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25 March 2020 17:37:08
Rishi to finally announce plans to help us self employed tomorrow
Evesham, Worcs, Albion - 35m asl
Weather & Earth Science News 

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job - DNA
John Mason
25 March 2020 17:47:00

Rishi to finally announce plans to help us self employed tomorrow

Originally Posted by: Essan 


The powers that be have been useless to date.

Here I am talking with my publisher and graphic designer about turning The Making of Ynyslas into an E-book. Hard copies have flown off local shelves, but with most of those now closed, an alternative is obviously required.

Brian Gaze
25 March 2020 17:50:32

Whitty cutting right across the minister who  had said tests would be available next week:

Whitty: Tests won't be available online next week
There has been talk of antibody tests being available to buy online. These tests would allow people to see if they have been infected - meaning they should then be immune.

Chief medical officer Chris Whitty says: “Once we are confident of which tests work… there is a hierarchy of things we need to do.”

First, experts will need to assess what proportion of people get coronavirus without any syptoms, he says.

Then it will be a case of testing NHS workers to “work out who is immune to this infection and who isn’t”, then moving from there to others.

But Prof Whitty adds: “I do not think this is something we will suddenly be ordering online for next week."


Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Heavy Weather 2013
25 March 2020 17:53:46
Chris Witty has said that these antibody tests won’t be açai or next week.

More mixed messaging
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
John Mason
25 March 2020 17:53:56

Whitty cutting right across the minister who  had said tests would be available next week:

Whitty: Tests won't be available online next week
There has been talk of antibody tests being available to buy online. These tests would allow people to see if they have been infected - meaning they should then be immune.

Chief medical officer Chris Whitty says: “Once we are confident of which tests work… there is a hierarchy of things we need to do.”

First, experts will need to assess what proportion of people get coronavirus without any syptoms, he says.

Then it will be a case of testing NHS workers to “work out who is immune to this infection and who isn’t”, then moving from there to others.

But Prof Whitty adds: “I do not think this is something we will suddenly be ordering online for next week."


Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 


It's been one long trail of mixed messages.

Heavy Weather 2013
25 March 2020 17:54:46

Whitty cutting right across the minister who  had said tests would be available next week:

Whitty: Tests won't be available online next week
There has been talk of antibody tests being available to buy online. These tests would allow people to see if they have been infected - meaning they should then be immune.

Chief medical officer Chris Whitty says: “Once we are confident of which tests work… there is a hierarchy of things we need to do.”

First, experts will need to assess what proportion of people get coronavirus without any syptoms, he says.

Then it will be a case of testing NHS workers to “work out who is immune to this infection and who isn’t”, then moving from there to others.

But Prof Whitty adds: “I do not think this is something we will suddenly be ordering online for next week."


Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

The joined up narrative on this government is getting beyond a joke.

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Gavin D
25 March 2020 17:59:19
As of 1pm today 19 prisoners have tested positive for coronavirus across 10 prisons in the UK.
Heavy Weather 2013
25 March 2020 18:02:22
I am delighted with the number of NHS volunteers and it’s a wonderful example of people pulling together.

The PM I feel uses this as a prop to grab the headline and distract from the other important questions.

The media latch onto that but don’t continue to ask the tough questions that need addressing.

The PM needs to realise this is a national crisis and not an election.

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Polar Low
25 March 2020 18:10:46

Latest on school numbers have also been told to continue support during Easter holidays for key workers so school will remain open I’m happy with that if it helps somebody in hospital.

My school numbers so far  expected Monday approx 100 Actual 21 Tuesday 12 Wednesday 10

school full house >600





25 March 2020 18:12:35

The joined up narrative on this government is getting beyond a joke.

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

The biggest scandal, as Justin said, is leaving many of front line NHS staff unprotected. They had so much time to prepare for this. 

Polar Low
25 March 2020 18:18:02

 I’m proud of them!!


405,000 have signed up to volunteer in just one day

Amazing support

Originally Posted by: Gavin D 

25 March 2020 18:23:45

New York timeline every 5 days from March 5th

  • March 5: 11 cases

  • March 10: 176 cases 

  • March 15: 729 cases

  • March 20: 7,102 case

  • March 25: 30,811 cases 

To put that into perspective all of Italy has 69,176 confirmed cases and Germany have 35,740 confirmed cases

Originally Posted by: Gavin D 

It just shows the yanks are testing more people. Nothing else.

25 March 2020 18:29:07

Have todays numbers been released yet ?

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

25 March 2020 18:32:08

Chris Witty has said that these antibody tests won’t be açai or next week.

More mixed messaging

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 


We're going to have free mass testing when confinement ends

The French government is planning to provide blood tests for a large percentage of the population after the confinement period ends, to properly count the number of people infected with Covid-19.


Massive blood testing would be intended to determine who has been affected - even unknowingly - by Covid-19, and therefore - it is suggested - who is likely to be immune. It would also be able to tell who has not contracted the illness at all.

It would therefore provide a picture of how far the virus has spread throughout the population, and show people thought to be immune, and those still at risk. This would help inform the government on the precautions to take as a result.

The blood tests would be done at all normal laboratories - for example, in the same way as blood tests are normally done for cholesterol levels - a ministerial councillor told BMFTV.

The blood tests would be done for all French people, who would go to a laboratory voluntarily themselves.



25 March 2020 18:34:39
Sad about the 21-year-old girl from Buckinghamshire with no underlying health problems becoming a victim of the virus. It eliminates any doubt that young people are in fact not invincible to the disease. I'm 22 and in good health, but it proves that there is the possibility I could die from it...

People need to wake up and start acting.
Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
25 March 2020 18:37:44

Sad about the 21-year-old girl from Buckinghamshire with no underlying health problems becoming a victim of the virus. It eliminates any doubt that young people are in fact not invincible to the disease. I'm 22 and in good health, but it proves that there is the possibility I could die from it...

People need to wake up and start acting.

Originally Posted by: Bolty 

very sad but she could have had an undiagnosed condition

Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
Brian Gaze
25 March 2020 18:40:55

Have todays numbers been released yet ?

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

I've not seem them. They seem to be late on most days and it would perhaps be better if they pushed back the publication time to the evening.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Gavin D
25 March 2020 18:48:41
France have reported 2,929 new cases and 231 new deaths

A new daily high for new cases. 9 less deaths than yesterday.

86% of the confirmed deaths so far in France are over 70 years old

3,900 people were cured and left hospital
25 March 2020 18:52:50

Whitty cutting right across the minister who  had said tests would be available next week:

Whitty: Tests won't be available online next week
There has been talk of antibody tests being available to buy online. These tests would allow people to see if they have been infected - meaning they should then be immune.

Chief medical officer Chris Whitty says: “Once we are confident of which tests work… there is a hierarchy of things we need to do.”

First, experts will need to assess what proportion of people get coronavirus without any syptoms, he says.

Then it will be a case of testing NHS workers to “work out who is immune to this infection and who isn’t”, then moving from there to others.

But Prof Whitty adds: “I do not think this is something we will suddenly be ordering online for next week."


Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 


To be  honest anyone   who thought they   would be dishing out those tests to "uncle Tom Cobley and all" any time soon needs their bumps read.  It's pretty obvious  that key workers   would be prioritised - especially NHS front line staff.

I'd love to know whether I have had the ruddy thing (I had a tickly cough, tight chest and been feeling knackered for a few days but seems a bit better today)  but  I reckon it will be many  months before they get round to me (technically I'm a key worker but not front line - i.e NHS or in contact with loads of kids).


Chris (It,its)
Between Newbury and Basingstoke
"When they are giving you their all, some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy banging your heart against some mad buggers wall"
Brian Gaze
25 March 2020 18:55:18

To be  honest anyone   who thought they   would be dishing out those tests to "uncle Tom Cobley and all" any time soon needs their bumps read.  It's pretty obvious  that key workers   would be prioritised - especially NHS front line staff.

I'd love to know whether I have had the ruddy thing (I had a tickly cough, tight chest and been feeling knackered for a few days but seems a bit better today)  but  I reckon it will be many  months before they get round to me (technically I'm a key worker but not front line - i.e NHS or in contact with loads of kids).


Originally Posted by: Bugglesgate 

I thought the minister who said the test kits would be available on Amazon next week was speaking twaddle. Just wanted to give him / her (can't remember who it was) the benefit of the doubt. They really should be better informed about the basics. 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Heavy Weather 2013
25 March 2020 19:09:41
Have today’s results been published yet? Yesterday they were around 3pm I think
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
25 March 2020 19:11:13

Have today’s results been published yet? Yesterday they were around 3pm I think

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

Not yet.

Edit: still awaiting England.

At least it will be mild!
25 March 2020 19:12:21

Sad about the 21-year-old girl from Buckinghamshire with no underlying health problems becoming a victim of the virus. It eliminates any doubt that young people are in fact not invincible to the disease. I'm 22 and in good health, but it proves that there is the possibility I could die from it...

People need to wake up and start acting.

Originally Posted by: Bolty 

You do know that season flu kills healthy adults your age every year in this country right? 

Are you are aware that cold viruses kill healthy children and elderly in this country each year? 

Some of the other common cold 'Coronaviruses' have been shown to kill up to 8% of the people that get hospitalised with them.

Norovirus kill seemingly health children & adults each year. 

I could go on but the point is most illnesses have the potential to kill in any age groups... maybe its time to wake up to that 

25 March 2020 19:18:18

I'm afraid we are witnessing Johnson doing what he always does. Likes to put a positive bright spin on everything but basically just lies. Hancock has "I am lying" written all over his face when he speaks. Last week he said the test kits were being delivered and there would be 25,000 test per day. Johnson today said soon to be 25,000 and then 250,000 ! He then said there had been 97,000 altogether so far which he claims is more than most Countries in Europe. Rubbish! They are just making up these numbers. Same as Brexit, all wishful thinking and no delivery. Keep saying it enough and like Trump the plebs will support you. The doctors and NHS workers know it's not true though. 

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Rob K
25 March 2020 19:23:36


very sad but she could have had an undiagnosed condition

Originally Posted by: speckledjim 

Not much comfort because by that logic so could you or I!


Also the British diplomat in Budapest, six years younger than me and no other health conditions AFAIK. It’s scary stuff. 

At least people seem to be following the rules around here. I went out for a half hour bike ride after finishing work and it was the quietest I have ever seen it. At 5.45pm on a weekday there wasn’t a car to be seen on the A30 which is normally nose to tail. 

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
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