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The Beast from the East
10 March 2020 08:08:52


I assume you think the Chief Medical Officer is part of this conspiracy too.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

A week ago at the Select Committee, Whitty said we should be moving to Delay phase. Yesterday, he was obediently sucking Johnson's Thomas. 

We already know that your beloved Tory Govt bullies Civil Servants and sacks dissenting voices. Who knows what Cummings has been doing behind the scenes


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
The Beast from the East
10 March 2020 08:12:26



The racing and gambling industry is worth billions in tax income. 

Originally Posted by: nsrobins 

Money is the only thing that matters to the clowns currently running the country. Cummings is so arrogant he think can control this. Hopefully the c*nt will catch it himself

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
The Beast from the East
10 March 2020 08:14:02

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
John p
10 March 2020 08:17:29

When does the Cheltenham festival finish?

Because, that’s when the delay phase will commence imo. 


Camberley, Surrey
Gandalf The White
10 March 2020 08:17:32


its not me that is suggesting it. 

Originally Posted by: bowser 

Odd comment. You made that clear in your post so I wasn’t suggesting it.


Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Heavy Weather 2013
10 March 2020 08:20:15

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

I saw a video the other day that was asking Trump supporters questions.

A women said she would still vote trump if he shot someone dead on Times Square.

Also apparently amongst Trump supports he has an approval rating of 85% in his handling of the virus so far. Even if there are pictures of bodies pilling up in his heartlands, they will somehow blame Obama

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Gavin D
10 March 2020 08:23:32

When does the Cheltenham festival finish?

Because, that’s when the delay phase will commence imo. 

Originally Posted by: John p 


Friday I think which is Gold Cup day. Then Aintree is due to begin in 3 weeks with the Grand National on April 4th

Gavin D
10 March 2020 08:24:33

Coronavirus crash: Stocks recover ground as Trump pledges 'relief'


Stock markets, including the FTSE 100, are staging a tentative recovery on Tuesday following their worst day since the 2008 financial crisis. Monday saw a crash in values globally, blamed on a surge in COVID-19 cases and Saudi threats of an oil price war which combined to send investors running for the hills.

Japan's Nikkei put on 0.8% as its prime minister promised to work with the central bank in calming markets. The Hang Seng in Hong Kong was 1.5% higher. 

The FTSE in London rose 1.8% - aided by a 5% recovery in Brent crude oil which was trading at $36 a barrel following Monday's collapse. Energy, travel and mining stocks were among those to claw back some value in early deals with Royal Dutch Shell leading the way with gains of more than 4%.

Maunder Minimum
10 March 2020 08:36:40

The authorities here are preparing us for the worst, but if they had implemented foreign travel restrictions at an early enough stage, perhaps the worst could have been averted:

On BBC Breakfast, Dr Harries was asked if the outbreak was progressing in the UK as expected. She replied: 

I think so yes, obviously the [5] deaths are very sad. They have been in elderly people with generally underlying conditions and that is a group that we are particularly concerned to support as we go through. But with a new virus like this we can expect a peak in cases that has a relatively slow take-off at the start and that's where we are at the moment: it will start to rise quite sharply. 


My guess is that the government decided to take the hit early during the coming spring and summer, rather than wait for a second wave. Reading between the lines of what medical advisers are saying, they want to get herd immunity by having a spread of infection around the country and that is why they have not restricted foreign travel. It is an incredibly dangerous strategy however, since they cannot possibly predict that we won't suffer an Italian style meltdown. The strategy which worked in Taiwan was to keep the virus out and under control and that has worked thus far - I guess the medics would say that you cannot keep it out forever, but the longer you do keep it out, the closer we get to a viable vaccine.


New world order coming.
The Beast from the East
10 March 2020 08:37:14


I saw a video the other day that was asking Trump supporters questions.

A women said she would still vote trump if he shot someone dead on Times Square.

Also apparently amongst Trump supports he has an approval rating of 85% in his handling of the virus so far. Even if there are pictures of bodies pilling up in his heartlands, they will somehow blame Obama

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

Its cult like loyalty, this is beyond the normal "culture wars"

Same here with Brexit. Its a religion. Supporters cant articulate why they want it but still support it even when all the evidence says its a bad idea


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Roger Parsons
10 March 2020 08:40:17

Its cult like loyalty, this is beyond the normal "culture wars"

Same here with Brexit. Its a religion. Supporters cant articulate why they want it but still support it even when all the evidence says its a bad idea

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Think of it as being "Brawn Again", Beast!

Image result for brawn


West Lindsey district of Lincolnshire
Everything taken together, here in Lincolnshire are more good things than man could have had the conscience to ask.
William Cobbett, in his Rural Rides - c.1830
The Beast from the East
10 March 2020 08:41:11


My guess is that the government decided to take the hit early during the coming spring and summer, rather than wait for a second wave. Reading between the lines of what medical advisers are saying, they want to get herd immunity by having a spread of infection around the country and that is why they have not restricted foreign travel. It is an incredibly dangerous strategy however, since they cannot possibly predict that we won't suffer an Italian style meltdown. The strategy which worked in Taiwan was to keep the virus out and under control and that has worked thus far - I guess the medics would say that you cannot keep it out forever, but the longer you do keep it out, the closer we get to a viable vaccine.


Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

and it would be less prevalent in the summer months and the NHS would be under less pressure

The govt strategy makes no sense from a health perspective, but they are only thinking of economics

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Maunder Minimum
10 March 2020 08:42:16

Irony of ironies - Mongolia managed to remain virus free whilst it was raging in nearby China, but today have recorded their first case and it is from France:

ULAANBAATAR (Reuters) - Mongolia said on Tuesday that a French national working in the country has been confirmed to be infected with the coronavirus that has spread throughout the globe, marking the country’s first case.

New world order coming.
The Beast from the East
10 March 2020 08:43:29


Think of it as being "Brawn Again", Beast!

Image result for brawn


Originally Posted by: Roger Parsons 


Makes me want to go Vegan!


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Maunder Minimum
10 March 2020 08:43:35


and it would be less prevalent in the summer months and the NHS would be under less pressure

The govt strategy makes no sense from a health perspective, but they are only thinking of economics

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

The modelling shows the peak in the UK will come in the run up to Easter - I guess that is nearly summer. But Easter will be a complete write-off this year.

New world order coming.
Gavin D
10 March 2020 08:44:25

Want to earn £3,500 in 2-weeks? 

The Queen Mary BioEnterprises Innovation Centre, London, is recruiting 24 people to be infected with two weaker strains of Coronavirus then be given a vaccine.

Justin W
10 March 2020 08:44:52


The modelling shows the peak in the UK will come in the run up to Easter - I guess that is nearly summer. But Easter will be a complete write-off this year.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

Still very much spring... mid season. Summer doesn’t begin until June 1

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
Roger Parsons
10 March 2020 08:46:45

Irony of ironies - Mongolia managed to remain virus free whilst it was raging in nearby China, but today have recorded their first case and it is from France:

ULAANBAATAR (Reuters) - Mongolia said on Tuesday that a French national working in the country has been confirmed to be infected with the coronavirus that has spread throughout the globe, marking the country’s first case.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

I almost took a job in Ulaanbaatar years ago. It was not to be. Amazing place!


West Lindsey district of Lincolnshire
Everything taken together, here in Lincolnshire are more good things than man could have had the conscience to ask.
William Cobbett, in his Rural Rides - c.1830
Maunder Minimum
10 March 2020 09:04:23



Makes me want to go Vegan!


Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

In the USA, they call what we call brawn, head cheese. Yum! Yum!

New world order coming.
Brian Gaze
10 March 2020 09:13:13


Looking at our relations' locations in Italy, Umbria is now 28 cases and Lazio [Ostia] 102. [Source Xioni!]

Reflecting on the differences between life in Italy and the UK I would single out family sociability [big gatherings, dining together, many generations in households] in Italy. I may be wrong. I also sense that the elderly in Italy are more likely to remain in proximity to their families, rather than being in social care. Again I may be wrong - it's just an impression. IMO, both these factors may contribute to the speed of CO-19 spread, but again, this is just conjecture based on my experiences there.


Originally Posted by: Roger Parsons 

No one speaks to anyone around here but it still looks like we're turning into a corona hotspot. 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Maunder Minimum
10 March 2020 09:14:58

Moldova has chosen isolation rather than allowing the virus in - from the BBC:

"Moldova has banned all foreigners from entering by plane from any country affected by the coronavirus.

The ban took effect on Tuesday, three days after the eastern European state reported its first case."

Putting aside the human angle for a moment, from a scientific point of view it will be interesting to see which of the two strategies is more effective in the long run - isolation versus allowing herd immunity to build up via exposure.

The latter strategy is only acceptable of course, if the spread can be controlled - we can see from Italy (and initially from China) what happens if it is not.

New world order coming.
Northern Sky
10 March 2020 09:19:31


Its cult like loyalty, this is beyond the normal "culture wars"

Same here with Brexit. Its a religion. Supporters cant articulate why they want it but still support it even when all the evidence says its a bad idea


Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Sounds like a perfect description of your support for the Labour Party to be fair.

Maunder Minimum
10 March 2020 09:23:44

Get lost Saint!

The isolation strategy can only work for countries which have low exposure to the virus - countries like Moldova. It may not work in Israel, since they already have local transmission.

Zero point in the UK trying to keep it out now - it is in too deep now, although allowing Atletico Madrid to come here tomorrow is absurd.

If the UK had wanted to isolate the virus, we should have done what I said when the outbreak in Italy became apparent - advised against all but essential travel to anywhere in Italy, France, Germany, Austria and then Spain - adding countries as the spread took place. Too late now.

New world order coming.
  • four
  • Advanced Member
10 March 2020 09:34:39
Saint Snow
10 March 2020 09:34:57

Its cult like loyalty, this is beyond the normal "culture wars"

Same here with Brexit. Its a religion. Supporters cant articulate why they want it but still support it even when all the evidence says its a bad idea

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 


With Trump, there seems to be 3 main strands of core support:

1) The nutters for whom that 'fire & brimstone' distortion of Christianity is the beginning and end. They abhore 'liberal' civil liberties and want to impose their puritanism on everyone. Key to that is having a majority of oppressive anti-civil liberties SC judges. They see Trump as an ally (and ignore his behaviour that's about as anti-Christian as you can get - but, like I said, American hardline Christianity is a total distortion of the Christian message)

2) Racists, white supremacists and gun nuts. Trump throws them red meat, has them a-whooping and a-hollering when he goes on his racist rants, and has always refused to condemn racist white supremacists (even going to far as to give them moral equivalence with liberal anti-racism protesters)

3) The very wealthy who hate paying taxes to help society. He's slashed taxes for the wealthy, including inheritance tax (). so they're happy with him and the rest of Trump's circus is beneath their concern.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
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