GFS has high pressure over the UK to Tue 21st (once this week's rubbish has gone) but then maintains HP close by till Tue 28th when a trough drifts in from the N Atlantic.
BBC last night was going for full on zonal stuff from Wed 22nd instead of maintaining the HP.
ECM takes a middle position as does the Jetstream which is looping around early next week to support high pressure over UK around Mon/Tue 20th/21st but soon back to strong westerly, then weaker a week later and diving well south for a while.
GEFS has rain on 17th (mostly in S) then dry to 25th; cool at first then milder for a while from 21st (a day or two earlier in N) until the usual scramble sets in.
Nothing generally cold on the FI postage stamps out to T+384, so I'm pinning my hopes for a cold spell on the cold air creeping across the NE Atlantic in week 2 and then developing
Originally Posted by: DEW