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25 March 2020 19:27:35


The biggest scandal, as Justin said, is leaving many of front line NHS staff unprotected. They had so much time to prepare for this. 

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

not really. Every country is chasing the same kit at the same time and face similar shortages. 

the scandal is that much of the developed world has offshored so much of their strategically important supply chains in the first place. I hope the reversal of this is one of the positive things to come out of this crisis. 

25 March 2020 19:29:13


I thought the minister who said the test kits would be available on Amazon next week was speaking twaddle. Just wanted to give him / her (can't remember who it was) the benefit of the doubt. They really should be better informed about the basics. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 



Chris (It,its)
Between Newbury and Basingstoke
"When they are giving you their all, some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy banging your heart against some mad buggers wall"
Gavin D
25 March 2020 19:29:48
China's daily update from earlier today reported;

47 newly confirmed cases (all imported from abroad) 4 new deaths and 33 new suspected cases
25 March 2020 19:33:46

 not really. Every country is chasing the same kit at the same time and face similar shortages. 

the scandal is that much of the developed world has offshored so much of their strategically important supply chains in the first place. I hope the reversal of this is one of the positive things to come out of this crisis. 

Originally Posted by: bowser 

Not Germany, there is no lack of PPE there. Italy and Spain yes, but they are absolutely overwhelmed with hospital admissions. The message from China was clear and then on 24 Feb the recommendations of the WHO report to all governments was to increase rapidly the supply and making of PPE, ventilators and ECMO.  

Saint Snow
25 March 2020 19:34:15

I'm afraid we are witnessing Johnson doing what he always does. Likes to put a positive bright spin on everything but basically just lies. Hancock has "I am lying" written all over his face when he speaks. Last week he said the test kits were being delivered and there would be 25,000 test per day. Johnson today said soon to be 25,000 and then 250,000 ! He then said there had been 97,000 altogether so far which he claims is more than most Countries in Europe. Rubbish! They are just making up these numbers. Same as Brexit, all wishful thinking and no delivery. Keep saying it enough and like Trump the plebs will support you. The doctors and NHS workers know it's not true though. 

Originally Posted by: fairweather 


Perfectly put.

He's a charlatan, a snake oil salesman, an egomaniac.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Phil G
25 March 2020 19:35:19

I'm afraid we are witnessing Johnson doing what he always does. Likes to put a positive bright spin on everything but basically just lies. Hancock has "I am lying" written all over his face when he speaks. Last week he said the test kits were being delivered and there would be 25,000 test per day. Johnson today said soon to be 25,000 and then 250,000 ! He then said there had been 97,000 altogether so far which he claims is more than most Countries in Europe. Rubbish! They are just making up these numbers. Same as Brexit, all wishful thinking and no delivery. Keep saying it enough and like Trump the plebs will support you. The doctors and NHS workers know it's not true though. 

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

Do you work for the BBC?

Heavy Weather 2013
25 March 2020 19:36:30



Perfectly put.

He's a charlatan, a snake oil salesman, an egomaniac.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Yes, I’ve noticed the last few days there is a lot of self congratulations. When in fact some of these things should have been there is the first place. The tweet from PHE says it all


Update: Today 7.6 million face masks have been delivered to NHS Trusts across the country.

That’s more than 15 million face masks delivered in two days, as part of the fight against #coronavirus.


Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Maunder Minimum
25 March 2020 19:36:53


not really. Every country is chasing the same kit at the same time and face similar shortages. 

the scandal is that much of the developed world has offshored so much of their strategically important supply chains in the first place. I hope the reversal of this is one of the positive things to come out of this crisis. 

Originally Posted by: bowser 

Point well made Bowser - Spain in particular is having enormous problems securing personal protection equipment for its essential workers, as is France.

One thing we need to learn in future is to onshore production of critical stuff as you say.

New world order coming.
25 March 2020 19:38:40

 I thought the minister who said the test kits would be available on Amazon next week was speaking twaddle. Just wanted to give him / her (can't remember who it was) the benefit of the doubt. They really should be better informed about the basics. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

They have failed on communication right from the start:

  • we'll make updates every other day, only to reconsider quickly

  • leaking to journos that we'll be testing 10k around the 10th of March (more than 2 weeks ago)

  • the herd immunity shambles (it is our plan on Friday, it's not our plan on the following day, you have mis-understood)

  • the erratic and confusing reporting scheme and the lack of data on hospital and ICU admissions

  • The shambles about social distancing over the last 3 weeks (and I won't mention Johnson's shambles about shaking everyone's hands in the hospital in early march or seeing his mother on mother's day etc.

Basically we went against WHO recommendations on both testing and tracing and communications.

Saint Snow
25 March 2020 19:39:05


Point well made Bowser - Spain in particular is having enormous problems securing personal protection equipment for its essential workers, as is France.

One thing we need to learn in future is to onshore production of critical stuff as you say.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 


And you're happy to pay higher taxes for that, yes?



Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Maunder Minimum
25 March 2020 19:41:05

People love to criticise government efforts in this country, so I can only imagine what people would be saying if our government were doing the same as Sweden:

"Sweden has become an international outlier in its response to the deadly coronavirus outbreak by keeping schools open and adopting few other restrictions, as the Scandinavian nation embarks on what one health expert called a “huge experiment”. Since the UK went into lockdown on Monday evening, Sweden is the largest European country with the fewest limits on where people can go and what they can do. Schools for children up to the age of 16 remain open, many people continue to go to work and packed commuter trains and buses were reported this week in the capital, Stockholm. “Clearly, Sweden stands out at the moment,” said Carl Bildt, the former prime minister. Swedish authorities have banned public gatherings of more than 500 people, closed universities and higher education colleges, and advised workers to stay at home if possible. Authorities on Tuesday ordered restaurants and bars only to serve people at tables rather than at the bar. Local media have been full of stories of thousands of people gathering at Swedish ski resorts, which until Saturday kept their nightlife open. The virus has previously spread easily in mountain resorts in Austria and Italy.


New world order coming.
25 March 2020 19:41:21

I forgot the other idiotic shambles: we'll be really smart and use the nudge unit and nudge people towards social distancing as they won't like draconian measures.

Yesterday's yougov poll shows that 94% of the public supports the lockdown!


Heavy Weather 2013
25 March 2020 19:42:40


They have failed on communication right from the start:

  • we'll make updates every other day, only to reconsider quickly

  • leaking to journos that we'll be testing 10k around the 10th of March (more than 2 weeks ago)

  • the herd immunity shambles (it is our plan on Friday, it's not our plan on the following day, you have mis-understood)

  • the erratic and confusing reporting scheme and the lack of data on hospital and ICU admissions

  • The shambles about social distancing over the last 3 weeks (and I won't mention Johnson's shambles about shaking everyone's hands in the hospital in early march or seeing his mother on mother's day etc.

Basically we went against WHO recommendations on both testing and tracing and communications.

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

Spot on. Not to mention the complete shambles around this lockdown and massive confusion around key workers. That video of the construction site today was outrageous. The failure of minister after minister to not adequately address real life points has been nothing short of disgraceful.

We can’t even get the daily updates standardised. It’s not almost 8pm and no update. How do other countries manage to report on time?

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Maunder Minimum
25 March 2020 19:43:58

And you're happy to pay higher taxes for that, yes?

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Most of this stuff should be made in the private sector and those employed would be paying tax and national insurance. The products themselves would be more expensive than the stuff made in the swaetshops of China, but given that we are talking about critical stuff, I don't think the tax burden for local sourcing would be enormous.

Globalisation has run its course, it went too far and I was never a big fan of it in the first place. Trade is important, but being self sufficient in key areas is more important than raw cost.

New world order coming.
Maunder Minimum
25 March 2020 19:45:26


Spot on. Not to mention the complete shambles around this lockdown and massive confusion around key workers. That video of the construction site today was outrageous. The failure of minister after minister to not adequately address real life points has been nothing short of disgraceful.

We can’t even get the daily updates standardised. It’s not almost 8pm and no update. How do other countries manage to report on time?

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

So what is your view about Sweden's approach? - they are clearly prioritising the economy:

"Johan Carlson, head of Sweden’s public health agency, last week defended Sweden’s approach, saying the country “cannot take draconian measures that have a limited impact on the epidemic but knock out the functions of society”."

New world order coming.
Rob K
25 March 2020 19:46:21

People love to criticise government efforts in this country, so I can only imagine what people would be saying if our government were doing the same as Sweden:

"Sweden has become an international outlier in its response to the deadly coronavirus outbreak by keeping schools open and adopting few other restrictions, as the Scandinavian nation embarks on what one health expert called a “huge experiment”. Since the UK went into lockdown on Monday evening, Sweden is the largest European country with the fewest limits on where people can go and what they can do. Schools for children up to the age of 16 remain open, many people continue to go to work and packed commuter trains and buses were reported this week in the capital, Stockholm. “Clearly, Sweden stands out at the moment,” said Carl Bildt, the former prime minister. Swedish authorities have banned public gatherings of more than 500 people, closed universities and higher education colleges, and advised workers to stay at home if possible. Authorities on Tuesday ordered restaurants and bars only to serve people at tables rather than at the bar. Local media have been full of stories of thousands of people gathering at Swedish ski resorts, which until Saturday kept their nightlife open. The virus has previously spread easily in mountain resorts in Austria and Italy.


Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

I’ve noticed on the football score websites that just about the only matches that have been going ahead have been Swedish friendlies, along with Turkish and Belarusian and (until a couple of days ago) Australian league matches. 

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
25 March 2020 19:48:12

 Spot on. Not to mention the complete shambles around this lockdown and massive confusion around key workers. That video of the construction site today was outrageous. The failure of minister after minister to not adequately address real life points has been nothing short of disgraceful.

We can’t even get the daily updates standardised. It’s not almost 8pm and no update. How do other countries manage to report on time?

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

Italy is deep in it, it's their biggest crisis since WW2 and yet they provide clear and full data every day at the same time.

Gavin D
25 March 2020 19:48:48

Some further French data


  • 11,539 people are in hospital in France

  • 2,827 in intensive care in serious condition (+311 compared to yesterday)

  • 3,900 cured and have been discharged from hospital

  • 86% of the 1,331 hospital deaths were over the age of 86.

Justin W
25 March 2020 19:49:55

People love to criticise government efforts in this country, so I can only imagine what people would be saying if our government were doing the same as Sweden:

"Sweden has become an international outlier in its response to the deadly coronavirus outbreak by keeping schools open and adopting few other restrictions, as the Scandinavian nation embarks on what one health expert called a “huge experiment”. Since the UK went into lockdown on Monday evening, Sweden is the largest European country with the fewest limits on where people can go and what they can do. Schools for children up to the age of 16 remain open, many people continue to go to work and packed commuter trains and buses were reported this week in the capital, Stockholm. “Clearly, Sweden stands out at the moment,” said Carl Bildt, the former prime minister. Swedish authorities have banned public gatherings of more than 500 people, closed universities and higher education colleges, and advised workers to stay at home if possible. Authorities on Tuesday ordered restaurants and bars only to serve people at tables rather than at the bar. Local media have been full of stories of thousands of people gathering at Swedish ski resorts, which until Saturday kept their nightlife open. The virus has previously spread easily in mountain resorts in Austria and Italy.


Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

People criticise our government for valid reasons including:

1) The failure to order social distancing in time to save many lives. The dicking around with herd immunity when anybody with half a brain could see it would condemn many thousands to premature death

2) The absolute disgrace over PPE for NHS staff (see my post earlier in the day about a friend of ours cancelling her chemo because staff at QEQM in Margate have not been issued with PPE. This is ongoing and is unforgivable

We know that you will defend a Tory govt no matter what, Richard. But the plain truth is that while Johnson exhorts us to 'protect the NHS' he and his party have spent the better part of 40 years undermining it.

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
25 March 2020 19:53:42

 So what is your view about Sweden's approach? - they are clearly prioritising the economy:

"Johan Carlson, head of Sweden’s public health agency, last week defended Sweden’s approach, saying the country “cannot take draconian measures that have a limited impact on the epidemic but knock out the functions of society”."

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

Good luck to them, but they will probably regret it and still lockdown at the end. The Swedes though will follow every social distancing measure asked by their govt.

Maunder Minimum
25 March 2020 19:54:44


People criticise our government for valid reasons including:

1) The failure to order social distancing in time to save many lives. The dicking around with herd immunity when anybody with half a brain could see it would condemn many thousands to premature death

2) The absolute disgrace over PPE for NHS staff (see my post earlier in the day about a friend of ours cancelling her chemo because staff at QEQM in Margate have not been issued with PPE. This is ongoing and is unforgivable

We know that you will defend a Tory govt no matter what, Richard. But the plain truth is that while Johnson exhorts us to 'protect the NHS' he and his party have spent the better part of 40 years undermining it.

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

Come off it Justin, that is rubbish.

This is the struggle of a generation - nobody actually knows how it will play out or what the best approach is. Every country is struggling in its own way - Italy/Spain/France - PPE is now making its way to the frontline in volume, but there will always be localities with supply issues for all kinds of logistical reasons.


New world order coming.
25 March 2020 19:59:00

If the UK, Europe and the US don't establish a proper testing, tracing and isolation regime at the end of the lockdown (when hopefully the number of infections will have come down), then we are really doomed. We'll be having periodic lockdowns until mass vaccination and the mother of all economic depressions.


Justin W
25 March 2020 20:00:08


Come off it Justin, that is rubbish.

This is the struggle of a generation - nobody actually knows how it will play out or what the best approach is. Every country is struggling in its own way - Italy/Spain/France - PPE is now making its way to the frontline in volume, but there will always be localities with supply issues for all kinds of logistical reasons.


Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

A contemptible but entirely predictable response.

No it is not. Did you even read my post about my friend? Hancock said yesterday that all NHS staff had adequate PPE. This was a total lie.

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
Gandalf The White
25 March 2020 20:02:00


Point well made Bowser - Spain in particular is having enormous problems securing personal protection equipment for its essential workers, as is France.

One thing we need to learn in future is to onshore production of critical stuff as you say.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

The problem is government procurement rules.  

The reality is that many people, you especially, would be jumping up and down about the government wasting taxpayers' money if contracts weren't put out to tender to achieve best value for money.  That inevitably favours countries with lower costs.

If we are prepared, as we should be, to put strategic objectives towards the top of procurement policies then we would have to accept things might well cost more.


The message is the more dependent a country is on other countries for its survival the higher the risk.  It follows that the more distant the sources of supply are the greater the risk. Our dependence on manufacturing in China has been shown to be an issue in the current crisis.


Will the lessons be learned?  I hope so but I'm not convinced.

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