forecasting is mythology, pure and simple. One might as well consult a circus fortune teller. 

Originally Posted by: Downpour 

It's just a bit of fun, in the same way as posting GFS charts from FI.


Still that signal for a period of cold zonality after a 3-day average to mild spell.  GFS Op very much at odds with the ECM.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

02 December 2019 00:20:44


just think it would be Sod’s law so whoever loses could blame the weather - research would favour conservatives winning in a bad weather polling day

Originally Posted by: ballamar 

Possibly based on old research where only cons could afford a car and were more committed to vote. The nouveau voter with no previous interest in voting (aka Brexiteers) might be put off by a bit of cold.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Gandalf The White
02 December 2019 00:42:39


Possibly based on old research where only cons could afford a car and were more committed to vote. The nouveau voter with no previous interest in voting (aka Brexiteers) might be put off by a bit of cold.

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

Wrong thread but that wasn’t it.  The local Conservative associations had a better system for canvassing and offering to take people to the polling stations to cast their vote.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

02 December 2019 01:05:39

A wintry and wild polling day if this comes about:

Early evening when most people are likely to vote when they get back from work!?? - This of course will change but this unsettled and wild or stormy and snowy theme continues for 12th Dec.

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
02 December 2019 07:02:10

GFS much like yesterday until Tue 12th i.e HP declining to westerly flow, even NW around 9th; then a deep and cold LP with northerlies 12th - 14th (wasn't shown until 14th at this time yesterday but models steadily moving it earlier since - a worry for election organisers) going back to W/SW flow by 18th

After propping up a HP cell, UK Jetstream resuming generally strong W - E from Thu, first to the N of UK but sinking southwards. Notable loop S-wards 12th/13th allowing cold LP to follow in its wake, then back to W - E the following week.

ECM matches GFS to end of TWO charts at T+240 (Tue 11th) and the last chart has an LP positioned to come south much as GFS

Ens temps oscillate between seasonal average and above to about 8th Dec, the a long period where most but not all runs a degree or two below. Variable amount of pptn 7th onward; snow row totals only significant for N England and Scotland

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
Whether Idle
02 December 2019 07:29:54

GFS much like yesterday until Tue 12th i.e HP declining to westerly flow, even NW around 9th; then a deep and cold LP with northerlies 12th - 14th (wasn't shown until 14th at this time yesterday but models steadily moving it earlier since - a worry for election organisers) going back to W/SW flow by 18th

After propping up a HP cell, UK Jetstream resuming generally strong W - E from Thu, first to the N of UK but sinking southwards. Notable loop S-wards 12th/13th allowing cold LP to follow in its wake, then back to W - E the following week.

ECM matches GFS to end of TWO charts at T+240 (Tue 11th) and the last chart has an LP positioned to come south much as GFS

Ens temps oscillate between seasonal average and above to about 8th Dec, the a long period where most but not all runs a degree or two below. Variable amount of pptn 7th onward; snow row totals only significant for N England and Scotland

Originally Posted by: DEW 

Thanks David. I find your objective summaries useful. 

Dover, 5m asl. Half a mile from the south coast.
02 December 2019 07:58:13
ECM is encouraging in later stages, where is goes after is possibly zonal but enough in it to think there could be a build of heights to the north. Better to have slightly different Synoptics rather than looking at a mild long fetch SW on the wrong side of the jet.
02 December 2019 08:24:26

both ECM and GFS 00z run again gives us a cold and stormy as well as wintry election polling day:

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

02 December 2019 08:44:47

I'm happy with what's on offer , certainly no blow torch SWlies .


Looks ok to me 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

02 December 2019 08:52:14

I'm happy with what's on offer , certainly no blow torch SWlies .


Looks ok to me 

Originally Posted by: Gooner 


Lot's of cold zonality!! We had that in 2014/15 and 2017/18 winter.

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
02 December 2019 09:01:21



Lot's of cold zonality!! We had that in 2014/15 and 2017/18 winter.

Originally Posted by: tallyho_83 

The Apostrophe Society has now given up, so you can now stop using apostrophes completely, with improved results

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
David M Porter
02 December 2019 09:14:30



Lot's of cold zonality!! We had that in 2014/15 and 2017/18 winter.

Originally Posted by: tallyho_83 

More so in the latter than the former, at least as far as my own area was concerned.

In mid-January 2018 we had about 5-6 consecutive days here of heavy snow showers from a NW airflow which left quite a few inches on the ground, the most snow we had that winter prior to the Beast from the East at the end of Febuary 2018.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
Steve Murr
02 December 2019 09:53:11
Morning -

Continued enjoyment to be found in the models today as the move to a pattern that can deliver copious amount of snow given the right balance of atlantic moisture V polar air - however of course a nudge in from the azores high could scupper things..

Its a pattern that doesn't usually stay attenuated for to long - but it can be very good - 1996 being the holy grail.

  • RobN
  • Advanced Member
02 December 2019 10:05:33


The Apostrophe Society has now given up, so you can now stop using apostrophes completely, with improved results

Originally Posted by: DEW 

...and the double exclamation mark. Where will punctuation inflation take us???

In the flatlands of South Cambridgeshire 15m ASL.
02 December 2019 10:25:01


...and the double exclamation mark. Where will punctuation inflation take us???

Originally Posted by: RobN 

I'm a firm believer in the adage that everyone should be born with a strict allocation of exclamation marks.

Anyway, GFS 6z once again showing PM potential next week - looks messy, but Scotland could do very well from set-ups like this.

Nr. Easingwold, North Yorkshire
30m asl
Surrey John
02 December 2019 11:05:24

I see the Met office outlook Sunday 15th-29th (updated this morning) mentions wintry showers, then ends with  a transition to some longer, more settled and colder periods.


Sunday 15 Dec - Sunday 29 Dec

Although confidence is low for this period, the unsettled conditions are expected to continue. There will be some rain with interludes of cold but bright weather alongside a risk of showers. There is a continued chance of further wintry showers on high ground in the north. Temperatures will likely tend towards average, or just above, for this time of year. Towards the end of 2019 there is a possibility that we will see a transition to some longer, more settled and colder periods.


Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire
35m ASL
Scottish Kierdog
02 December 2019 11:38:10

I'll be arriving in Scotland from Australia on 14th Dec for 3 weeks. If you could hold that Northerly off by 2 or 3 days , so i can build a snowman with my little fella please.  

02 December 2019 12:38:18
Steady as she goes, cool zonality looks a form horse as we progress into the month. Whilst the majority of England and Wales will wonder what all the fuss is about, at least it’s no blowtorch as Marcus has pointed out above.
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