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18 March 2020 06:06:39


How do you know it is “profiteering”? As opposed to people quite sensibly making sure their families have food on the table? I very much doubt people are buying stuff up to sell it on, because in the current climate who would buy food from some dodgy stranger?


I don’t think it is even panic buying as such, simply that far more people are going shopping because they don’t know whether they will be able to do so again in the near future. Perfectly sensible behaviour, unless you always keep two or three weeks’ worth of food in your house at all times?

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

Some definitely is. The same people are known to be entering local supermarkets over and over again and taking huge quantities of toilet rolls which based on anecdotal evidence suggests an element of entrepreneurism. Others is panic. Perhaps your lucky enough to get your stuff easily and different times of the day. I am not and there are many stories of vulnerable old people unable to get stuff but thankfully not everyone is a cxnt


  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
18 March 2020 06:10:46

Well I had whatever was going around between Christmas and New Year and I've never ever had anything like it before. The symptoms matched Covid (mild) to a tee. Dry cough that developed over a couple of days, shortness of breath where every breath triggered more dry coughing etc. 

I would not be at all surprised if THIS covid we see now is a mutation of the original pathogen.

As I understand it, there was a peak in pneumonia cases around this time too.

Originally Posted by: CreweCold 

I think it’s highly likely to have spread fairly widely before it was officially detected and identified as a new virus.  

Looking at the history of it in China, they now say it started in mid November, although social media suggests it was earlier, with people reporting symptoms.  If asymptomatic and mild cases are as prevalent as some think, it could have been around and spread further before being detected.

It wasn’t reported from Wuhan until late December and only identified as a new virus in January.  Within a week several Asian countries were reporting cases, all had visited Wuhan, so it’s logical that they’d be suspected cases and tested.  While not so for visitors to other parts of China where it could have already spread.

Just my musings but a possibility. 

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