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Gavin D
19 March 2020 17:13:15
Lombardy have reported 209 new deaths in the last 24 hours.

The region now has 2,168 deaths
The Beast from the East
19 March 2020 17:14:56

While many people are still lounging by the pool, there are 2 tsunamis coming our way:

The first one will be medical as all this country's stupidity, complacency and lack of leadership will wash over the ICUs over the next 4-5 weeks.

That will be followed by the economic tsunami, which will last longer.


Originally Posted by: xioni2 

Nonsense and hyperbole

Boris seems to have the virus under control. Latest numbers are excellent

His economic package and that announced by the BofE have led to a massive rally and surge in the pound

The new drug mentioned yesterday being used in Southampton Hospital is a massive breakthrough as Trump said just now

This is now looking like a storm in a teacup and we can get back to normal soon

Well done King Boris! He has the midas touch. No wonder he is more popular than Jesus. 

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
19 March 2020 17:15:41


We do and luckily I'm the outdoor learning coordinator so I'll be spending lots of time outdoors. 

If we can somehow avoid the virus I think it will be much better mentally than being locked up at home. Difficult to think we'll avoid it but we'll just have to take our chances.

Originally Posted by: Northern Sky 

 Great to hear. I'm in the middle of my Forest School practitioner training so I will look forward to being able to get outside more and practise different skills with the children, as well as generally enjoying the outdoors which, as you say, can only be beneficial to our mental health, moreso in times like this. Due to the usual pressures in school (tests, staffing etc), I often find it difficult in my role to make time to get outside often, and for a meaningful length of time as well so there are some positives to be found.

19 March 2020 17:16:31

 Nonsense and hyperbole

Boris seems to have the virus under control. Latest numbers are excellent

His economic package and that announced by the BofE have led to a massive rally and surge in the pound

The new drug mentioned yesterday being used in Southampton Hospital is a massive breakthrough as Trump said just now

This is now looking like a storm in a teacup and we can get back to normal soon

Well done King Boris! He has the midas touch. No wonder he is more popular than Jesus. 

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

19 March 2020 17:17:22


Nonsense and hyperbole

Boris seems to have the virus under control. Latest numbers are excellent

His economic package and that announced by the BofE have led to a massive rally and surge in the pound

The new drug mentioned yesterday being used in Southampton Hospital is a massive breakthrough as Trump said just now

This is now looking like a storm in a teacup and we can get back to normal soon

Well done King Boris! He has the midas touch. No wonder he is more popular than Jesus. 

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Surely you've not drunk all that beer you got from the supermarket already?

19 March 2020 17:17:31

First sentence tells me Boris is OUT OF TOUCH

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Gavin D
19 March 2020 17:17:50
Italy have reported 5,316 new cases and 427 new deaths

A new daily high for cases with a slight drop in new deaths
Heavy Weather 2013
19 March 2020 17:18:27
Boris is deluded.
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
19 March 2020 17:18:38
Italy figures now higher than China. 427 more dead today. Shocking statistics.
19 March 2020 17:19:11

What I will say is I cant see us reaching the number of deaths that is being predicting 


Now here is one for you  , do you think that they have overhyped the numbers on purpose so when we end up a lot less he will be a hero???

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

19 March 2020 17:20:19

Boris is deluded.

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 



Thanks to the public for listening to the advice ??? 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Heavy Weather 2013
19 March 2020 17:20:38
I have to say. Boris tone and approach is appalling.
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Gavin D
19 March 2020 17:21:01
Boris: We are rapidly becoming so much better at understanding the genomics. We have our first British person into a randomised trial.
19 March 2020 17:21:38

118 medical staff have died so far in Italy including 14 doctors.

19 March 2020 17:21:58
I see the main strategy to get the public to listen better to government advice is to turn Boris's mic up to distorted levels of loudness.
Gavin D
19 March 2020 17:23:23
Boris: We are in negotiations to buy a simple antibody test  as simple as a pregnancy test that will tell if people have had coronavirus. If it's proven to work we'll buy hundreds of thousands
19 March 2020 17:23:43

The man is a bloody moron


Do we feel they are useful …..……….referring to the press conferences 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

19 March 2020 17:23:52

118 medical staff have died so far in Italy including 14 doctors.

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

Also more than 3,000 hospital staff now infected. 

Maunder Minimum
19 March 2020 17:24:16

Of the big ones, just France left to report.

New world order coming.
Heavy Weather 2013
19 March 2020 17:24:31
Does he not realise that nobody is paying attention.

He is not seriousness enough.

OMFG ‘He just asked if the media found them useful’

I swear he has had a drink.
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
19 March 2020 17:24:32

What I will say is I cant see us reaching the number of deaths that is being predicting 


Now here is one for you  , do you think that they have overhyped the numbers on purpose so when we end up a lot less he will be a hero???

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Thats what they did for swine flu.....

Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
19 March 2020 17:25:24

What I will say is I cant see us reaching the number of deaths that is being predicting 


Now here is one for you  , do you think that they have overhyped the numbers on purpose so when we end up a lot less he will be a hero???

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

I don't know what the timeframe is for the predicted deaths total. We won't get close to those numbers of deaths over the next few weeks, one would think. What about winter when a second wave is likely? Is that why the deaths are predicted to be so high? 

The cynic in me wouldn't put it past this government to exaggerate figures to make them look better long term. However, the figures are coming from the models not the politicians?

Gavin D
19 March 2020 17:26:44

Breaking: Boris Johnson has said the first British patient has been put in a randomised trial for a treatment for coronavirus.

David M Porter
19 March 2020 17:26:54




Do you really believe the UK could have kept this out? 

There is a very valid argument about managing the spread the keep the NHS from being overwhelmed, but British people needed to return to the country and some/many will have carried infection. 

The government could have implemented a strict quarantine & testing regime for the hundreds of thousands of returning British, but that would have been extremely costly to set up and administer, and those returning British people would have ranted and probably tried to sue for the inconvenience. 

Then there is the question of how long we keep the restrictions in place, and the longer term damage to the economy and society that they inflict. 

I'm far from being a fan of this government, but the entire matter and the consequences of every course of action is head-poundingly complex, with scatterings of impacts at every turn. Throwing a tantrum founded in simplistic 'solutions' is incredibly immature.

The fact is, as a globally significant economy with a large flow of people into and out of the country (both British and foreign), we couldn't hope to keep it out. The best we could ever hope for is to minimise the speed of the spread and have vulnerable and elderly people take their own actions, backed by the govt and society, to isolate until this has run its course.


Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Wrt the question you ask at the start of your post, I don't think MM or anyone else here has ever argued that complete prevention of this virus reaching the UK was ever possible or realistic. Most people, I imagine, accepted many weeks ago that it was likely to affect somewhere in the UK at some point; the first confirmed case (as far as I'm aware) was in York just before the end of January.

For me, it should have been about mitigation against the virus rather than prevention of it. That is why I agree with MM in that the govt failed to grasp the chance they had weeks ago to take the lead by putting measures in place wrt restriction of travel between this country and those countries affected by the virus at the time, and screening people returning from overseas when they arrived back at UK airports. This for me would have been no more than basic common sense.

Had steps such as those been taken before the end of January, I honestly don't believe we would now be in anything like as bad a situation as the one we are in now.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
The Beast from the East
19 March 2020 17:26:58

Why does Laura always get the first Question?

Anyway delighted to see the pubs stay open!

Well done Boris! You have my vote. We are all Tories now

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
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