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21 March 2020 16:47:05

Thank you to people for their kind responses. Much appreciated.

Originally Posted by: NickR 


i get the impression that the overwhelming majority of people on this Forum are decent human beings, kind and considerate...and whilst we may not agree in everything...clearly we don’t  otherwise UIA would be very tedious but we’d all be concerned for folk on here who may well have very difficult health backgrounds etc etc or awaiting treatment for other conditions etc is just a shame that there are a couple of posters on here who insist on posting let’s be frank, utter tripe. These posts are not helpful..sure we can disagree about the Govts response etc etc..but telling folk not to worry, just go out and get it and pop a few pills is šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬

21 March 2020 16:47:09

it’s worth a try Darren I know Teachers are going on rota but problem is nobody knows how many children  will turn in for first couple of days  so all are coming in for the first part of the week I’m guessing children numbers may reduce as time goes on.

Originally Posted by: Polar Low 

I'm grateful in a way that I don't have to be back until Wednesday! TBH the school is lucky I live on my own, the others are having to self-isolate for 14 rather than 7 days.

No such luck for me as head sees me locking and unlocking and sorting out alarms etc  and *anyway you have the grounds to look after* never mind the rest of it.

I know our site team will be thinking the same. I believe they'll be operating a skeleton staff service, with just one to unlock and another to lock up. I also imagine much of their time will be spent in the office, safely away from the kids!

Leysdown, north Kent
Gavin D
21 March 2020 16:47:40
UK data will be available later today.
  • llamedos
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
21 March 2020 16:48:33


No need for an apology , I have absorbed it  and no I'm not sensitive just had a dizzy moment 

Its ok , I have had worse from you in the past and I am still here 

Carry on , its not easy for you guys on here with us gobby lot 


Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Thanks Marcus 

"Life with the Lions"

TWO Moderator
Polar Low
21 March 2020 16:51:41

Think that’s the way forward but will it mean reduced pay during this period or reduced future holidays can’t see authorities paying for this amount of time.

Many are are already asking this question




Unfortunately it is not my choice to make. Hopefully it is just one more week, although on the plus side the majority of pupils will not be there for the majority of the time. If it needs to be longer to help others out so be it.

We have been left in a situation by the qualifications authority where essentially there is no alternative (that doesn't cast the pupils adrift). I'm not impressed to say the least. Still, compared with other people's situations it is an irritation at present rather than anything else and of little consequence (and hopefully will have limited if any increased risk for all involved).

A rota was mentioned here in passing but nothing has, as yet come of it. I'm fortunate enough that my kids are old enough to fend for themselves albeit my elder is at the mercy of whatever the exams body decides (and has as yet refused to clarify with us).

I can only hope the situation in parts of Italy are not an indication of what most countries "need" to go through and as there are so many unknowns at present I'm not sure how certain we can be,

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

Northern Sky
21 March 2020 16:51:56


Are you expected to look after (because you wont be teaching in the normal sense) the kids of essential workers? If not and you are doing admin work / preparing future course work or lessons, then surely you should be working from home?

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

I think we will have around 15 children in. All staff except those in high risk groups are expected to work, which means there will be at least 40 staff there, probably more. Some of who are having to send their own children to other schools as we are all classed as key workers. 

I'm not in until Wednesday and I'm hoping the stupidity of the situation will be clear by then. 

21 March 2020 16:53:43

 I can only hope the situation in parts of Italy are not an indication of what most countries "need" to go through and as there are so many unknowns at present I'm not sure how certain we can be,

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

Yeah I don't think we can be certain that it's just a matter of time before we become Italy. It does look likely that we'll be having hundreds of deaths daily in April, but nobody knows.

On a slightly different note, my sister was telling me about the story of a businessman in Greece, he was in Wuhan and Beijing in mid-Jan, then spent a week in Milan in early Feb and he lives in one of the hotpots in Greece. He never had any symptoms and he has now tested negative.

21 March 2020 16:54:21


My nephew was supposed to be doing his GCSEs this year. Fortunately his predicted grades are apparently very good - 9s for the subjects he is planning to study at A level. Despite that he is worried because of the uncertainty.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

We don't have a formal predicted grades system up here which muddies the water significantly. We have to concoct some form of predicted grade (after the exams body removed basically all of the mandatory coursework a couple of years ago). Either way there are a lot of stressed out young people. Some of it is avoidable but unfortunately much is not.

It's not major in the very big picture but when you have worked for your  much or the whole senior school life for a certain goal or dream and then having that decided by something not far off the throw a die it can seem massive.

PL in terms of a rota, I mean for being there in the building itself, the rest of the time will be maintaining the delivery of learning by online/virtual methods so I/we would not be working part time. 

Brian Gaze
21 March 2020 16:54:45

UK data will be available later today.

Originally Posted by: Gavin D 

What's the hold up today?

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Gavin D
21 March 2020 16:56:27

 What's the hold up today?

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 


Maybe they were busy signing off the extra beds, staff & ventilators for next week and that's held them up a bit?



Heavy Weather 2013
21 March 2020 16:57:28


What's the hold up today?

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Even the tweet saying figures are delayed. Was delayed by 2hrs as that usually comes out at 3pm.

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Darren S
21 March 2020 17:03:03


What's the hold up today?

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

I guess they have to get the figures from each local authority, of which there are well over 100, and it only takes one to be late to delay the total.

Crowthorne, Berks (87m asl)
South Berks Winter Snow Depth Totals:
2023/24 0 cm; 2022/23 7 cm; 2021/22 1 cm; 2020/21 13 cm; 2019/20 0 cm; 2018/19 14 cm; 2017/18 23 cm; 2016/17 0 cm; 2015/16 0.5 cm; 2014/15 3.5 cm; 2013/14 0 cm; 2012/13 22 cm; 2011/12 7 cm; 2010/11 6 cm; 2009/10 51 cm
Heavy Weather 2013
21 March 2020 17:08:01
793 death in Italy and 6500 confirmed cases.

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Gavin D
21 March 2020 17:15:39

Italy. Changes with yesterday.


Current cases: 42,681 (+4,821)

Deceased: 4,825 (+793)

Recovered: 6,072 (+943)

Intensive Care: 2,857 (+202)

Total cases: 53,578 (+6,557)

Polar Low
21 March 2020 17:19:07

Problem around here is that many schools only now have the caretaker working for the school the rest are agency workers and are paid by the hour with the contract with the relevant agency so I can ask for help, If I don’t unlock or lock one of the teachers has the job.




I'm grateful in a way that I don't have to be back until Wednesday! TBH the school is lucky I live on my own, the others are having to self-isolate for 14 rather than 7 days.


I know our site team will be thinking the same. I believe they'll be operating a skeleton staff service, with just one to unlock and another to lock up. I also imagine much of their time will be spent in the office, safely away from the kids!

Originally Posted by: Retron 

Gavin D
21 March 2020 17:26:00
53 new deaths in England +20 on yesterday
Polar Low
21 March 2020 17:28:56

Yes your situation a little different, children and adults with EHCP we can’t forget single parent families who have very limited options

it will be about support, guidance and supervision of that special needs group, which I must add you all do a fantastic job



I think we will have around 15 children in. All staff except those in high risk groups are expected to work, which means there will be at least 40 staff there, probably more. Some of who are having to send their own children to other schools as we are all classed as key workers. 

I'm not in until Wednesday and I'm hoping the stupidity of the situation will be clear by then. 

Originally Posted by: Northern Sky 

Brian Gaze
21 March 2020 17:39:17

53 new deaths in England +20 on yesterday

Originally Posted by: Gavin D 

Is it definitely +20? Very bad if you're right. 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
21 March 2020 17:39:31

Breakdown of the Italy deaths by age group.


Have heard numerous reports of people heading off to their second/holiday homes to wait it out (taking their stockpiled food with them?). Makes some sense but if these people do get into trouble then they may find the local hospitals aren't equipped to deal with these extra people? (although in summer there would be loads of people in these areas I suppose)

Gavin D
21 March 2020 17:39:39
The 53 patients who diedĀ in England since yesterday were agedĀ between 41 and 94 years oldĀ all had underlying health conditions.
21 March 2020 17:39:45

53 new deaths in England +20 on yesterday

Originally Posted by: Gavin D 


And yet people are still oblivious 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

21 March 2020 17:40:21

Breakdown of the Italy deaths by age group.

 Have heard numerous reports of people heading off to their second/holiday homes to wait it out (taking their stockpiled food with them?). Makes some sense but if these people do get into trouble then they may find the local hospitals aren't equipped to deal with these extra people? (although in summer there would be loads of people in these areas I suppose)

Originally Posted by: JHutch 

Norway has banned this (most people there own cottages/cabins in the woods).

Polar Low
21 March 2020 17:42:03

Yes with great sadness


BREAKINGNHS confirms 53 more deaths in England

Another 53 people with coronavirus have died in England, bringing the total of deaths in the country to 220.

The patients who died in England were aged between 41 and 94 years old and all had underlying health conditions.

Earlier, two more deaths were recorded in Wales, bringing its total to five, and another death in Scotland, taking the number to seven

Northern Ireland has recorded one death.



Is it definitely +20? Very bad if you're right. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

21 March 2020 17:43:25
233 UK deaths +53
At least it will be mild!
21 March 2020 17:43:54

Yes with great sadness

Originally Posted by: Polar Low 

People will run out of adjectives at this rate!

As I keep saying, the death rate will continue to go up quickly for at least 14 days. We will, I'm sure, be seeing a couple to a few hundred deaths a day - i.e. more than the total so far - within 10 days.

All I can hope is that as the death toll skyrockets people will finally pay attention and keep their distance from each other.


Leysdown, north Kent
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