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Maunder Minimum
27 March 2020 14:46:39

Even taking the published figures (which we all know to be a gross underestimate) the global increase in cases is perfectly exponential.

The official global figure for confirmed cases will be over a million in a matter of days.

New world order coming.
Maunder Minimum
27 March 2020 14:49:57


You could try casting your racist views a little more widely.

"Estimates suggest that at least 400,000 pangolins are hunting and consumed locally in Central Africa each year"

Ingram, D.J., Coad, L., Abernethy, K.A., Maisels, F., Stokes, E.J., Bobo, K.S., et al., 2018. Assessing Africa-wide pangolin exploitation by scaling local data. Conserv. Lett. 11 (2), e12389.

Originally Posted by: RobN 

For Heaven's Sake!!!

What a ridiculous response from you, but completely expected.

What is the matter with you?

Nothing racist in pointing out who are the main culprits in the trade in pangolins, poached ivory, rhino horn and the like.

There is more excuse in Africa with its endemic poverty and illiteracy.

UN Report:

"Killing elephants for their ivory, slaughtering tigers for their pelts and bones, and fatally hacking the horns off rhinos have reached epidemic proportions in recent years.

Unfortunately, the bloody trail leads to Asia, particularly China and Viet Nam, where the demand and price for products from endangered species have sky-rocketed, propelled by fast-growing economies, an increase in purchasing power, the rising demand for rare animal parts to be used as ingredients in tonics, as “status symbols,” or investments, and the availability and accessibility of these products in the marketplace.

Although these endangered species are protected by international and domestic laws banning the trade in their parts and derivatives, loopholes and exceptions are actively created and exploited by those who benefit from commercial trade in wildlife.

While the State Council of China banned the buying, sale and use of tiger bone more than twenty years ago, large industrial tiger farms have emerged in the country with the sole purpose of farming tigers for the trade in their parts and products. Under pressure from commercial interest in these “tiger farms,” wildlife authorities issued licenses for wineries and taxidermists, giving their tacit approval for the commercial trade in tiger bone tonic wine and tiger pelts used for home décor.


New world order coming.
Gavin D
27 March 2020 15:07:07
China have reported  55 new cases - 54 were imported cases with 1 local case in Zhejiang.
Saint Snow
27 March 2020 15:07:09


You could try casting your racist views a little more widely.

"Estimates suggest that at least 400,000 pangolins are hunting and consumed locally in Central Africa each year"

Ingram, D.J., Coad, L., Abernethy, K.A., Maisels, F., Stokes, E.J., Bobo, K.S., et al., 2018. Assessing Africa-wide pangolin exploitation by scaling local data. Conserv. Lett. 11 (2), e12389.

Originally Posted by: RobN 


Isn't the problem more with 'wet markets' and the resultant living of humans in close proximity to such animals, than actually hunting an consuming them?

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Maunder Minimum
27 March 2020 15:14:51



Isn't the problem more with 'wet markets' and the resultant living of humans in close proximity to such animals, than actually hunting an consuming them?

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow


New world order coming.
  • NMA
  • Advanced Member
27 March 2020 15:16:40

Prophylactics are going to be in short supply:

"A global shortage of condoms is looming, the world's biggest producer said, after a coronavirus lockdown forced it to shut down production.

Malaysia's Karex Bhd makes one in every five condoms globally. It has not produced a single condom from its three Malaysian factories in the past 10 days due to a lockdown imposed by the government to halt the spread of the virus.

That's already a shortfall of 100 million condoms, normally marketed internationally by brands such as Durex, supplied to state healthcare systems such as Britain's NHS or distributed by aid programmes such as the UN Population Fund.

"We are going to see a global shortage of condoms everywhere, which is going to be scary,” Karex Chief Executive Goh Miah Kiat told Reuters this week.

"My concern is that for a lot of humanitarian programmes deep down in Africa, the shortage will not just be two weeks or a month. That shortage can run into months.""

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

This being a weather forum, I think that's what they call a perfect storm MM.

Vale of the Great Dairies
South Dorset
Elevation 60m 197ft
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
27 March 2020 15:16:53

China have reported  55 new cases - 54 were imported cases with 1 local case in Zhejiang.

Originally Posted by: Gavin D 

There have been a lot of imported cases reported from China recently. Could that be because the general population have developed immunity?

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
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Brian Gaze
27 March 2020 15:18:07

Looks like we'll be just above France and just below Italy after today's figures are included:

Brian Gaze
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Gavin D
27 March 2020 15:25:18

New Cases: 2,409

New Deaths: 541

Could be a record braking day in Italy for deaths unfortunately. 794 or more will be the worst day so far.

800+ looks quite likely given recent trends.
Gavin D
27 March 2020 15:32:26
2,409 new cases in Lombardy down from 2,500 yesterday.

The curve is flattening. But it's painfully slow.
Phil G
27 March 2020 15:44:50

2,409 new cases in Lombardy down from 2,500 yesterday.

The curve is flattening. But it's painfully slow.

Originally Posted by: Gavin D 

Can't be many left in the region. Will the numbers fall as the base figure is lower?

Maunder Minimum
27 March 2020 15:48:12

Just been told the following by a Danish friend:

Test bottlenecks are slowing down the rate of testing across Europe.

The bottlenecks are because you need huge machines and reagents for RNA separation

The producers cannot keep up of course.

These machines did not always exist.

Do you know what people did before?

They boiled it as an egg, in the exact same way as an egg.

Boiling kills all proteins in the samples and leaves only the RNA.

The RNA is what you wish to test anyways

So all tests are 2 steps

Step 1 : Huge machine to separate RNA

Step 2 : which is the easy and fast bit, is the actual test

The bottleneck is step 1

But the Danish scientists have an old researcher who remembered the old methods

So he put two of the younger to redevelop it

He guessed 95 degrees in 5 minutes, turns out its 98 in 5 minutes

It is 97,5% accurate

Where the chemical is of course near 100%

But they are not using the low tech solution, because they have only learned to use a machine to separate the RNA.

Total duration for a test using the boiling method is 1½ to 2 hours all included, so it is much faster and cheaper too.

Could test in the millions after the initial investment in the basic methodology.

New world order coming.
Gavin D
27 March 2020 15:49:34

Current worldwide data as of 15:35

  • 559,165 - Total cases so far 

  • 405,030 - Active cases

  • 383,942 - Mild Condition

  • 128,781 - Patients have recovered

  • 25,354 - Patients have died

  • 21,088 - Serious or Critical

Gavin D
27 March 2020 15:55:08

New York State

  • 7,377 new cases

  • 134 new deaths

  • 6,481 in hospital

  • 1,583 in ICU

Rob K
27 March 2020 16:13:55


I wonder how the approval rating will fare as the epidemic gathers pace across the US?  I guess that with the outbreaks largely away from areas where his core support is strongest there will still be a prevailing sense of 'not our problem'. I think it might be different as/if it spreads more widely (as seems probable).

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

The epidemic seems to be hitting New York and California disproportionately hard. Will there be many blue voters left by the end? Maybe that’s his plan. 

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
27 March 2020 16:20:02
News now the CMO, Whitty, is experiencing symptoms (or ‘symptons’ as per the text banner on BBC News).
Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
Brian Gaze
27 March 2020 16:36:07

The bin men and women got a round of applause when they came round today. Unfortunately the message went out late so a lot of us on the street missed it. I expect next week there will be more participation. 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
John p
27 March 2020 16:39:37

Camberley, Surrey
27 March 2020 16:40:07

919 deaths in Italy. I think they need to initiate a Wuhan like lock down in their hotspots. Easier said than done.

David M Porter
27 March 2020 16:40:25


It is no longer anything to do with open or closed borders. Most international travel has ceased. It is all about internal movement and contact. I agreed with you that early on, we should have shut our borders while we tracked and traced all contacts of those early infected. However, the Brexit government decided that it was not willing to 'take control of our borders' and just kept them open.


Originally Posted by: Justin W 

And that was a monumental mistake which I believe could come back to haunt the Johnson government in the long term.

It wasn't just this country which IMO was too slow to wake up to the danger posed by Covid-19 and take appropriate action a couple of months ago. My own feeling is that most of the world away from Asia probably took the view that because is started in the far east, it would only affect the countries in that region and would leave the rest of the world largely untouched. That was where us, Europe and other countries including the USA went wrong.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
Gavin D
27 March 2020 16:40:48
Breaking: Italy have reported 919 new deaths
27 March 2020 16:43:45

Looks highly likely that we will reach 1000 deaths tomorrow in total 

Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
Gavin D
27 March 2020 16:48:01

Italy past 24-hours

  • 5,959 new cases

  • 919 new deaths


  • 86,498 cases

  • 9,134 deaths.

Phil G
27 March 2020 16:48:02

Looks highly likely that we will reach 1000 deaths tomorrow in total 

Originally Posted by: speckledjim 

And with their rate, the Italians may reach 1,000 reported in 1 day.

27 March 2020 16:49:29


And that was a monumental mistake which I believe could come back to haunt the Johnson government in the long term.

It wasn't just this country which IMO was too slow to wake up to the danger posed by Covid-19 and take appropriate action a couple of months ago. My own feeling is that most of the world away from Asia probably took the view that because is started in the far east, it would only affect the countries in that region and would leave the rest of the world largely untouched. That was where us, Europe and other countries including the USA went wrong.

Originally Posted by: David M Porter 

I do get irritated with arm-chair experts who don't quite grasp the logistics of making the right decision without sufficient information.

We can all say "told you so" after the event, but it doesn't make you right.

"Life with the Lions"

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